Homophobic killer
Basically, I asked how the killer knew where i was at end game since i was crouching and hiding near the exit gate and instead of looking for the hatch, the killer came DIRECTLY to me. I said it's strange how you came straight to me instead of looking for hatch and then he decided to say add me on discord and then call me a #########. I find this behaviour ABSOLUTELY VILE and DISGUSTING! I was about to put GG anyways before he called me that. His perks show that he couldn't have known where i was especially since i was in a locker when the last person died because he was leather face and i wasn't taking ANY chances. What do you all think of this behaviour? is anyone else sick of the homophobia and bullying.
Maybe i should have just put GG but it was very suspicious and then 2 others said he did the same thing to them so i have decided to report them for hacking and put, it's a potential hacker. Some of the actions felt very suspicious.
Not going to lie, i put enjoy your ban because i was really pissed and wanted him or her or they to regret their actions. Why are some people so evil
I've been playing DBD for years but stuff like this makes me not want to play tbf.
I was NOT in this survive with friends and the name are a little.... anyways, but yea no perks for crows nor whispers etc.
Since i reported him for potentially hacking, it won't let me report his vile behaviour and slurs?
You could get banned for naming and shaming if you don't block out the names.
Otherwise, I agree, this behavior is vile.
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Welcome to 2020. I stopped getting those naive enough to write in the chat and get an ez ban but when I play with a gay nick or a public profile then it's an endless rain of moris and face camps. You should be happy because what he wrote is bannable unlike being targetted each game.
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I was unaware of this. I didn't know you could banned for showing toxic behaviour. I'll remove it now
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cant name and shame here friend. even if that's absolutely what should happen to people who do verbal abuse.
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Removed the pictures with the names, Thanks for the advice y'all.
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Whatever he is hacking or not, maybe it's just guessing to find you.
But he can't say that word and need a ban, not for possibly hacking but just the words.
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I am sending in a report with his ID and all the information to customer support thing
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You cant report someone on DBD for what they did on discord btw. If they said stuff in game, you could report it...but the devs cant punish ppl for what they do outside of DBD. Also, just curious...what were YOUR perks. I had a survivor resently try to throw me off using red herring, but I had ruin+survalence so I knew they werent working on the gen to have failed a skillcheck on it and immediately acted to yank em from a locker instead. Couldve been something similar.
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My perks were Adrenline, Spine chill, Balanced Landing and Self Care | I usually run this build solo and when I'm in a team, I'll use more helpful ones. The chat was in game and it's been reported now. It was VERY ODD behaviour and a few others said the same happen to them. Instead of finding the hatch, the killer comes STRAIGHT to my location, Like my spine chill was lit to the gods. I of course, Questioned the strange behaviour and that's when he got toxic and told me to add him on discord, which i was NOT DOING. Since i know a lot of people like to use Discord to DDOS etc and i am not risking it.
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So what someone called you a name over the internet the best thing to do is report and move on. People like that get off by people's reaction to what they say so if you don't react they don't anything from it
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To follow up from this, When i was on the hook, he went STRAIGHT to a person hiding and knocked them down even thought they were crouching and not in view at all. Just very strange behaviour hence why i questioned it
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Yea, I regret even giving a reaction to the person or even caring, but that's sadly a thing i do. I go all defensive which is an annoying thing i do but i am working on it. I reported about 5 minutes ago so hopefully it goes well :)
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You didn't have to remove the screenshot, just block out the names.
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welcome to community if you never get this kind of hatred that's meant you're not playing well this whole time 😀
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And to think players actually want LGBT oriented cosmetics and charms.
I can't imagine, nor I want to imagine what type of issues it will bring.
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Just reuploaded the screenshots but with names blurred
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I've been in this community for ages, I am aware of the toxicity that it comes with. The amount of times i play killer and get told what to do... I don't camp nor tunnel but every time i get a comment saying you SUCK tunneler and I just go off. No matter what this behaviour is NEVER ACCEPTABLE.
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There is a lot of hate for the LGBTQIA community. The amount of times, I've been in the DbD discord and people have ignored me or called me a FAG for having a pride emoji in my name or "SOUNDING TOO GAY" . I think from now on, I am going to stream my games etc or record them for proof. No one should be treated differently for their age, weight, religion, skin, gender etc.
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I don't want sexual relations with you when I call you a ######### and you're not my Dad if I call you a mother #########, so how is calling you a f** any different?
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Few more bans here and there :)
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I didn't know that word was offensive until now...
I thought that this has something with the frogs XD
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You can't ban for tunneling, or using Moris on people using the charms or cosmetics.
You can't just "ban" people and your problems will go away.
That's disgusting. I haven't been discriminated against on Discord, thank God.
But yes, that's awful. I haven't tried recording voice, but I'm sure any recording device that your PC has will do the trick.
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I mean.. He probably called you a ######### for crouching in the corner of the map, its toxic but... whatever.. You want to ban someone because of a word?
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I thought the suffix -phobic meant that you were scared of it. It seems he just wanted to use colorful language like it's 2011, I miss those days, now it seems everyone is too sensitive.
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I agree people are sensitive these days, but theres still no excuse for throwing around insults like that, gay or not. It's 2020. It's time to grow up and realise the world is full of different people. We don't need idiots like that trying to be funny just because its on the internet.
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You realize that specific insult isn't always or even most of the time actually talking about gay people right? Your attempt to ban this guy is pathetic and I can tell you it won't work anyway. If you have time to try and get people banned for stupid stuff like this then you have time to be productive.
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I wish we could ask steam maybe to call the police to this type of people
How much do you want bet that I am getting banned for this comment?
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People are such crybabies. Son, go serve a military service or something and dont be so weak. If you use the internet, get used to trolls saying stuff...
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Sorry that you had this experience, as you have reported the person for hacking please make sure to send your video evidence to Support: https://support.deadbydaylight.com/hc/en-us The Chat logs are automatically saved and these will get looked at.