Kill Switch update: The issue affecting Baermar Uraz's Ugly Sweater has been fixed and the cosmetic has been reenabled in all queues with this update.

An Open Letter to the Dead by Daylight Developers (Long Post)

Krispe Member Posts: 34
edited June 2020 in General Discussions

Hello, my name is 157C/Krispe, and I have been an active member of the Dead by Daylight community since the game's release. Like many of you here amongst this forum, as well as many of my friends and individuals I see within the official Dead by Daylight Discord, I am frustrated with the way the developers (BHVR) treat its community and handle the game they've created. I thought it appropriate at this time to write an open letter that can be seen and commented upon by the community to the developers, in hopes that they respond and address many of these community concerns as well as keep us updated on what they're working on. Within this letter, I am going to address many points and as a community, please feel free to comment on all of them, on a specific one you're passionate about or specifically agree with, or just saying you agree or disagree. If you do disagree on any of these points, please state why as I'd love to open up some dialogue to see if there's a flaw in either one of our perspectives. For some context I am not a survivor/killer main, I play both very regularly and enjoy both, so I like to think I understand what each side needs, but it also allows me to not be biassed towards one side specifically. Anyways, let's get into the points.

1) One of the main problems plaguing the community is bugs. Lots of them. But not only that, it's the fact that some have been in the game for a long time and have still not been fixed. We as a community have become accustomed to them, and that's a problem. Now, I've dabbled in game development, more specifically UE4 and Unity (gross), and I absolutely understand that patching bugs is a very difficult task. However, some bugs not being fixed, especially when they are rather simple fixes, is something I find to be ridiculous. Let's take Ghastly Gateau for example. This is a bug affecting us all right now, it's value is wrong (Supposed to be 104%, not 140%), and is supposed to stack (It's personal). Both of these from an outside perspective looks to be two relatively easy things to change and fix. Again I don't know the coding of the game, maybe I'm wrong. But even so, some COMMUNICATION about when a fix will be deployed and why it's taking so long would be nice. (This will come up at a later point). Bugs are plaguing this game, and one thing I've advocated for a long time and will continue to advocate for is an "Operation Health" for Dead by Daylight. If you are unfamiliar with Operation Health, it was a Season within Rainbow Six: Siege, where instead of getting two new characters to play, the developers took the Season to focus on fixing bugs. While many players hated Operation Health because it denied them new content, the goal of fixing a lot of major bugs plaguing the game was completed, and absolutely increased the quality of life and longevity of the game. (It was then followed by Operation Chimera which sucked ass but we don't talk about that). My point being, I would absolutely much rather have an Operation Health within Dead by Daylight then another Chapter with a mediocre killer and survivor with crap perks. (Another point later on). Please fix the game.

2) Communication is something I feel all developers should have regularly with their community. Not just via stream, although that is somewhat acceptable, but through social media such as Reddit and Twitter. I want to take a look at Battlefront 2 by EA. That game launched an absolute mess, and to make things worse the Community Manager (CM) at the time, never talked to its community about ANYTHING. Then a new CM was appointed, and things changed. This CM was on Reddit and Twitter very often and communicated with players about things they were thinking about implementing, bug fixes, new content, EVERYTHING. BF 2 is now one of the best Star Wars games created thanks to its developers and active communication! I'm not asking for all of that from BHVR, but I'm asking for SOME of it. These streams and Q&As aren't doing it for a lot of people, especially when you gloss over/ignore really important questions from the community. It's even worse when you answer the same question multiple times and those answers give some vague/backhanded response. Let's take the latest Q&A for example. One of the main questions was that everyone feels that PH's perks are terrible and need to either be reworked/majorly buffed, and you guys basically responded with "Well we buffed it after the Test Server so it should be fine now". Why would the question be asked again if the community felt it was fine? These kind of lazy answers are not putting faith in you to make the game a better place. Please participate more in communicating with your player base about bug fixes, reworks, etc... People will be more accepting of flaws within the game if you just communicate about it.

3) The priorities of BHVR is something I feel needs to be addressed. This goes back to bugs of course, but just in general it's something I want to discuss. Things like the Gateau bug should have been hot fixed by now, and because of the lack of communication, we don't know if that's something they're even focusing on. I think major issues impacting the community should be the highest priority for the developers and should be communicated. As simple as that.

4) Game balance is at a point right now where if you are not running certain perks as a survivor/killer, you have a much higher chance of getting killed/losing. Just like my idea for an Operation Health, I believe there needs to be an Operation Rework, where BHVR takes time to rebalance/rework a lot of perks/add-ons for survivors/killers. There are some perks that are not only unfun to play against but are just so BORING. Here's the list of meta perks for reference (for both survivors/killers): Sprint Burst, Adrenaline, Borrowed Time, Decisive Strike, Iron Will, Unbreakable, Dead Hard, Pop Goes the Weasel, Save the Best for Last, and Corrupt Intervention (Bolded because those are the most annoying imo). There are a few more that could be argued such as BBQ and Chili but those are the main ones I wanted to throw in there. Also, notice how there are way more meta perks for Survivor than there are for Killer. During Operation Rework, my hope would be the developers change/balance a lot of the meta perks, but more importantly, MAKE WORSE/TERRIBLE PERKS BETTER! For 4 Chapters we've gotten nothing but mediocre/crap perks. Last good killer perk being from Ghostface and last good survivor perk being from Nancy. Stop printing crappy perks and take time to make them better and make the best perks less meta. Also, take this time to rebalance a lot of really garbage addons for killers and make some killers more viable (Clown). I watched an amazing video by one of the best content creators of this game going through every killer up to Oni and talked about rebalancing them. I agreed with literally everything he had to say, and some of his suggestions were actually implemented (Trapper reset of traps). I suggest all of you, especially BHVR, take time to watch the video and CONSIDER adding some of his suggestions. Find the video here.

5) This game is toxic. Entitled survivors and toxic killers is another major problem within this game and is arguably one of the main turn-offs for new players. The purple and red ranks are especially guilty of this. My first suggestion is to add a notification when a player you reported gets punished, you don't have to tell us their name, but let us know that reporting people is doing something. R6: Siege recently did this and it made me feel a lot more valued for reporting cheaters. Secondly, punish players for DCing. Don't let them play another match for 15 minutes, and have that time increase with each DC. Also, give the killer chase points and full sacrifice points for the DCed person. People DC because it hurts the killer's score, so making it not do that as much will make them less inclined to do it. Some of you may disagree with the abandonment penalty, but I say to you, this is a Ranked game mode, people are trying to get higher ranks, letting your players punish the killer simply by leaving makes that person's time less valuable, and makes the rank less valuable. My additional suggestion is to add a casual mode alongside the abandonment penalty, so losing score doesn't matter as much, but it also allows players to try more wacky/gimmicky builds. The penalty would only apply to Ranked. I would also like a setting to disable post-game chat. I want to be able to read my score and stats without seeing someone call me demeaning and offensive terms because they didn't like that they died or that we escaped. Toxicity needs to be stomped out, this is a fun-addicting game with a very toxic community and WILL turn people away from it.

This is pretty much everything I wanted to talk about, this took me around one and a half hours to think of and write out, so a comment about something you agreed/disagreed with would be much appreciated. If you have any of your own suggestions I would love to hear them so we can start a discussion about it. The goal of this post is to be seen and read by the developers in the hopes of a brighter and better future for this amazing game. Right now I think BHVR doesn't listen to its community and doesn't truly care for the fan-base and the amazing title they've created. I want them to prove me wrong more than anything. I love this game, my friends love this game, and I know many of you love this game too. Let's try to make the game a better place for everyone. Thank you for reading.

Post edited by Krispe on


  • Krispe
    Krispe Member Posts: 34

    Sorry, this is a copy/paste from my original post on reddit.

  • GodNap
    GodNap Member Posts: 206

    Agree on all

  • Mew
    Mew Member Posts: 1,836

    the sad thing is, BHVR doesnt have any sort of competition with DBD- so they dont have to go above and beyond for bug fixes and quality of life.

    If someone wants to play an asymmetrical horror game, dbd is legit the only one you can really play, so i doubt any gigantic optimization patch would ever come out until BHVR starts losing money to a game similar to dbd

  • Weeb_H_Toast
    Weeb_H_Toast Member Posts: 195

    This needs more attention, I'll do my best in necro this post in the future. I'd suggest anyone interested do the same.

  • Schinsly
    Schinsly Member Posts: 176

    Yes please, everything.

  • cheetocultleader
    cheetocultleader Member Posts: 1,262

    I think the devs do alright in the communication department, usually. I didn't like how they handled the Ghastly Gateau because the initial announcement its bugged was a foot note on Twitter. Otherwise, you can find them talking there, here on the forums, Discord, & Twitch. Compared to a lot of devs, that's a load of communication. Most I've seen just stick to their respective forums, and any other sort of social media is used for announcements.

    Developers have to be careful about taking community feedback. There have been games in the past where they listened to the small majority on their forums, and it caused the majority playing the game to quit. Reaching out through the game directly as they've done with the surveys is the best way to hear the true majority.

    I agree about the bugs and priorities though. There's just so many bugs you can find in a single play session it's ridiculous. The Ghastly Gateau should have been announced to be bugged in game, or disabled so people would stop wasting them. I know programming can be difficult but it's hard for me to believe this isn't something they could've patched easily. I keep hearing people say "Why didn't they copy paste last years offering and change it from 103% to 104%?"

    On toxic players, well... This game kind of breeds it. If you only focus on one side, you have a very difficult time seeing why another side would play the way they do. That's what I think of when I hear toxic anyway. DCing is just abusing the system. Report functions need an overhaul as it's extremely convoluted right now. The only time I ever opened a ticket, I discovered because I hadn't jotted down this person's Steam ID (which is bugged atm btw! So you can't right now) they probably wouldn't do anything. With cases of hacking you need video evidence, so that's forcing you to record every game, and hacking has increased recently. You also need to report them end game. Then you need your own pretty long DBD number. And for all that, you never know if anything gets done.

  • UniSans
    UniSans Member Posts: 111
  • Krispe
    Krispe Member Posts: 34

    It was so long ago I forget, been playing since Beta, my point still stands though lol

  • Krispe
    Krispe Member Posts: 34

    This is something I was aware of but forgot to address on this post. I absolutely agree with you here. I think the reason the developers can get away with stuff like this is because there's no viable good competition to DbD. I think the best thing to happen to this game would be for another great game similar to this to come out. Fantastic comment, I thank you for it.

  • DevilslayerJTK
    DevilslayerJTK Member Posts: 7

    I don't agree with 4 and I don't find 5 to be an issue, but 1,2 and 3 are on point.

    BHVR's problems can be summed up as:

    Ineffective bug fixing processes

    Complete lack of communication and disregard for the community

    Prioritizing new content over stable / properly running / fixed content

  • Krispe
    Krispe Member Posts: 34

    I absolutely agree with you that their streams are a joke, hence why I brought it up in my post. I myself am an optimist, so even if there's the slight chance they see this post and it impacts their decision making it'll be worth it. This post took a long time, yes, but I love this game and want the best for it, and seeing the devs treat it like garbage hurts me. I'm just hoping for the best here.

  • Krispe
    Krispe Member Posts: 34

    You are correct about the community. The devs themselves at one point admitted that they don't listen to the community for that exact reason, favoring the minority over the majority. However, I don't think that justifies a total blackout of the community. That video I linked brings up excellent points, and the YouTuber plays relatively equally both survivor/killer (he does favor Killer a bit). I don't think he should be ignored, he's got thousands of hours on this game and knows everything like the back of his hand. Lots of people besides myself agree with him on a lot of these changes, and it's hard to argue against many of his points. In that video, he's taking both the killer's experience and the survivor's experience to make playing as/against a killer as fun and balanced as possible. While I agree the devs shouldn't ONLY listen to that video and make a decision, what they're doing now is making their own foolish decisions with no insight/suggestions from the community. That needs to change. Thank you for your comment!

  • shanny_boi
    shanny_boi Member Posts: 146

    You forgot to say "Thank you for coming to my Ted-Talk." Lol but that's beside the point.

    I definitely agree with all that you're saying, especially with the Operation Health and Rework. The way I see it, the problems stem from BHVR's greed to constantly put out chapter after chapter to maintain a constant influx of revenue. If they were to sacrifice one or two chapters to focus on other issues within the game like bugs and imbalances, then those issues would get fixed.

    I would also like to add one more problem to your list:

    Content creators within the DBD community influence players to buy the DLCs every time a new one is released. Otzvarda and Truetalent, for example, are Fog Whisperers so BHVR provides them with special benefits. This results in them rarely criticizing BHVR for anything as they want to maintain those benefits. If the people watching these influencers are being told that the game is fine, they'll most likely believe it. Content creators have a huge impact.

    I love this game. But I want it to be better.

  • Krispe
    Krispe Member Posts: 34

    Didn't know about the Fog Whisperers thing, however I will counter with referencing the video again. The video he criticizes BHVR a lot. He called them lazy when it came to Bubba, stupid when it came to some of the addons on a few of the killers. I'm not sure about other videos, maybe he doesn't, I'm not sure, but I definitely don't think that's true when it at least comes to that specific video in general. Tru3 I don't often see criticize them so perhaps you're right about that. Thank you for the comment!

  • metalklok
    metalklok Member Posts: 632

    its insane that the smite devs buff/nerf characters and items every month and show numbers win/loss rates on alot of topics but theses devs rarely touch perks and if they do it brings tons of bugs. what this last patch brought was a bugged cake,grabs bugs out more often and survivors lose sound effects.

  • bjorksnas
    bjorksnas Member Posts: 5,781

    Coding is really difficult the developers would love to fix every bug and change every map so that it feels and plays unique but is a fair experience for both sides. However they are a smaller team and only can do so much with the time allotted and can't please anyone with their limited time and resources. If they take 4 months to fix things people will complain they didn't add anything new, If they take 4 months to balance things and change up killers and perks people will complain that there are bugs. If they take 4 months to add new content and features to the game people will complain that they aren't fixing and balancing things. It's a difficult balancing act they do with the time they have usually patching things that are blaring issues and trying to fix major portions of the game or add something new every month and a half to 2 months. They would love to snap their fingers and have it done but not only can they physically not do it all at once but it wouldn't be healthy for the lifespan of the game if everything you disliked dissipated from it.

  • shanny_boi
    shanny_boi Member Posts: 146
    edited June 2020

    So why have QnA if they're just not going to give a definite answer? They provide no valuable information from the dev streams I've seen. :/

    If you don't have the exact answers for our questions, then don't host a stream to waste our time. The answers seem to be very vague and along the lines of "We're not ready to reveal that information yet." That doesn't sound like meaningful communication to me.

  • Orion
    Orion Member Posts: 21,675

    How would they have definite answers to things they hadn't definitely considered? Moreover, who's to say they even can answer the questions, given that things like NDAs are standard practice?

    For the record, my question was answered, as were many others. If yours wasn't, then say that instead of claiming they didn't answer anything.

  • cheetocultleader
    cheetocultleader Member Posts: 1,262
    edited June 2020

    I've seen Tru3 criticize them a lot, and I probably only watch him about once or twice a week if I'm at my comp that time of day. Hes said many times the game is imbalanced and because of that doesn't believe it can be competitive. I've also heard him go on about survivor "second chance perks" almost every stream. He's brutal during the Q&A viewings.

    Otz, I watch a lot more, but I don't hear him complain often. He's in the mind set the game is competitive, since he talks about being in past* tournaments. I'm pretty sure if he found something wrong though, he'd say so. Seems like a chill but upfront sort imo. Actually, I know he's said many times moris, keys, and NOED are imbalanced.

  • MadArtillery
    MadArtillery Member Posts: 826
    edited June 2020

    Dunno what I was expecting when I saw the title. I agree on everything but casual mode because splitting the community is a bad idea, que times can be painful depending on time of day already. In the mornings sometimes I'm simply forced to give up and end up wasting all my time before work waiting for a match that never happens.

    Imo toxicity is another impossible task, probably not worth developer time. Honestly it's not too bad anyway as you can't chat with teammates or your opponents so it doesn't impact game outcomes. Post match you just leave for another que and bam no toxicity. Sufficient tools to curb toxicity already available.

  • SewerSwans
    SewerSwans Member Posts: 147

    As well as notification for when reports are acted upon, being given Props should be visible for the player getting them. I do not know why this isn't already the case.

  • Weeb_H_Toast
    Weeb_H_Toast Member Posts: 195

    Bump until they respond

  • Krispe
    Krispe Member Posts: 34

    I definitely agree with you about splitting the community. I suppose a casual mode would only be viable once the game is completely cross-play friendly, so at the time yeah, perhaps casual is not the best idea. Once cross-play is fully integrated it is something I would like to see added to the game though.

    As for the toxicity, as I mentioned in my post I would like to be able to read my stats and stuff without seeing in the corner of my eye "tunneling f-word", you know? Being able to have the option to just disable post-game chat would be a really easy and nice QoL change to implement. But I think the devs do need to do something at least about the DCs. Killers lose so many points from DCs, the leave bonus is not nearly enough, I definitely think it's worth their time to look into adjusting it. Thank you for your comment!

  • Krispe
    Krispe Member Posts: 34

    This is definitely a nice QoL feature I would love to see implemented, but it's definitely low priority compared to a lot of other issues, but I would like to see it eventually added. Great comment!

  • Krispe
    Krispe Member Posts: 34

    Well my comment was saying they USED to do that. They would listen to only red survivors complain about perks and then nerf them. They don't do that anymore because of the backlash but it was something they did all the time. But yes, from my perspective I agree with you about the devs, that's the reason I wrote this open letter in hopes for some change.

  • Krispe
    Krispe Member Posts: 34

    Well as I said in a previous comment, I'm an optimist. I like to believe the best in people and some companies and I hope my letter will even have the tiniest effect on the game. I'm also a realist, so I don't expect anything to come out of it, but I will always try.

  • Krispe
    Krispe Member Posts: 34
  • Weeb_H_Toast
    Weeb_H_Toast Member Posts: 195


  • DBD78
    DBD78 Member Posts: 3,476

    99% of reports is probably for "camping" or "tunneling" etc so the real stuff to report is just drowning in this ocean I would think.

  • OBX
    OBX Member Posts: 854


  • Blueberry
    Blueberry Member Posts: 13,671
    edited June 2020

    Agree with a lot of it.

    Biggest thing for me is the perks. They release tons of just embarrassingly bad perks that should have never made it past the drawing board in those states. They need serious rearranging of the people on their balance team and have for years.

    They are reworking a couple perks here and a couple perks there, but it isn't enough. We need serious massive perk reworks across the board and for the meta to be completely changed. We have had the same meta perks for years and this is because of the low quality of the new perks coming out and how many of the meta perks are way overtunned.

    A lot of the weak perks we have don't even need heavy reworks. Many of them literally just need number tweaks or cooldowns removed/shortened..that's it! That isn't heavy coding work.

  • Reaver_Raziel
    Reaver_Raziel Member Posts: 400

    I more or less agree with most of what you are saying. Although point 5. is where I have most of my disagreements. Although I have a lot to say in regards to point 4.

    1. I basically agree 100% here. Please take time, hire help anything to get the bugs under control or get an overview of the underlying problem to some of the bugs. I would take some game health over a new addition although I know they are different departments I still fear for new additions that will break the game in new ways before the old things got fixed. If you need cash to keep the servers running then keep the rift going. But I would like to say (although this hasn't been communicated) I would wager, that the reason they havent hotfixed the cake isn't because they cant fix it. But rather because they have a other bugs they would like to fix alongside it. And one of the unfortunate things about having a pc + console game, is that consoles have to confirm each update/patch that they receive through microsoft/sony/nintendo/etc. Again this is not confirmed at all, which is a big mistake if this is the case. But its not the first time that console is the reason for a needed patch to be delayed in other multi-platform games.
    2. Again basically 100% agree. While some will still ######### about what you are talking about/not doing enough, these people can never be satisfied. And in regards to some of the questions, that you cant answer. I personally would prefer you just say something along the lines "Ah this is a thing we have talked a lot about but we cant find a way to get it to work" or "This is a neat idea and if possible we would like to implement it but as it stands now there are no plans for this" or just saying something along the lines of "Personally I would like to see this, and so would a lot of people. But we cant make any promises or guarantees that it will ever be done". Sure its technically saying a lot while promising nothing but some sort of "false hope". But to me its better than saying litterally nothing but "cant go into any details". You dont have to go into details but an idea or something with a miniscule of substance would be much appreciated and go a long way with a lot of the community.
    3. Just seemed to be a weird mix of 1 and 2 to me. But again not nescesarily something I disagree with.
    4. I agree with reworking a lot of perks and addons. I would add some of the top tier killers and bot tier killers. When I say top and bot I just mean those who are generally assumed to be the best and worst. I go over the best below, Nurse, spirit, freddy, maybe billy and oni, and worst would be, clown, legion, bubba maybe trapper and pig. Although I think some addon reworks could fix most of their problems. As for some of my minor disagreements. I just didnt understand the perks you selected (just to show my bias, killer main here). I more or less understand Pop although I would say that gen speed still feels insane in a lot of cases, but maybe some of the survivor perk nerfs would help with shorter chases and therefor making gen speed, more or less fine. Dont understand STBFL, Corrupt, or for survivors sprint burst and iron will. Maybe iron will should be removed since it keeps ######### with their sound tho, but that seems like a bandai fix and a bad idea. As for the crappy perks, the content creator you linked to (Otz) has a theory that its because of the insane power of some of the best killers, Nurse, spirit, billy, freddy and oni (probably the 5 best atm, but especially freddy nurse and spirit). If Behaviour made good perks or even great perks they would make the game unplayable for survivors if they went against these guys. Whats needed most if that is the case is actually that these killers are brought down closer to a level near some "mediocre" killers like I dunno hag or plague?. Not sure how low, but brought down a notch to make room for better perks so our trash can isn't filled up with 90% of all perks. Sure you can make fun builds or high risk builds (mostly playable on survivors btw) but outside of like impossible skill check doc or using iri addons on some mediocre killers. They are hardly viable builds. So depending on the reason behind making these mediocre/uninteresting perks we wont see any changes there. Maybe behaviour is just scared of making a perk that they consider to be ok, or fun and it turns out to be the new game breakingly op perk if mixed and matched with other perks or certain addons on some killers. Who knows. I just wish their addon creation wasnt so boring. I am fine with brown, yellow and green basically just being buffs to the killers power. But purple and iri should be almost exclusively gameplay changing. There is a bit of that in the iridescent of the rescent killers. But most purple addons are also just boring buffs. Such a shame. I miss meyers, hag and even pig has some of this in their kit. Some purples should be buffs but others should be game play changing. Doesnt matter if they are slightly underwhelming or just not damaging to the kit. But as long as they are interesting then im all for it.
    5. Here we go, actually on review my disagreements arent that big. I agree with the general toxicity statement. Although I dont think the game needs a bigger punishment for dc since it already stacks fairly effectively. I tried it myself a few times and got to 15 minute wait times real quick. I believe it was second dc. If third then make it go faster but otherwise I am fine with it since the time between my dcs there were a couple of games which means they dont have to be consecutive. I dont disagree with giving the killer a full sacrifice/hooking score for players that dc, but if its early in the match I believe survivors should get some compensation for it. Whether thats in bp, action speed or a short burst of gen repair speed I dont know, but when I play survivor and someone dcs I ######### hate every second of the match I am now stuck in. Only if its early tho, otherwise swf could easily abuse it. Sure they could still abuse it with this but since the killer still got a full kill for it I think its ok. As for my biggest disagreement its in regards to rank and to game modes. Ranked doesnt matter. If you play red ranks long enough you see people that are actually terrible at the game on both sides, to surprising degrees sometimes. Sure some are just ######### around but a lot of times people are actually just bad and just played the game long enough to get into red ranks. Since you can only depip 1 placement but its possible to double pip, and depipping is fairly hard to do unless you ######### around a lot, in most cases you will safety pip or single pip. So thats why most people say and imo are right to say that rank basically dont matter already. This game doesnt have a ranked mode. It has a glorified matchmaking system that, tries, to match you with people in similar skill level. This might change with the upcoming mmr changes so I will hold off a bit here. But in general splitting the player base up over 2 game modes would actually just kill the game. Dbd doesnt have millions of players playing at all hours. And queue times are already iffy. As for the mute end game chat. You do know there is a button for that right? Sure you might have to press it each time but that will become a habbit real soon if you really dont want to watch what people say.

    So to summarize: In general I agree although I feel like some of your points arent feasible.

  • Splinterverse
    Splinterverse Member Posts: 445

    I work in I.T. and I feel like the bug with the cake and the bug with having to add Steam friends to play together indicate that BHVR isn't using source control effectively. It feels like people are colliding into code that shouldn't really be touched based on the patch notes. With proper source control, pull requests against the stored code with peer review, and proper testing, these kinds of things can be avoided. I realize that there are much tighter timelines in gaming I.T., but still, source control can help tremendously.

  • Krispe
    Krispe Member Posts: 34

    Fantastic comment. Thank you for taking the time to write out a thorough response to my post and including both what you agreed and disagreed with. I will now take this time to address several of your points, as I agree with some but also disagree with a few.

    Starting off with the perks, I picked perks that aren't necessarily OP per say, but ones that are just picked very often by players. Pop isn't necessarily an OP perk by any means, it's strong but not broken, but it's picked in a TON of builds for all killers just because it's a consistently strong perk. The point of Point 4 was that some of these "always pick" perks should be toned down a bit ALONGSIDE buffing a lot of weak/mediocre perks, so that players can think more about what perks they should run and about what perks they should switch out. I also heavily agree with you that some killers could just become really good if their addons got reworked, or at least if some addons were implemented into the base kit of certain killers. But yes I agree that addons play a huge role in determining if a killer is strong or not.

    Secondly onto your statements on Point 5. I agree that it's probably not the best to implement a casual mode right now, however I believe that once cross-play is fully integrated (Console-PC-Switch), the playerbase will be somewhat sustainable to be able to host a casual mode. However I do believe it's definitely not a priority and shouldn't be anywhere near the top of the list of things to do in relation to what's needed for the game. I do disagree with you about your statements regarding that the Ranked gamemode isn't necessarily "ranked". If this game was more lax and casual and wasn't seething to the brim with tryhards I would agree with you, but because a lot of players put a heavy emphasis on rank, even though I agree it doesn't matter, the rank has value, which means in my opinion that some sort of alternate gamemode should come or at least the developers should try to make Rank seem less important to those types of players. Regarding the DC compensation, I actually think that's a really good idea! I think any survivor, including myself, can agree that when someone DCs early on in the game, you kind of lose all hope/motivation to finish the game. I think a boost to survivors alongside full killer compensation as stated on my post would be a fantastic idea, and I hope the developers see it!

    Again I absolutely love your comment, and thank you for taking the time to write it. I also did not know there was a button to mute chat, I'll take a look next time I play. What I mean though is just a setting in the options that when pressed, the chat just doesn't appear post-game. I would like to just flat out ignore it, but that's just me. Once again, thank you for your comment!

  • Kall
    Kall Member Posts: 45
    edited June 2020

    Spot on with Operation Health and Operation Rework. I'd rather skip a dlc or two, or three just to focus on ironing out those things.

    I would also add that the game has too many perks now, and it just feels like they're being added in just for the sake of it, which means more code to manage and susceptible to causing new bugs and break other things. I think the game needs both a perk rework and a purge, and I would consider each killer/survivor dlc to come with 1 good perk each, not 3. Make each perk really count and thus making very different (but all viable) builds instead of all the cookie cutter builds we have now.

    This game already has a massive repertoire of characters, it would do wonders to the longevity of the game to focus on fixing it for 3 to 6 months. Unfortunately I don't think the devs think long term...

    The game also needs a casual unranked more for people to goof around, if there's no pressure to pip or frustration for depipping, than I'm willing to bet a lot of people would play that mode.

    Honestly I love the expectation of finding out who the next killer will be, but I'm full of perks up to my eyeballs. Just stop.

  • Krispe
    Krispe Member Posts: 34

    I wrote an entire response to this and when I tried to edit out a typo it deleted itself. It's rather long so I'm not going to rewrite it so I'll give a brief synopsis, just know that I love your comment and thank you for taking the time to write it.

    Point 4 was more about nerfing perks that are picked often, not really about just nerfing OP perks. PGTW isn't OP by any means, but it's picked a stupidly high amount. I think meta perks should be nerfed ALONGSIDE buffing weak/mediocre perks so that players are given more freedom to choose rather than being soft-forced into using certain perks.

    Point 5 I agree that casual would be terrible to have right now, but once full crossplay is added it might be a viable option. I agree entirely about also compensating survivors in some way for an early DC alongside full compensation to the killer as mentioned in my post. I do believe rank doesn't matter but the point I was making was that a lot of stupid tryhard players put a lot of value on their rank. BHVR should either make rank seem less important, or something along those lines.

    I did not know you could mute chat each time, it's not obvious so I apologize. I do still wish for a permanent setting to disable it, but that's just me. Again sorry for the brief response, my main one was much longer but just like the game, this forum doesn't seem to want to work properly. Thank you for your comment and time!

  • Krispe
    Krispe Member Posts: 34

    If the developers want to implement 3 perks for each character that's fine, but all I ask is that they stop making them so crappy. I don't necessarily agree with a purge or perks, but I wouldn't be entirely against it either. I also don't necessarily think it's bad if future chapters we do as you said and just get 1 good perk for each character instead of 3. I don't think the devs will do it, but it'll probably be a nice change. Thank you for your comment!

  • Desh
    Desh Member Posts: 1,118

    I used to defend the Devs a lot because let's be honest, people will complain and spew hatred regardless of what decision the Devs make. However after seeing the post and video about what they did about Legacy items and this post, I'm kinda disgusted with them now.

  • bendermac
    bendermac Member Posts: 772

    Remember when Mathieu's Hag got bodied? Soon after we saw some changes.

    I still believe the majority of the devs know jack about their own and how things truly are on both sides. But what does the community know, right?

  • Reaver_Raziel
    Reaver_Raziel Member Posts: 400

    Ah fair enough, and yes I understand not wanting to rewrite a long response since I almost deleted a ticket earlier today about 2 people teaming up to kill the other survivors(finishing my survivor challenges so I can play mostly killer again). And alright on point 4 there. I sort of understood your point like that but just wanted to make sure. And yeah I once again agreen entirely on your point with crossplay I did know it was coming I was mostly speaking with the current game in mind. There is a lot of console players as far as I know so the queue times should be mitigated a lot.

    But mostly I want to see whether or not this new mmr system, they have been talking about, does anything for the game. My personal hope (its a foolish one) is that while it shouldnt constantly but you against tryhards on purpose, I hope that it at least pushes you to play vs people that are more around your actual level, or if they manage to implement any sort of "killer based" mmr system. Such as "Ahh you mainly play spirit and do really well with her, well you get to face (mostly) 4 man swf that try to win, for as long as you win. But at the same time, "Ah first time Clown, well based on your general 'skill level' you should be placed against these people but not against complete beginners since you still have basic experience". This is vain hope and I doubt we will get anything close to that. But you cant stop me from dreaming. Since this would still put some sort of a casual experience back. It wouldnt be a casual mode but you could play casually on some of your less used killers.

    If this crashes and burns but crossplay is implemented then yeah I whole heartedly support a sort of casual mode to relax peoples mindset although I personally prefer a sort of ranking. Its a stupid competitive mindset but I cant help it :P. But I also know not everyone feels like that.

    And fair enough again, I actually only learned about it recently myself watching some streamers watching them just without a second hesistation muting chat. But yeah a "chat yes/no" setting wouldnt harm the game.

  • Reaver_Raziel
    Reaver_Raziel Member Posts: 400

    I think they do ok in regards to communication. But I sorely miss hearing anything optimistic. No need to make promises no need to speak of details but communicate whats going on, whats being looked at, whats being worked at, what they would like to do and inform people that the things they are talking about are either nice to have but ultimately a secondary concern or entirely unlikely to ever happen. All the while clearly saying that they arent promising any of these things since they are just potential things and not a window into the soon to be future.

    They could even just have a seperate part of one of their Q&A or some other of their streams, where they talk about potential things that could be done. I understand they dont want to end up "lying" to their community I honestly get that. I remember in League of legends when people misunderstood a showcase of a dragon champion that was being worked on, and then 8 years later or something they finally got him but not like they wanted because of miscommunication/misunderstanding. Which is why I argue for a seperate part of their streams where they only speak of potentials, nice to have, wants. And not of guarantees. Since a lot of people feel like they are being ignored.

    And while saying all this I know some people are still gonna misunderstand and some people can never be satisfied no matter what, which is why I am saying this is merely something I desperately miss in developer to players communication. I dont need guarantees, I just want to know that the devs are having the same problems, feeling similarly to me in regards to the games current state or if not, why they dont. If I can gain some sort of understanding of why things are the way they are or why certain things arent done faster, arent done at all, or why certain things wont even be considered. Anything really. I think a lot of people will be a lot more happy. When the community has to guess/speculate why the devs arent doing certain things, you end up with a split community. Some will defend the devs because they think they know why the devs do somethings "They wont nerf noed/ds because its balanced" and some will attack the devs because they think they know the right reason "They wont nerf noed/ds because they are killer/survivor sided". The community is already split in regards to killer/survivors, lets not split it further.

  • Reaver_Raziel
    Reaver_Raziel Member Posts: 400

    If you dont think Tru3 or Otz critize the devs then I dont know what to tell you, beyond watch them some more. I personally dont like watching tru3 too much but I think you can barely watch 1 days uploads without him critizing some parts of the game that the devs should have done different or some parts that doesnt make sense to him in most if not all of his videos these days.

    As for Otz. Otz prefers to have a primarily positive community, so he usually tries to avoid heavily critizing anyone. But just because he doesnt go hard, doesnt mean he never critics them. He usually critizises a lot in the game and argues that some of the devs explanations are either straight up lies or wrong.

  • Seiko300
    Seiko300 Member Posts: 1,862

    I skimmed it, I don't mind long threads and I'll diligently read through them, but I do mind the bricks of text which are a bit hard on the eyes sometimes. So wherever there are some natural pauses in your text I suggest adding a space there next time pls.

    As someone who feels like a kindred spirit to the description you provided about yourself (Active community member since launch, plays and enjoys both sides equally, member of the DBD Discord, someone who also can take upwards of an hour to write comments or post threads, etc.) I agree with most everything you said.

    I'd like to focus and put emphasis on points 3 & 4, "priorities" and "game balance" as points that I especially agree with.

    Game Balance

    I don't mind meta perks being as good as they are but I do mind the unwillingness to buff or change weaker / lesser used perks, they're already far from being frequently used why not buff them?? Buffing weaker perks on a massive scale is something that I would love to see and it's something that I think would keep the meta from getting as stale and repetitive as it has.

    It reminds of a poll someone made a long while back asking "would you rather want power creep or redundancy?" the idea being would you rather take perks that slowly become more and more powerful or redundant perks that only help you in very specific circumstances and situations. Very quickly I voted for power creep and I believe the majority of responses chose that poll option as well.

    And on a slightly separate note I love that you mentioned content creators because they too have some incredible ideas, it sometimes feels like the devs are slow to act about things because they are uncertain and can't think of ideas and don't want to make mistakes but the community is a giant WELL of ideas and I have seen so many good suggestions from all corners of the internet it's almost impossible to think anybody is running out of ideas. All the way from the most popular and well-versed Dead By Daylight content creators and streamers to the random guy in youtube comments who just felt like writing a really detailed comment, or maybe even a short and simple comment that actually has a lot of hidden detail and thought put into it that's not blatantly written, but is very clearly bubbling just under the surface.

    Scott Jund's Idea Review is a perfect example of this, he takes the time to look at ideas his viewers have, people who don't have youtube channels or thousands of followers, but have this super cool and unique idea and he shows it off to everyone else saying why it is or isn't a good idea or maybe how he thinks he could make that idea even better. It helps make community members feel heard and it also helps keep the creative juices flowing on a scale never heard of or seen before.


    A second thing I want to touch on is priorities. Sure, I hear you about really getting the nitty gritty first and foremost priorities out of the way: game-breaking bugs or things that should have just been fixed a long time ago and other stuff like that. But I also want to emphasize back-burner ideas these are ideas that are super cool and would obviously make great additions to the game but they're not added because there's always "a bigger priority to focus on" and that's the problem. First there will always be a bigger priority and some of these ideas are things have been asked for for years and could have been done a long time ago. But there was dedicated servers, then matchmaking, then lag, and when those things are all fixed there'll probably be other things to take their place as bigger priorities.

    What this does is it leaves these super cool backburner ideas forever on the backburner, constantly neglected and pushed to the wayside because they aren't "important enough" to focus on and that's something that I find really frustrating, because many of these "backburner ideas" are really just Quality of Life changes hidden under the name backburner ideas because they're always on the backburner.

    Super cool things like unique animations for every killer closing a hatch, breaking a wall, creating separate animations for survivors who are holding and / or using items, reworking Quentin's Face, Voice over for Steve Harrington starring his actual actor Joe Keery, the ability to gift auric cells to people on your friends list, More gore and actually having the state of character models be affected and altered by a memento mori instead of killer weapons just clipping through the bodies, allow the host of a lobby to customize map seed (the random set of variables that determine the placement of everything in a map) to make DBD Tournaments more viable and fair (matches being played on identical customized maps), track personal player stats, create a crafting system / bloodpoint market where you can craft different items and offerings or sell the items and offerings you don't want for Bloodpoints, yadda yadda yadda I could go on and on and on.

    If the graphic overhaul hadn't been announced on the 4th anniversary livestream, that would also have made it into the backburner list.

    Alone these might be small changes and not worth any time, but think if all of these made it in in one patch or over the course of some 3 updates. QoL in Dead By Daylight would most likely increase dramatically as players are now more satisfied than ever with the product they bought. Things look better, they feel better, sound better, you can do cool things like gift friends auric cells, craft items and offerings, play tournaments on fair maps, Mori's would look more visceral and better than ever, items actually staying in your hand instead of disappearing and reappearing while you're performing any action like vaulting would no longer be a thing, making you feel like you're playing an overall more finished product.

    Things would be great. But obviously, they've got to fix bugs and things like that which is why I wish the devs would prioritizing making at least one of these things a priority to do with every update. Just one, of these sometimes small or large QoL changes that benefits DBD as a finished product, as a game. While most of their attention and focus remains where it properly should, on bugs and the critical, key aspects of the game that must remain functioning for the game to be as operational as possible.

    But certainly not constantly saying "it's something that we'd like to do in the future..." every stream. It's a balancing act for sure, but something that I believe can be reasonably achieved.

    Ugh. I spent way too much writing a comment that's probably not going to be read because it'll be on like the 2nd or 3rd page, so I'll stop writing now, not going to waste my time with a concluding statement or trying to neatly wrap up what became a little mini rant bouncing off OP's mini rant.

This discussion has been closed.