New Killer Idea: The Mimic

Halazel Member Posts: 3

The Mimic

Map: Theater (it has a large first floor and a smaller floor above it. it is a closed map, with a stage and an auditorium in the center, the stage is always with a generator on top of it and, after repairing it, its curtains open and the stage lights come on)

Weapon: Steel Cane

Passive Skills:

-Has no noise or breathing, only terror radious

Power: Mimicry

-Gradually loads automatically every 40 seconds.

-There is always a horizontal indicator line in front of the killer (similar to the visual indicator of trapper traps)

-Use the power, it will start a 3-second animation of The Mimic by feeling an invisible wall in place of the line. After the animation, an Invisible Wall will appear in the place of the line

-It is not possible to use the power if there are already 10 Invisible Walls on the map

Invisible Wall:

-The Mimic and the Survivors are not able to cross the Invisible Wall (it has a collision)

-The Mimic can always see all the Invisible Walls in a yellow aurea

-Survivors have no visual indicator of the Invisible Walls

-The light from lanterns does not pass through Invisible Walls

-The Invisible wWll remains in the same place indestructibly for 1 Minute and 40 Seconds

-Cannot be created when: they are 8 meters close to another Invisible Wall; 4 meters of Hooks or Exit Gates Switches; 2.5 meters from pallets; when the Invisible Wall is placed in a location that is detected as the only entrance or exit to an area or any area belonging to the Basement

-The height of the Invisible Wall is similar to that of the killer, and its length is similar to that of an overturned pallet

-Whenever a survivor collides with an Invisible Wall, it briefly glows red

The Mimic Add-ons:

Common- Reduce the time it takes to charge Mimicry power by 6%

Common- Increase the length of the Invisible Wall by 20%

Common- Whenever a Survivor collides with an Invisible Wall, reveal that survivor's aura for 3 seconds

Common- Increase the maximum number of Invisible Walls that can exist simultaneously on the map by 2

Uncommon- Increase the maximum number of Invisible Walls that can exist simultaneously on the map by 1 and increase the duration of Invisible Walls by 9%

Uncommon- Increase the length of the invisible wall by 50%

Uncommon- Reduce invisible wall implementation time by 40%

Uncommon- Whenever a Survivor collides with an Invisible Wall, apply Blindness and Oblivious effects to that survivor for 30 seconds

Uncommon- Whenever a Survivor collides with an Invisible Wall, apply the Hindered effect for 15 seconds to that Survivor

Rare- Start the trial with Mimicry power already charged and reduce the time it takes to charge Mimicry power by 3%

Rare- The height of invisible walls becomes infinite and crosses ceilings. Increase the length of the invisible wall by 30%

Rare- Increase the duration of Invisible Walls by 18%

Rare- After creating an Invisible Wall, become Undetectable for 15 seconds

Rare- Reduce Invisible Wall implementation time by 20% and increase the duration of invisible walls by 9%

Very Rare- While the Mimicry power is fully charged, The Mimic's movement speed is 4% higher

Very Rare- The first Invisible Wall created in the Trial has an eternal duration

Very Rare- Whenever The Mimic creates an Invisible Wall, apply its Terror Radious to all Invisible Walls for 15 seconds

Very Rare- Reduce the time it takes to charge Mimicry power by 10% however, The Mimic is not able to see the auras of Invisible Walls when the power is fully charged or when 10% or less is missing to be fully charged

Ultra Rare- The Mimic is able to pass through Invisible Walls. After crossing an Invisible Wall, it is destroyed and the Mimicry power carries 1% of its total charge for every remaining 9 seconds of that Invisible Wall

Ultra Rare-Reduce the duration of Invisible Walls by 20%. While observing through an Invisible Wall, it is possible to observe the auras of all Survivors


-Hex:Crackling Blaze

From the start of the trial, every 55/50/45 seconds, earn 1 token. For each token, gain a stack-able 2 % buff to Picking-Up, Dropping, Pallet Breaking, Generator Damaging and Vaulting speeds and also 1% movement speed until the Hex:Crackling Blaze is purified.

-Quantum Flames

When a Dull Totem is turned into a Hex, it looks like a Dull Totem for 80/95/110 secs. whenever a Generator is made, Hex totems that are not under the effect of Quantum Flames look like dull totems for 80/95/110 secs.

-Entity Fury

Starts with 4 tokens. When a pallet is dropped within a radius of 22 meters while you are on a chase, there is a 55/65/75% chance of spending 1 token and destroying it automatically.


  • Bigblue
    Bigblue Member Posts: 2
    edited June 2020

    This a great idea tho I love this killer You think this all I think you are a clever man lol I hope Devs see this and give it a try or want to make that