Great first impression and now regret buying it, waste of money was great at first, maybe 10 first hours or so. Me as noobish survivor playing against some noobis Hunter or Trapper most of the times on best level in game - Silent Hill. Great experience. So i bought game. And after another 30 hours i regret buying it. It is stunning how convoluted in bulls..t this whole experience is, and now when i understand more why something is happening (most of the times, 50% of times...) it is stunning how badly designed some of the parts are.

First of all it would be nice to know there is a interactive Tutorial. I discovered it now, after 40 hours. GJ for letting player know how to play.

Hud is to small, dosent explain anything, basically bunch of small icons telling player nothing usefull. You have to know, and even if you know, you have to look at them and be avare of them. Often i dont even know when im Oblivious or something. Game is really bad at giving player any feedback.

This whole blood net and blood points, devs could cut out all this colossal waste of time and nobody would notice. I beat nobody would be missing it too. What is the point of unlocking the same skills, over and over again to, basically, different skin. Because thats what survivors are - every single one of them is just different skill. Just grind those bloodpoints to unlock skill you want for other survivors/killers and voila, everyone are the same. I dont understand why unlocking skills for other is even an option. Or more to the point, why do i need grind so much - if everyone can have anything, not only everyone is the same, but there is no point to unlocking anything.

Skills should not be shared or everything should be unlocked from start to not waste player time. IMO best if not shared and unlocked. Why i cant just play the game? Why this artificial progress even exist? What is the point? To waste player time?

Thats another example of bad design. Because if every survivor can have any skill, they are all the same. And also the killers. Its even worse, because while playing Legion for example, i can expect he could have this closet skill to reveal my location. But everyone can have that... So basically i never know against who im fighting and why they know where im. It just... Stupid.

And tapping, OMG, gameplay mechanic invented in 80s, because back then people had only one buttton and 4 diretions to control the whole game. Tapping a button? Seriously? In 2020? Now i just giving up most of the times after secound time on hook and i after playing more with players on higher levels i see more and more of them doing the same. It is not fun, challenging or exciting. It is boring, tiring and tidious. Especially in 10-15 minutes gameplay loop like this.

Uh... I ramble enough, i guess.

Devs, you have really good game here. Its just convoluted in F2P economy (disgusting), archaic game design (tapping in 2020, lol), lack of balance in gameplay (some of the killers are just bulls.t, or maybe some skills) etc. You should pay more attention to gameplay experience, because all those killer/survivors skins you are making now (to milk more money), yeh, its not enough to keep new player like me.

Ps. One of the worst events i seen for a while. Why do i have play to unlock anything? Just give players +100% and free crown skin. Jesus, its not that hard to make good event, just look at Minion Masters or something. Its not celebration when i have to work to earn it. And it feels like it - work to celebrate with this usless disadvantageous crown looking like a golden turd (im sorry, but design of this crow is so ugly, and its look like a turd).


  • MadArtillery
    MadArtillery Member Posts: 826
    edited June 2020

    There's a tutorial? Like actually a tutorial? When did that get added? As for perks ya it does make survivors pretty one dimensional. There are differences between them like Ace having the quietest everything, Jeff being the loudest character but the devs of course never actually tell you these things in the interface. Killers are very varied though, Much more about the power which can be extremely game changing.

    Blood web is grindier than most pay to win mobile games which is certainly an impressive feat. Doesn't seem like the developers care how off-putting it is though.

    Post edited by MadArtillery on
  • Erk
    Erk Member Posts: 230

    So you want everything from the start or you don't want teachables ? Everyone will play Laurie and about the "I don't know the killers' perks" part, that's the point. If you know all of his/her perks then you have really important knowledge.

  • VSchmitt
    VSchmitt Member Posts: 571

    Jeff is the loudest? Everytime I play Steve seems like I'm in a low-budget porn movie 'cause his moans are so loud hahahaha.

  • Dabihwow
    Dabihwow Member Posts: 3,409

    yeah dude you had to at least look at it before you buy it, I didn't do as much research before hand and I kinda regret it, but come on your just gonna quit just like that?

  • Bovinity
    Bovinity Member Posts: 1,522

     and now when i understand more why something is happening (most of the times, 50% of times...) it is stunning how badly designed some of the parts are.

    So much this.

    I think I liked the game a lot more before I thought about it too much. Although that holds true for a lot of games, it's doubly so for this one.

  • BigTimeGamer
    BigTimeGamer Member Posts: 1,752

    I mean, quitting over the BP grind is understandable, its actually insane how bad it is, even after 1k hours it doesn't stop feeling like crap. I've had plenty of friends pick up and immediately drop the game when the realize the time commitment required to unlock all of the good perks, its really bad.

    people saying he should've looked this up prior to buying should be ignored, name another game that has a grind that ruins the game this much, because even WoW isnt this bad.

  • HawkAyeTheNoo
    HawkAyeTheNoo Member Posts: 731

    The modern day gamer, wants everything handed to him on a plate. He'll be asking for gens to walk to him next so he doesnt have to strain his wee fingers.

  • TerrorTrooper
    TerrorTrooper Member Posts: 94

    i like how the mobile system works with perks and add on's, to bad they can't transfer that to the pay to play version.

  • Dabihwow
    Dabihwow Member Posts: 3,409

    okay yeah true,(particularlly for wow) but that's because its an MMO, this is not. But I get what your saying I just think people don't expect these type of grind from a multiplayer game rather than an MMO

  • Papayarng
    Papayarng Member Posts: 73

    I literally cannot agree with you more on the tapping thing. So many times have i been about to get saved but the stupid meg lets go of the button and i don't realise, am still on the hook, havent got time to start tapping again, and die. Literally anything else please

  • xEa
    xEa Member Posts: 4,105

    First of all it would be nice to know there is a interactive Tutorial. I discovered it now, after 40 hours. GJ for letting player know how to play.

    Is it really the developers fault you dont look? I started the game and 2 minutes later i played the tutorial. This is the first time ever i heard somebody was not aware that there is a tutorial. I mean how can you miss it when it is on the main screen?

    Hud is to small, dosent explain anything, basically bunch of small icons telling player nothing usefull. You have to know, and even if you know, you have to look at them and be avare of them. Often i dont even know when im Oblivious or something. Game is really bad at giving player any feedback.

    HUD is perfect, there is no need for more information. In fact it would only distract from what matters. And the lack of information is part of the game.

    This whole blood net and blood points, devs could cut out all this colossal waste of time and nobody would notice. I beat nobody would be missing it too. What is the point of unlocking the same skills, over and over again to, basically, different skin. Because thats what survivors are - every single one of them is just different skill. Just grind those bloodpoints to unlock skill you want for other survivors/killers and voila, everyone are the same. I dont understand why unlocking skills for other is even an option. Or more to the point, why do i need grind so much - if everyone can have anything, not only everyone is the same, but there is no point to unlocking anything.

    Its a grind. Without the grind, the game would be dead by now. And is it really "so much"? To get a decent perk setup you need to spend maybe 3 million bloodpoints. That could be done in a few days.

    Skills should not be shared or everything should be unlocked from start to not waste player time. IMO best if not shared and unlocked. Why i cant just play the game? Why this artificial progress even exist? What is the point? To waste player time?

    I guess you mean perks? If so, it is defnitly good how it is. It gives you more options to create builds.

    Thats another example of bad design. Because if every survivor can have any skill, they are all the same. And also the killers. Its even worse, because while playing Legion for example, i can expect he could have this closet skill to reveal my location. But everyone can have that... So basically i never know against who im fighting and why they know where im. It just... Stupid.

    Killers have their unique powers and overall unique mechanics. And you complain is very shortsided too - i had the same as a beginner, but trust me, the longer you play DbD, the more you will like it. Finding out which perk the killer is running is a helpful skill as survivor. Not knowing that the killer can only have this and that perk makes it actually better.

    Most of your complains are the ones many people have when they start, because they dont realise the pros of most points. Give it a while, and you will actually appreciate things you might hate now.

  • Thrax
    Thrax Member Posts: 974

    Do you play wow? Have you done the grind for even halfway decent corruption gear and the dozen currencies with the most recently released expansion? WoW is bad but at least you can cooperate and if people want they can give their friends an easy run through an instance or raid. I wouldn't suggest either as a model of perfect design. Takes almost 3 months of daily endgame grind to get to a point where you can compete in PVP per character IF you do everything available. It took A lot of flak to make it just a bit easier making Heart of Azeroth abilities earned unlock on other characters.

  • Jukenobi
    Jukenobi Member Posts: 301

    This feels like some bad bait.

  • ggezbaby
    ggezbaby Member Posts: 404

    Trash bait. Sorry entitled survivor, you do have to put in SOME work to get OP perks. Everything should absolutely not ever be available from the beginning. Gives no incentives.

  • grassdirtsky
    grassdirtsky Member Posts: 174


  • mike4156
    mike4156 Member Posts: 222

    people complain about swf but let me tell ya its not too easy to get my friends on this game most of the time lmao.

    I love that someone fresh gave a review on the game here. Really gives you a perspective of new player, i totally forgot what its like after 4 years, I agree to a extent, survivors are all the same i hate that theres teachable perks, makes it take ages for new players to accumulate a good build. Meanwhile matchmaking will prob throw you in with a red / purple rank killer

  • MadArtillery
    MadArtillery Member Posts: 826
    edited June 2020

    Ya Steve is up there but even Jeffs uninjured breathing is nearly as loud as some characters pain grunts. Very very easy to track uninjured.

  • LudvigVonBastard
    LudvigVonBastard Member Posts: 13

    Dude, i BOUGHT this game, its not my secound work. And it sure feels like it, i need to grind endlessly to make any hero playable, and on top of that every hero is the same, so what is the point of that anyway? Killer are slightly different, and that would be great, but with shared skills even they feel the same. Almost every killer now have skill from guy with chainsaw and i learn that after games end, of course. So basically you dont know WHY while playing. Thats dumb.

    Let me ask you - do you have to grind in fighting game to unlock every move with every fighter? No, because that is bad design. Or - every fighter in fighting game have shared moves? Also - no. Usually devs want diversity. Not here, i guess...

    11 years after release of L4D2, there is absolutely nothing to unlock in this game, and i still dont have any problem with finding a game. People are still playing. And nobody will remember about DBD after 11 years... Think about that. Good game will be played no matter what. Good gameplay is everything, no endless grind to unlock usless skills, bonuses and items.

    Main point, i dont need grind to have fun with game. And this one here would be better without grind. Not only that, there is basically nothing to grind for here... Its not MMO or RPG, just multiplayer stealth game. Why do i need to grind to play? Tell me that.

    ...but if every killer can share skills, what is the point? I should know - ok, im fighting Legion - no hiding in closets, right? That would be fine, but with shared skills you dont know why you are exposed to killer, not until the game ends, and thats a litttle bit too late, dont you think?

    Kiddo, i was a gamer before you were born. And yes, you are younger if you dont understand why i despise grinding in this game. Play some Ishar without instruction or guide and then we will talk about imaginary plates of yours.


    "Its a grind. Without the grind, the game would be dead by now. And is it really "so much"? To get a decent perk setup you need to spend maybe 3 million bloodpoints. That could be done in a few days."

    Yes, few days to unlock dumb perks (to make game playable) is too much, are you kidding me?

    But anyway... Yeah, DOTA2, CS:GO, Minecraft, Left 4 Dead 2, and a lot of other multiplayer games without any grinding disagree with you.