theory on why devs hate solo survivors

with new crown event (and most of the events in past year) the game became hard to impossible as solo surv.
i just finished 10 matches. survived one only thanks to the key i had and finally got my nea crown..
amazing! but at white price - i had to play selfishly and be unhelpful and it sucks (same with dwight the brave and few more)..
before i used the key method - every match looked like this: we enter, no one doing gens, all look for crown, get hooked 1 time and suicide...
thats 9 out of 10 matches i played right now as SOLO surv.
so all this years and we got to the 4th anniversary and solo survivors cry still fall on deaf ears.
what you think is the reason devs ignore solo survivors and only focus on SWF?
The devs don’t hate solo Survivors. They’ve said it many times that they want to close the rift between solo and SWF, but it’s not easy. Also, they don’t cater to SWF either. There’s a bunch of perks dedicated to solo players, such as Kindred, Aftercare, Better Together, and more. All of those perks I named, SWF never use them, and that’s for a reason.
The only reason solo is marginally more difficult than SWF is due to lack of communication and teamwork. Trust me, I’m a solo player myself, and oftentimes my teammates won’t even let me heal them while they Self Care in a corner and I have Autodidact. It’s frustrating, but that’s how it is in any multiplayer game flying solo.
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If devs were so self centered about SWF every aura reading perk woudn't have got buffed in the first place (Kindred, Bond (on first levels), ecetera.)
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i have no idea what ranks you play, but at red ranks the things i see are amazing.... how after such gameplay they even manage to get to red ranks.
killers stand and camp yelling at solo survivors that we swf rushed gens.
survivors suicide on the hook after 2 minutes and killers go out of their ways on the 2 surv who left.
all resent updates and survey that ask me which outfit i wanna pay for, makes me think that not only they gave up on fixing matching, they gave up on the balance.
to say some perks got buff cause solo use them and swf not and its amazing change, no.
100 buffs wont help if your team suicide the moment they get hooked, miss all their skill checks on the first minutes or they just dont wanna help.
it's sad that we need to skip on good perks for a perk such as aftercare only because there are better perks, but suited more for swf and really make their gameplay easy.
my suggestion is to buff solo survivors, maybe even open for them extra perk slot to balance out.
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To be fair, I wouldn't let you touch me if I knew you had Autodidact either.
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Don’t say I didn’t try to help. 🤷♂️
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You probably hear this phrase thrown around all the time, but I bounce between rank’s 1 and 2. I have no idea what ranks you play, but I never experienced such a magnitude of incompetent teammates that you seem to encounter. Needless to say, everything you described just sounds like a huge over-exaggeration.
Not every Killer camps. Not all solo Survivors kill themselves at the first chance they get.
And buffing Solo wouldn’t do anything. After all, SWF or not, all Survivors are capable of the same things. Giving them anything more than they already have is completely unnecessary, and doing so will throw off the balance that you speak of (it IS an asymmetrical game).
Lastly, people sleep on informative perks such as Aftercare. It’s not the end of the world if you have to sacrifice a perk slot for information. It’s in the game to be used. Experiment with different builds. You’re not gonna win every game, and sometimes you may feel cheated. Like they used to say around the community: adapt and overcome.
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So if all survs look for the crown theyre just idiots. I dont even start looking for them in first place. I play the game like everytime and I will stumble onto one or i will have time to Look for it at the end before leaving. There is no need to throw games just for looking after the crown.
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They focus on changes that effect SWF for the good of Killers and their play experience. Unfortunately when you tune a game to the strongest, but smaller group within your player base...the weakest and largest group gets left behind. But, Killers are needed to play this game. So their QoL has to be enjoyable too. Its a conundrum they have failed to really balance. After the major map patch, I actually felt like it wasn't nearly as bad for solo survivor as I thought it would be. It was tougher but not impossible and if that made the Killer experience better, thats great. But after the last patch and this event...I can't even. Solo survivors are a seriously neglected part of this game. Which is crazy. They are the largest part of the player base and just as necessary as Killers to keep the game alive.