SERIOUS question: will the event cosmetics get handed out for everyone after a while?

So since we already got handed out the previous event cosmetics for free Im curious if same is going to happen with these event cosmetics aswell after a while
i sure not,killer make sure we don't get now.
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100% because it'll be in the communities best interest. All jokes aside its very likely yes event cosmetics were exclusive and look what happened they back peddled so what makes these any different nothing really they can slap timed exclusive on it and say they wont but lets be honest they'll give them back out.
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I mean, forgive me if I'm wrong, but did they say these cosmetics (the 4th anniversary crowns) were exclusive? If not then I'd assume they will later.
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They also said the howling grounds and summer bbq were exclusive again back peddle by daylight are very good at saying one thing and doing another.
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if they are then they need to fix it for survivors.
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Saying something and back peddling is different to not saying it at all. If I promised to not take a cookie from the cookie jar then did it anyway, then next time didn't say anything, would you assume I'd do it again if I said nothing?
It's a God-awful analogy, I know, but the first thing that came to mind.
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Back Peddling-
What someone does once another party has caught them in a lie to avoid being caught.
They begin to take back or create more lies to justify there original lie.
Going back on their word.
This is basically what the developers did they lied on stream said it would be exclusive and then went back on their word to then tell us everyone was gonna get them for free.
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I saw a mod or dev say they don't know, so maybe...
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Okay but going back to my original point. Not about back peddling or anything, my original question- did they say these cosmetics, the 4th year anniversary cosmetics, would be exclusive? If they didn't for these cosmetics, then assume no (or yes but don't be annoyed because there's nothing said).
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Yeah they did say exclusive in the trailer it is a timed event. Point being you can't take anything behavior says seriously anymore they have lost credit the community can't trust them when it comes to this anymore they said the others were exclusive and look what they did im calling it now they'll give these out by the end of the year. Id like to point out i don't have any issues with the devs personally but when you back peddle and basically lie to your community you deserve harsh criticism for doing so.
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People are allowed to change their minds based on the circumstances. That doesn't mean they lied to you before.
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Okay so you are saying you are allowed to basically tell someone that something will remain exclusive and then go out and do the opposite and give them out okay cool you are defending back peddling good to know.
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No, I'm saying that the situation changed, so they reassessed their statement. That's what normal people do (or should do, anyway).
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They didn't reassess anything they gave them out because some people lost them sorry if you lost them but people also lost legacy and what were those people told????????????
Basically sorry about it we wont do anything about it at all but yet event cosmetics were given out for what reason then? Does giving them out not alienate them? If you say no i 100% disagree with you i earned those cosmetics just like those who played the event to those who lost them well unlucky they shouldn't have been given out period but behavior back peddled you can't defend them doing it they gave their word to again go back on it.
At the end of the day the devs word no longer means anything you can pay some guy with a great voice to loudly say timed exclusive all you want but we all know they'll be given out next year anyways its better they keep it real then continue in this fantasy land that these cosmetics are exclusive because between me and you we know the truth.
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Tbh the crowns are trash looking anyway, I do not even use the ones I have got so they can give them out regardlesa imo.
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- They made a decision, which was to have the cosmetics be exclusive.
- Then ######### hit the fan and a ton of people lost the cosmetics.
- They reassessed their decision and came to the conclusion that giving them away was the better option.
This is how people should operate. Your decisions shouldn't be rigid and independent of the circumstances, you should change your mind when presented with new information that invalidates your previous decisions.
You say that their ability to recognize that the situation has changed means their word doesn't mean anything any more. I say that makes them better than the billions who think you're not allowed to change your mind for any reason and call you a hypocrite and/or a liar if you do.
Can you imagine if businesses operated like this, never backing down from a bad decision regardless of what happened? Google would've gone bankrupt by now after all their failed business ventures.
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Saying something is exclusive and wont come back speaks for itself they lied period. With this logic you would think legacy would have been given out to oh wait thats right........
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If you think "lying" is "changing your mind at any point in time", then yes, they "lied". And if you think that, we'll just have to agree to disagree, because, to me, "lying" implies intent. They had no intention of giving out the event cosmetics, but then ######### happened.
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Thats odd because they sure did try when they gave out exclusives and people grilled them and they didnt but only to come back around and give them out i see the intent if you cant idk what else to tell you bud it was 100% there.
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Like I said, we'll have to agree to disagree. You think someone rethinking their position based on new events, evidence, arguments, etc. is "lying". I don't.
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Idk what they said, but they don't hold their words anyway so meh what does it matter?
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I agree completely with what @Orion said- if you think them re-evaluating a decision when circumstances changed and them flat-out lying and becoming completely untrustworthy are identical, then I'm afraid we'll have to agree to disagree.