Feng VS Cheryl.

I have a bunny outfit for Feng which I really like and I was maining her before Cheryl came out but for some reason I really wanted to main her but at the same time I've done a lot of work on Feng, I like both of their player models, any help like who's loudest or just opinion over all?
Kate is better than both of them.
Don't @ me.
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I don't like Fengs usually because they're almost like how people like to describe Nea (toxic, always trying to be in your face, etc.) at least in my experiences. IDK if people just think it's funny to be obnoxious as the cutesy girl or something, but yeah... Pick Cheryl instead.
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I thought about her too, what outfit of hers do you recommend?
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"Winter Wilderness" or "Small Town Girl"
Either of these outfits are great.
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Don't settle, main both!
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This is my EXACT situation. I just got Feng to P3 right before SH hit too.
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Its a little annoying having to switch between, also I get killed so many times with green moris and derank just because I have a skin lmfao
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I like Cheryl's voice for some reason, its kinda cute. The new nurse outfit looks great and I also love her P3 clothes so its up to what you like. You can always have 2-3 mains. I main Meg, Nancy, and am working on making Cheryl prestige 3 so I'll play her a lot as well.
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its hard lmao
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Bunny Feng is also amazing so
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do you just switch whenever you feel like using another character?
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I dunno how Survivors do it but for me personally(obviously Killer here) I have a different outfit for each of my Killers depending on the season or holidays. Since Survivors are basically just skins, why not find a rotation table that works for you?
Example: Ghost Face
Spring: Classic cloak
Summer: P3 bloody suit
Autumn: Diablo pancho
Winter: DLC exclusive Monochrome suit with white accents
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Yes I play a character until I wanna switch it up and then I'll max out another survivors perks and get an outfit for em. Keeps the game fresh for me and its fun switching up characters.
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Might as well spend your bloodpoints on something ya know? We got a lot of challenges and opportunities to make them so why not!
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I assume you use more than 1 build. Set up dedicated builds on each of them, its easier to switch character than build. This is what I do, Meg is my Head On girl, Feng my Breakout girl and Nea is my We'll make it/Autodidact girl.
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I'd say both and just switch between them every once in awhile. Currently I switch between bunny Feng, Dweet and P3 Cheryl.
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You can main both.
When it comes to survivors I have Min Yui and Cheryl all prestige 3 with all the perks so it's not impossible to do
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Like the others said, main both! I play a little bit of everyone, but I have my favorites.
If cosmetics are a factor though, and you really only want to main one, then I'd say Feng. Cheryl is a licensed character. She probably won't get too many updates in the future. Feng on the other hand gets all the cute stuff. However, if you're thinking of prestiging only one, I'd have to go with Cheryl. I really dislike Feng's default hair.
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same which is why I hate this crown stuff
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I main both of them now. Couldn’t choose one over the other
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Gonna keep saying it: troll who lost her hair gel.
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I main Min and even I can't stand her default hair. No matter what version.
1) Original default.
2) Prestige
3) purple version
4) anniversary crown
All share the same problem.
It looks so stiff that it just comes across like they stuck half a coconut on her head.
I hope when they implemented the graphic and model update they redesign her default hair and it's other versions a bit
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