3rd Person+More

Narancia Member Posts: 25

ok so before u go down and drag me for wanting third person these are my opinions of what would make this game more fun for both competitive players and casual

anyways for third person they should add a casual mode in this mode there’s no rank no pips just a get in and play mode. The killer has a option of playing in first or third person mode survivors also have this option. Moro’s also are disabled in casual so is infinite tier three Myers

the Things they should tweak in custom game is make public customs anyone can join theirs a list of customs and u can join open one these should also have the options to remove certain add ons and allow third person. And allow players to use dlc characters in customs even if they don’t own them.

  1. thats all I want to see in dbd


    USELESS Member Posts: 1,151

    Ok, but how the third mode should look like? The GTA V third mode, the Resident evil third mode or the survivors third mode?

  • Narancia
    Narancia Member Posts: 25

    It should be like over the shoulder or far back,close or normal 3rd

    USELESS Member Posts: 1,151

    Don't matter how the third person would be, it would be terrible to control the killer. Third person mode is usually made for FPS games, and melee in these games are usually a mess

  • Narancia
    Narancia Member Posts: 25

    But it would be fun to see every killer in 3rd person I’d get use to the terrible control I love seeing characters in 3rd p

  • MadLordJack
    MadLordJack Member Posts: 8,814

    Splitting the community would be a bad idea, no question about it. Imagine the que times. Now imagine them after a bunch of people rage quit because of the unbalanced nature of the "casual" que. Now imagine them after a bunch SWF teams rage quit and bring down the total playerbase by a significant amount, thus lowering the amount of publicity DBD gets. All this for a third person mode? Nah, keep it for KYF. That would be fine.

    Also, why disable infinite T3 Myers? It's not exactly strong.

  • Narancia
    Narancia Member Posts: 25

    Bruh seriously we don’t need only ranked idc if the community splits not everyone wants to get sweaty matches and I doubt it’d split anyways

  • JimPickens
    JimPickens Member Posts: 158

    The game was actually originally intended to be 3rd person for the killer and 1st person for the survivor. Obviously a has been changed sense them but that means they at least have a basic idea of how to make it work.

    I don't know why they changed it tbh, first person survivor would actually be scary and just amazing. Imagine seeing oni charge at you or seeing ghostface behind a tree

    USELESS Member Posts: 1,151

    Yeah but it would looks weird seeing a generator while repairing it

  • Narancia
    Narancia Member Posts: 25

    They probably wouldn’t enabled 3rd person on surv for actions like that

  • MadLordJack
    MadLordJack Member Posts: 8,814

    You don't understand: I'm not talking about some moronic "Ranked Vs Casual" mentality split, I'm talking que split. Which would increase the overall downtime between matches. Which is one of the biggest negatives in DBD after the sheer overwhelming imbalance of individual matches.

  • JimPickens
    JimPickens Member Posts: 158

    They should improve that anyway.

    The game needs to be better to get more players. Maybe do like overwatch but with one or 2 extra game modes that change daily and weekly. I think it would be doable now and especially when crossplay is enabled.

    A lot of friends I've shown the game are horror fans, they want to play killer with friends. That alone im positive would increase the playerbase

  • MadLordJack
    MadLordJack Member Posts: 8,814

    Except that DBD doesn't have much in the way of funds, especially for advertisement, like every other title people keep mentioning. In order to do as you suggest, you need a large playerbase and money for marketing to keep the game afloat while the community transitions, because a lot of people are going to quit just based on que times, which deflates the numbers and makes the game appear less desirable, which means that without marketing new players aren't going to find this game. You've got to keep in mind: DBD isn't like any other game. You have to learn an entirely new skillset to play the game, it's a horror game which inherently limits the playerbase (no kids, no non-horror fans), the community is relatively small and not that dedicated, it's not able to support tournaments (I consider that a plus, but e-sport games inherently have larger communities and free media coverage to attract new players), and the development team is absolutely tiny.

    Now throw in another game mode. No matter what, that will increase que times. And it will take effort to code and balance. Which you will have to pay people for. Instead of paying them to do something else, like bug fixes. And then, if new players magically hop on board, they have to wait an insane amount of time between matches. For a very short match. And most will get bored and leave. Now, if you have a ridiculous amount of new players coming in, that's totally fine, but this is DBD: the numbers are never going to be huge. The playerbase will shrink. The que times will keep getting longer. The playerbase will shrink more.

    So have fun in whatever new game mode you want to play. I sincerely hope it is fun, because you are going to be waiting quite a while to play it.

  • JimPickens
    JimPickens Member Posts: 158
    edited June 2020

    1. Dbd has a constant stream of cosmetic items costing 10 dollar a pop, paid DLCs, and even a battlepass.

    2. Most people who play the game are survivor mains, most survivor mains aren't horror fans. Survivor is made to be pretty easy to win consistently which is why we have such a diverse community. It attracts not only the toxic crowd but a lot, let me stress, a LOT of kids....Kind of goes back to the game not being very scary. I've had kids invite me to parties at the killer and cuz me out for "camping and tunneling" more than once lol, im talking under 10.

    And keep in my im talking about my experience on xbox, if you're on ps4 there's likely to be even more kids and if you're PC im sure there's less because less kids play on PC in general. Speaking of kids, people keep bashing the idea of a FNAF dlc but from the little I've seen of that game, even if it is just a jumpscare fest, it is still way scarier than DBD lol.

    Oh speaking of xbox, DBD is on gamepass so they're also getting money for that. I mean all the proof you need that they're doing well is the Silent Hill chapter. Konami didn't do that out of love for the fans obviously. There's profit to be made.

    Oh also we don't have tournaments because the game just isn't competitive, going back to what i said about survivor being easy, and for that matter pretty boring to watch.

  • MadLordJack
    MadLordJack Member Posts: 8,814

    You completely missed the point: every game DBD gets compared to in terms of game modes has tens of millions of dollars in the bank that exclusively go towards catching new players, and are not advertised as a game that makes you shite yourself. I'm not saying you are wrong about the makeup of the playerbase, you're simply ignoring how the various marketing mechanics in play effect the audience and the growth of the game. You cannot advertise this game for kids, you cannot advertise if for a general audience. Why? Because they ALREADY didn't do that and you simply cannot hide the fact that it's a horror game, and that makes it niche. You cannot look at your own experiences with this stuff: DBD isn't a scary game. But it's a horror game, and has to be advertised as such because laws and classifications and tiny little boxes that lawyers like to shove things in.

    And as I said, adding anything that would increase que times drastically would have to compensate by drawing in a larger crowd. Which gets expensive the more niche your game is. And DBD is very niche.

  • Narancia
    Narancia Member Posts: 25

    Maybe if they fixed the game and issues they wouldn’t have to worry about tht but they are to lazy to do anything so they do band aid fixes which result in people leaving the game

  • JimPickens
    JimPickens Member Posts: 158

    I'm 100% sure there is no law anywhere stating you have to advertise a horror game as a horror game, i don't even know what that would imply.

    But to further my case about dbd not being a little rinky dink indie game you actually reminded me that it was in a video Trump had put together to show that video games = gun violence....even tho at the time nothing even close to a gun was in the game but regardless the president of the United states of America is aware of Dead by Daylight. He mentioned he's disgusted at what his youngest son plays, he's probably playing this. Dbd has probably been played in the white house.

    And yeah it was shown in a negative light as "extreme violence" but it was shown right next to games like Fallout 4 and that whole thing ended up with no one caring anyway.

    ALSO fun fact i just checked on Trueachievements, this "niche" game is the 19th most played game on xbox currently. That's 2 spots above Madden 20, a game as casual and mass marketed as a casual mass marketed game can be.