They’re bugged right now and aren’t giving the extra bp. Save em don’t waste em.
It’s only working for the people putting it on despite the description saying it should be applied for everyone in the trial.
Ok cheers
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tfw you can't even make an offering right
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Lol, classic DBD event.
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i just played a game with doc,bbq, and the cake and got like 90 thousand points are you sure they arnt working
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such a dbd moment
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Yep well at least on Xbox
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They don't work for me, too.
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pc master race
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Yeah i don't think this is a thing on PS4. Just had a match with bbq and everyone equipped cake or party poppers and come out with over 100k BP.
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I think only the person who brings the offering gets 2x points. That's what happened to me.
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Not all of us want to get a 1.5k dollar pc just for more optimisation and a few more pixels on our screens.
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It works but im sure that they dont give bp to everyone and i tested it with some friends and it gave the bloodpoints only to the one that was putting it and it doesnt say personal so i guess another game in this bug
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Shame there's no double BP
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Yeah it’s another bug it’s supposed to grant it to all players in the trial.
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It’s a bug though it’s supposed the grant it to all players in the trial like it says in the description.
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Not for dbd. Dbd console and dbd pc aren't that different. PC gets stretched res and more fps. Let's not argue about this, since it is very stupid and immature.
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Well yeah we can't all be master race
What would be the point if you can't brag about it to inferior races?
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just finished a survivor game where 2 cakes were in play and it did nothing to my overall bp result :(
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It’s only working for the person that puts it on despite the description saying it would work for all players in the trial.
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It works on PC. I played 2 games as killer. One time 77k and one time 98k witz cake and bbq.
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It’s only working for the people putting them on, it’s not working for everyone in the trial, like the description says.
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It would not be a DBD-Event without some Bugs, luckily the Devs cared for that as well. Full DBD-expecience. <3
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Really? Oh ok, i thought for everyone. I hope they fix that.
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Where do you see that putting a gateau is required to get the bonus in ALL categories for ALL players ?
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dude you can get a great computer for around 700 or build one for that cost
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yep.. just played a match with 2 gateaus... they seem to only be working to whoever puts the offering.
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I still have a load of year 3 gateaux, will they work?
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Year 3 gateaux are fine it’s just the new ones that are bugged
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Thanks! I'll stick to those for now then
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oh ok i see thx for the info (:
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So if i put one, i'd still get the bonus, right?
*continues to use them* 😈
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Yep, just no one else in the trial will get the extra bp, only you the user. Despite it stating that everyone gets it. So go ahead if you want.
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I don't get this argument. You spend as much if not more over the lifetime of a console AND it's nowhere near as useful as a PC is.
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yeah I have hundreds of them stacked, with like over 150 of them on Plague, and yes they still grant bonus.
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That’s good, this one is just specifically the 4th year ones not working.
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ah well, I havent tried since they launched the new event, so if they are broken, they werent yesterday, I played 3 of them last night on my Legion and they worked, havent tried today though.
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3 Games on PS4 with offering, no additional BP.
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Hope they fix it soon!
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No additional BP on PC either. Had a match where two people used them and neither of them granted extra BP.
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Really wow?
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Seems like they work like a escape cake or pudding offering right now.104% more bloodpoints but only for the person that used the offering.
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You can use them just it won’t grant everyone else in the trial bp only yourself.
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DBD cant even make offerings right...Well, that's how mafia works XD
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Yes, its personal. So its not working like BPS, and more like Escape Cake.
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Devs are looking into it.
e: tried to add a link to the thread but that didn't work
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I would tell all the kids getting A's in class that, if it weren't for the kids getting F's in class, they would only be getting C's instead