when can we expect a fix for the event cakes?

Nearly 2 days? The event just started yesterday. But yea i hope they will fix it soon.
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The event is 24 hours old, so not 2 days, plus today is a National Holiday in Canada, so I wouldn't expect a fix today.
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It'll be fixed right before it ends, like usual... 😒
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I'm curious. Don't they test these things before Rolling them out? I mean, this isn't new. It's the 4 year anniversary. You would think these kinda things wouldn't happen by now, but... Not trying to be rude or disrespectful, but why does this stuff still happen?
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Offerings don't expire, so no worries... Although, its a pity so many of them are wasted selfishly now.
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Tell that to my 30+ BBQ offerings.. Lmao
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It's not a national holiday, it's just in Quebec
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well.. the event started yesterday + today its nearly 2 days lol
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The event started about 24 hours ago.
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I understand that its 140% right now, but I think many would agree that stacking it does way more for everyone that just 140% individually.
Is it going to stay like this or is there a fix coming to it soon?
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I feel like there was supposed to be a hotfix yesterday as they always drop 2 of them after the chapter and mid-chapter updates, but because of the offerings bug I think they’ll put it in the hotfix and release it ASAP, but we don’t know how long it’ll be till it’s ready.
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This seems a very poor explanation I am sorry. How did this bug pass through testing is beyond me... unless testing wasn't done (which I believe is what happened) BUT letting an event go for 24 hours without fixing the main event item (the only one common to killer and survivors) is just poor user experience and poor handling of the situation.
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soon TM xd
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Hopefully soon. But don't worry, we can take "advantage" of the bug!!!
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well this started the other day not 2 days ago but i hope it fixed.
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hopefully soon
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Um, What national Holiday is today? I must have missed the memo.
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a religious holiday for John the Baptist.
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So are you saying it's 140% now but DOES NOT stack?
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Thanks @Orion I didn't know what holiday it was, just that it was an off day - not living in Canada and all, I have enough trouble keeping up with UK Bank Holidays let alone other Countries!
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probably toward middle of the event, for some reason fixes like this can't be made simply, it takes time
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Also, what is the issue with the cakes?
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It's been over 24 hours and the main point of the event is still broken. How has there not been an update or fix yet?
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edited due to thread being merged my answer is redundant
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Ah, it's a Provincial Holiday. Makes sense. Thought I came into work when I could have stayed home.
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Then that's a poorly timed event with an holiday on the second day of the event.
They weren't able to fix the issue on the first day and now they relax on the second day....
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This. Theres really no excuse for this not being fixed yesterday. The event is only a week long
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You can't have your cake and eat it too.
Ba dum psh
Okay, I'll just leave now.
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they believe the bug is an advantage, so don't expect a fix any time soon.
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2 weeks
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I guess it has only been a lil over 24hrs. I mean, I'm a lil aggravated, but some are like:
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Does bhvr even qa/qc iits code ? Every thing is a complete shitshow.
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Still no fix to it. :(
Have to resort to just stacking bloody party streamers or whatever. And trying to get people to do that.
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two weeks* but still theres no excuse
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No, it's only a holiday in Quebec. I live here. I was born in western Canada. Please verify your information before posting. Jean-Baptiste day is Quebec only. It's not even close to a "national holiday".
Besides - those are both poor excuses. This shouldn't have been a thing to begin with. The event should be extended by however long this takes to fix, cause this is a damn joke.
Though - with the state of the game after the last few patches, we shouldn't be surprised that the event ended up bugged. It's clear BHVR doesn't play test anything; and if you're going to tell me they do play test...it's obvious they do a lackluster job of it if this SOMEHOW got passed QA.
You can reprimand me for saying that if you want - but I'm being more than respectful, and I'm not saying anything that everyone here doesn't already know is 100% accurate.
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@SloppyKnockout that information was very politely provided earlier in the thread by Orion - thanks for the heads up though.
And whilst you might think things aren't tested, I can assure you they are - sadly things go wrong, as happens when you are dealing with a live game.
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"Things go wrong" is a bit of an understatement.
Hell, look at the sound issues. You guys LITERALLY had those in your patch notes listed as "fixed"...and they released more broken than they were before. We're not talking about minor bugs that all games seem to have. We're talking about things that are GLARINGLY obvious to the point where a blindfolded, stuck in a closet with the lights off Stevie Wonder would notice within 5 minutes of playing. We'd understand if they were just minor things, but the stuff BHVR somehow allows through QA is nonsense. This event is just the cherry on the cake.
You can say BHVR play tests all you want - there's absolutely zero evidence to that. Unless they play test, see the bugs, and simply don't care to fix them on time. This is evidenced by the fact that the community TOLD you about all the issues in the PTB...3 weeks before the patch...and it somehow still released that way.
So I repeat - if they do play test, they do a lackluster job; and we have enough hard evidence to say that's an actual fact at this point.
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Problem with some bugs is that they do not appear for everyone, the sound bug for example - not everyone is experiencing it, in fact very few people are. So trying to isolate the cause of that, is a lot more difficult than if it was a bug that's affecting everyone.
But this is not the subject of this thread, and is quite off topic.
Whilst you do not have hard evidence of anything to do with the testing or the design of the game, I fortunately do - and I can assure you how hard the team work on this game and how much testing is done. These things happen in live games and whilst I appreciate how frustrating it is, to say that work is not carried out is incredibly disingenuous.
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I didn't experience any sound bugs, nor did the majority of players. Bugs that are hard to track down are hard to fix, and people who were experiencing them were very hostile to those of us who weren't and refused to cooperate and share system information to help the devs figure out what was going on.
What you're saying, about there being no evidence of play testing, is called "survival bias". You see the bugs that weren't caught by QA, so you conclude that these are all the bugs that exist and no bugs were ever caught by QA. Do you seriously think BHVR would spend money hiring play testers if they didn't intend to play test to begin with?
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That right there is the root of BHVR's problem. Lack of accountability, and ability to dismiss what people say.
Your post is 100% invalid given the fact that this is literally an every patch occurrence.
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This entire event is insult to injury. Not only are the crowns lame, but the alternative to the bloodhunt doesn't even work..
I don't feel entitled to some super fun experience just because it's june, but at this point It's just embarrassing.
I can't help but feel if they had some real competition for this game on the market, a lot of these shortcomings just straight up wouldn't be allowed to happen.
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Thank you. Good to see someone out there sees how embarrassing this is.
If it were just one or two bugs every now or then, instead of literally something game breaking every patch, then it wouldn't be a big issue.
The event being completely bugged into oblivion, like you said, is insult to injury. At this point I find it hard to believe some of this isn't intentional and they secretly laugh at is behind the scenes.
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I like the crowns and don't think they're lame at all. Was I expecting more? Yes. But that doesn't mean the crowns are lame.
Yes, every patch has bugs. This happens with every piece of software ever made. Have you done any programming? Bug squashing is a #########.
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"Bugged into oblivion"
There's one bugged offering and one issue that seems to go away when you restart the game. Let's not be overly dramatic.
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If you want me to be real about it - I didn't even key that phrase. It was one of their fog whisperers. One that streams late at night (or early morning, depending on location); and they are right. Given the fact that the bloodpoints if peoples primary reason for grinding during an event, the offering FOR bloodpoints being broken qualifies as "bugged into oblivion".
Keep gunning for that trusted badge, man.