Kill Switch update: The issue affecting Baermar Uraz's Ugly Sweater has been fixed and the cosmetic has been reenabled in all queues with this update.

Fix bthe damn generators

douggie123 Member Posts: 1,316

The generators get repaired way too quickly. Byt time you catch your first survivor 2 gens are popped. This is pointless for killer, they might as well just sit in the corner for the entire match. Fix generator speeds devs or bring old ruin back. Toolboxes may have been nerfed but it still doesn't stop the speed of the generators. Fix the gens. Because I think I speak for a lot of the killers when I say playing killer isn't fun it's boring. I know you won't listen but I hope you do. As a lot of killers think the same.



  • douggie123
    douggie123 Member Posts: 1,316

    That's because you survivors complain a lot sometimes over nothing. All I ask for is balance. Your a survivor apparently so you don't know what hell we go through.

  • douggie123
    douggie123 Member Posts: 1,316

    Two kills don't get you ranking up though. It's unbelievable. There is no balance the devs just don't care about killers they have more or less admitted that on live stream before. They are all for survivor. It's stupid and boring. Nerf the pallets, nerf the loops - (the previous nerfs weren't even nerfs they just made the loops more effective) and nerf gen speeds. Bring ruin back to the original state that will provide balance

  • douggie123
    douggie123 Member Posts: 1,316

    I don't sit in a corner I said we might as well sit in a corner as we have no control

  • Clevite
    Clevite Member Posts: 4,335

    I will if the killer stops chasing me.

  • NightWolfsFury
    NightWolfsFury Member Posts: 222
    edited June 2020

    The thing with this is the ranking system is what is wrong, not how you deem a win or loss. You should be safety pipping for 2k and pipping for 3k+ unless you played in an overly scummy way.

    All survivors shouldn't have to die for it to be a win. If that were the case, killer would become BUSTED beyond belief.

    They've released many killers since 2016 that can shut down loops well, including Deathslinger, Pyramid Head, Freddy's rework, Trapper (with his faster trap speed, auto reset add-on, being able to reactivate a trap without picking it up), Hag's traps, Huntress (debatable. She definitely struggles with loops against a survivor who knows how to play against her), the Nurse, and more.

    You have many options to choose from and they are currently working on revamping the ranking system, which will *hopefully* fix the killer pipping system, as I know to remain rank 1, you basically have to at least 3k at all times.

    Ruin gets a TON of value with how it works now-a-days, but it has to be ran on killers that can apply strong map pressure, otherwise you run Corrupt for early game set up and pressure which helps immensely in late game.

    You may get stomped every once in a while, but so do survivors. Loops are tedious for everyone, trust me. That's why I love playing against the Nurse. No loops, no BS infinites, just mind games. It's so much more fun.

    But overall, the game is actually fairly balanced for what it is.

  • SpEz
    SpEz Member Posts: 75

    Gen speeds have always been a huge problem ever since the Ruin nerf , atm gen speeds aren’t balanced but hopefully this new start game phase where u have to do something before doing gens will fix the gen speeds if not they need to take longer.

  • hahadrillgobrrr
    hahadrillgobrrr Member Posts: 953

    Issue with matchmaking is survivors who are boosted to reds and purples and killers getting unfair matches. Why do you think killers have resorted to using noed so much? BTW there is an easy counter to noed, there is no counter for low rank killers against players with 1000+ hours more playtime.

  • GodNap
    GodNap Member Posts: 206

    agree with you! Gen speeds are fine for solo queue, but for swf are not. Thanks to coordination they can win the game easy. Who is going for the save? you. What gen are you doing? this one. WHERE IS THE KILLER? Even big dbd streamers say that gen speeds for swf are not fine. The games just relay on survivors mistake, that's all.

  • GodNap
    GodNap Member Posts: 206

    that's true but i would say that even 3 swf with one random are strong enough. I get them like every 8/10 so idk maybe i'm unlucky, but a game is not based on "i hope i don't get a swf".

    JAZC_CR Member Posts: 207

    Totally true, they need to fix the gens... 2 gens are done when I go for the first survivor, just insane l, and rank 1 killer and suvivor btw, but play killer is so damn frustrating.

  • GodNap
    GodNap Member Posts: 206

    for what i remember they said they'll add some engame collapse but at the start right?

  • OldWiseOne
    OldWiseOne Member Posts: 159

    anyone who doesnt think gens are busted are probably the bad survivors, not being funny but even with flawless chases you can lose a gen etc. all you need is a team that actually does gens and it will be rough... i do feel for killers when i have a team that does gens, like im sorry but if you chase me you at game start you will lose 1-3 gens, the weaker killers have it worse, some maps are broken but yeah gens need a look at, they will see this when the new ranking comes into play

  • ayaya
    ayaya Member Posts: 163

    This is a two edged sword. Noed gamers get boosted where they don't belong and then cri about gen speeds

  • Munqaxus
    Munqaxus Member Posts: 2,752

    I had a game against an SWF in which 4 gens were done before I got a hook and I still 4ked. I've played a lot of games where I didn't get a hook until after 3 gens were done and have 4ked. You have to expect the 1st gen to get done before you get a hook. It's pretty common. If the 1st gen isn't done by the 1st hook, as killer, you have probably just got a 4k.

  • GodNap
    GodNap Member Posts: 206

    i wanted to write a post but i surrend, everyone has different opinions and we'll never get to a point. bhvr will never fix gens and story is ended.

  • douggie123
    douggie123 Member Posts: 1,316

    I'm sorry but killers objective is to kill as well. We can't just spend all the match protecting gens. Lucky for survivors they only need to do one objective but killers we have to

    Kill survivors

    Protect gens

    Maintain map pressure

    Protect exit gates

    Chase survivors

    Deal with loops, flash lights etc

    Also if you do have hexes you have to try and protect them as well.

    What do survivors need to

    Repair generators and open gates done

  • douggie123
    douggie123 Member Posts: 1,316

    And only certain killers are capable of doing all of these. There is a roster of 20 killers and only three of them are viable (nurse, spirit and Billy) enough to do all objectives. The other 17 aren't viable whatsoever. I want to be able to have a play all killers with a good chance of success.

  • GodNap
    GodNap Member Posts: 206

    this boi right here is completely right. Agree on all.

  • WaitHowDidIDoThat
    WaitHowDidIDoThat Member Posts: 5

    Those statistics were skewed by how easy it was at the time for survivors to reach red ranks. Having survivors that should be a lower rank running around in higher ranks allows killers in each ranking area to appear more successful than they actually are, because they are going against people that should be too easy for them.

    I don't think you've played as rank 1 killer against good rank 1 survivors. It's pretty ridiculous how easily they can escape if they do things right. They can mess up many times, and still get out. But, as killer, if you mess up even a few times it can cost you the match.

    Personally, I've gotten used to the game as it is now, but it's not as fun as it used to be. Almost all of my killer games require me to give up a lot of chases because the surv is heading to the shack, or a really bad combo of jungle gyms. I also like that survivors don't die easily. It's fun to be challenged, but I really wish they would get rid of the stuff that allows survivors to succeed without trying very hard. Too many second chance perks that stack, AND gens are fast. They need to balance those two dynamics for survivors.

  • NightWolfsFury
    NightWolfsFury Member Posts: 222
    edited June 2020

    I'm not a red rank killer, this is true. I don't play killer too often, but I definitely know that there are some disgusting generations on maps. Even I will be in a chase, see shack, then a safe pallet around cars, followed by a jungle gym next to another car with another pallet, and then a 4 lane and just go, "wow, this set up is disgusting."

    I actually ended up running a pig around for nearly 4 gens (3 were done, but the 4th popped as I got on the hook) on it while only dropping 2 pallets on that one setup. The 4 lane, which was the most unsafe one and the car pallet next to the shack.

    The Pig ended up realizing I was the strong survivor on the team (solo queue) because she never chased me again. I ended up searching a macabre box near another survivor that basically instantly went down at the car loop while still having the jungle gym and shack. She ended up hitting me on the box and leaving me slugged due to my DS still having about 40 seconds and another survivor picked me up after.

    The others went down like flies and it slowed the game way down. Only 1 survivor died and that was due to NOED.

    Trust me, I get how broken the game can be, but you go against just as many potatoes as you do good survivors. You can't always look at the bad games and say that is the only thing that happens. Even rank 1 killers get purple and even green rank survivors and vise versa.

    Hopefully with the new MMR system, statistics can show what is problematic and be fixed in the future due to a more reliable system.

  • Voyager
    Voyager Member Posts: 27

    The problem with those statistics is they undoubtedly include solo queues and no-color ranks.

    If we're talking about SWF red ranks? Or even red rank solo survivors? If you exclude the stats for killers facing those survivors, they'll be extraordinarily different, tilted in favor of survivors.

  • Voyager
    Voyager Member Posts: 27

    How do I get your queue? Almost every other game I play against are coordinated groups, 2 working gens all the time, one ready to flashlight save, one to loop / infinite me. Even if I shift and try to gen pressure, the roles are just switched in their group. Games barely last more than 7 minutes on average because it's always coordinated groups. 1/2 games, not 1 / 20. That would be heavenly if true.

  • NightWolfsFury
    NightWolfsFury Member Posts: 222
    edited June 2020

    The statistics were inclusive of all ranks and situations, which include SWF and solo queue. It was also based off of rank specific stats, so not everything meshed together under one stat. Basically meaning SWF and solo queue are all included under one rank due to it being a killer statistic per rank.

    Don't get me wrong, a 4-man SWF who all truly belong in rank 1 and know how to run a killer can dominate, but that isn't all matches. It isn't even a lot of them. I watch a lot of killer main Twitch streamers and they run into a game where they only get 1-2 kills every like 1 in 5 games, if even that low. The rest are potato survivors or teams that they get at least 3k's on.

    I feel like people over exaggerate how often you run into really good survivors because I rarely see them on Tofu's, Umbra's, Zubat's, or even Ayrun's streams. They mostly 3k+ per match.

    Again, a SWF of really good survivors will definitely tank a killer, ensuring 0 to maybe 2 kills, but it isn't really often.

  • Dead_by_Gadfly
    Dead_by_Gadfly Member Posts: 3,772

    The problem with this is those numbers are inflated across the board for a few reasons.

    First and most important due to a poor matchmaking system I get rainbows a lot. I faced 3 20s yesterday in a game. Also due to a poor ranking system theres a lot of taters in ranks 3 and 4. A few at rank 2 but thats more rare. Tge point is between these 2 things my kill rate is way higher than it should be. People think im playin, im not, if they put in an mmr that actually functions youre going to see kill rates plummet because the best killer against tge best 4 man swf swat is still going to lose more often than win and even when he wins hes going to be miserable doing it. When that happens its going to have a domino effect and youre always going to be going against survivors that are just slightly to good. The games goinh to become a sweatfest.

    2) dcs and suicides count as kills. If someone dcs or suicides at the beginning im being handed a 4k on a silver platter in almost all cases.

    Ill also point out if its the numbers i think youre talking about theyre pretty old. Since those numbers came out weve seen them nerf ruin then shrink a bunch of maps, remove infinites and buff the ######### out of 2 killers. MOST of the changes theyve made have benefitted killers. So if we go off their actions and not the numbers they gave us, it seems they are aware how imbalanced it is. We also know theyre doing something to slow down the beginning of the game, they wouldnt do that if the game was "very balanced."

  • NightWolfsFury
    NightWolfsFury Member Posts: 222

    You discounted my comment on all the streamers who all seem to do very well on killer while also reading chat. All MMR will do is make sure super sweaty killers go against super sweaty survivors, making the game fun for none of the above. It will help for lower ranks and *hopefully* fix the rainbow colors. But again, ALL players are with or against rainbow colors. It can skew data, but people act like 4 man rank 1 elite survivors are the only thing they get which is far from true. It's actually extremely rare.

    Many killer streamers don't have a hard time securing at least 3k+ per match. MMR is only going to make the lives of high MMR players, killer and survivor, living hell as everybody is going to be try Harding because they feel like they have to.

    I also said fairly balanced. Not very. Killers haven't received huge buffs. Freddy and Doctor were reworked sure to being bad, yes, but Spirit and Nurse were nerfed and ruin was changed. Not exactly nerfed. It was nerfed for lower ranks for sure, but was heavily buffed for killers with strong map pressure. It was a nerf for some and buff for others.

    Clown and Trapper both received QoL changes at best, not even true buffs. These are really the only changes I can think of that have happened in the past year.

    Gens are problematic, I will agree. Early game pressure is an issue for killers, but the game isn't as imbalanced as people claim. It's doing alright. Still needs fixing of course, but not as bad as people claim.

  • onemind
    onemind Member Posts: 3,089

    As a killer main i do agree partly early game is way to quick it can take about about 35s to down a surivor with hot any pallets Windows. Or perks and a gen oft3n is finished in 47s because 2 or more surivors often spawn together so by the time the killer hooks 1 a gen can be done and another could be half now yes i could hit someone elsebut i lose that peron and if they have a medkit or teammate thats time waisted and now 2 are on a diffrent gen and that person that is solo has a gen like 90. You see the issue the killer cant get early game pressure especially 110 killers. And the killers people dislike like legion is because they can get that early game pressure.

    I saw a commet about noed and i think its fair you can do bones it slows down gens and punish adrenaline players and if you dont have it you either are allready full health or injured so it wont make a change most killers run it to keep end game pressure gatse take 16s to open and like i said earlier it takes about 34s to down a full health sutivor with nothing to them except holding forwarded and it prevents hook tradeing for ds

  • OutcastEric
    OutcastEric Member Posts: 495

    maybe if getting kills got you a pip still. number of kills dont directly correlate to player skill or rank anymore since we have the emblem system. Noed is a perk that is turned off all game and only activates when the EGC timer activates or the 5th gen is completed. How does a player using noed effect the emblem system enough to boost killers up far enough to where there would be a disparity in skill? It simply doesnt. Players in their ranks for the most part earned their place there through playtime and playing through the emblem system, which in most cases comes natural through normal gameplay.

  • SurviveByDaylight
    SurviveByDaylight Member Posts: 720

    No gens are fine. So make gens slower to give you more time to Mori tunneled survivors and camp? Nahh. That’s not fun. You know what they need to fix instead? They need to fix Killers hitting survivors through walls. Does the killers lunge attack cover more distance now? Because it feels like it. Too easy for killers. I’ve played them so don’t even try me with the you are a “survivor main” nonsense.

  • SurviveByDaylight
    SurviveByDaylight Member Posts: 720

    When I say hitting survivors through walls I mean I’ve been hit by lunging killers striking the walls next to windows and going down. Even at windows if I’m not a mile away from the window I get hit. I noticed a difference between now and before the recent patches. Seems broken.

  • DetailedDetriment
    DetailedDetriment Member Posts: 2,632

    "Fix the generators". Sorry, but Claudette can't go any faster. She's got a solid charge per hour groove.

  • Dead_by_Gadfly
    Dead_by_Gadfly Member Posts: 3,772

    Uh...did you read my comment? Because what I said included the words "across the board" which would include streamers reading chats. Ive been tracking my stats and average 3.2 kills per game, but i know the difference between a team of potato's and good survivors and theres way more potatos than there should be. Of course good killers are getting 3ks most games. Its fine if you dont believe me, everyone will see when mmr goes live. Because the imbalances in this game are going to become glaringly obvious.

  • CashelP14
    CashelP14 Member Posts: 5,564

    2 gens pop in the first chase? So what. It's what you do after that which decides if your a good killer or not. They already said they are working on something to slow gens down in the early game but gen speeds aren't that horrible.

    If you play smart you'll be fine. The problem is most killer just sit in the corner and cry if any gens pop. I've had a lot of games (a few today included) where 2 gens popped with me only getting 1 hook. Weirdly enough I still end up getting 8-9 hooks and at least 3 kills.

  • HectorBrando
    HectorBrando Member Posts: 3,167

    People have a very selective memory, they will always remember that one match where they got stomped against 4 gods but the 100 matches where they steamrolled Solos fade away very fast.

    Im rank1 at both roles and godly SWF are SUPER rare, playing Myers and Jigsaw mostly (supposedly 2 not very good killer or so people say), I get 4k way more times than 0k and 3k way more times than 1k or 2k, I could even get more 4k if I slugged the penultimate guy to avoid hatch escapes but Im not that sweaty and I dont really care that much for that extra kill.

    I think a lot of the complains in this game (from both roles) come from the inability of noticing your own mistakes, I rarely feel cheated if I get 0K or sacrficied unless I get an insane map with awful gen setup like Mother's Dwelling as killer or facecamped as Survivor, I can usually trace my defeats to a string of mistakes from my part or my teammates. I remember one day a very good streamer was complaining about gentimes against a premade of 4 with very strong toolboxes (before their nerf) and people were saying there was nothing he could, yet he got 4K and you could notice in the video several mistakes from his part but it didnt matter, he said there was nothing he could do and it was like Imperial truth.

  • GodNap
    GodNap Member Posts: 206

    the point is that if survivors make mistakes they are pretty much fine if they are overall goos, but killers can ######### all the match for just one only mistake like a long chase because the survivor is good

  • HectorBrando
    HectorBrando Member Posts: 3,167
    edited June 2020

    It depends in the size of the mistake, overextending a chase in a very safe spot is a huge mistake, one of the worst in my opinion, it would be the equivalent of getting downed while attempting to body block a killer so now he has 2 hooked people in the same area (this is espcially grave if the other 2 standing are already hurt), in both scenarios one side has made a fatal mistake and unless the other screws it big time things are not going to end well.

    You cant compare overextending chases to taking a medium vault or dropping a pallet one loop earlier, those are mild mistakes akin of missing a hit on open field or getting juked for 5 seconds (you shouldnt lose for 1 or 2 of those and if you do, you have made way more mistakes and you dont notice them).

    Post edited by HectorBrando on
  • GodNap
    GodNap Member Posts: 206

    ok i will correct myself, survivor are doing the objective in 4 and the killer is alone. That's all. They are adding the start of the match phase so i don't see why this discussion should continue.

  • NightWolfsFury
    NightWolfsFury Member Posts: 222

    God survivors versus God killers of course are probably going to average 2 kills or so as survivors who know the game way too well do have the upper hand, but I can guarantee that'll be like the top 0.01% of the community.

    I personally believe the MMR system overall isn't going to show a crazy gap because most players in the game, killers or survivors, aren't amazing at the game. Overall, it will be in the killers favor until you start getting in the "grandmaster" level of play because that's where at the sweat Lord's will be and where the survivors know advantages, mind games, how not to fall for mind games, small tricks that most people don't know about, etc.

    The game is imbalanced at the very top. Doesn't mean it isn't at least doing well for the majority of the player base.

    As me and multiple killer mains above have said, it's extremely rare to go against really good survivors that have a clear advantage over you by sheer skill. Most times it is just map generations that are disgusting to carry survivors and make them seem good. Otherwise, you're getting 3 kills+ per game, as you also said you're currently doing.

    That isn't going to change until you get into like the top 1% of players. Most of us are potatoes or good at best. Maps and their generations are what can cause an imbalance a lot of the time. Not the players skill.

  • NightWolfsFury
    NightWolfsFury Member Posts: 222

    Have you seen statistics on this? Any streamers I watch is 3k+ on average, both of my friends who play killer also average 3k+ and one was a green rank a few days ago that just got up to rank 6 and only has 200 hours on the game.

    If people are averaging less than 2, that's not on the game balance. That's on their poor game play. If my friend with 200 hours in the game can do it, so can others, and he makes A LOT of mistakes in his matches. He streams it for my other killer main friend and I on Discord.

    Many killer mains that play really well average a high kill ratio, which is indictive of the game balance right now. They play the killer optimally, we don't. They will still get stomped against really strong survivors, but again, that is very obviously far and few as I see less than a handful of games where a streamer gets less than a 3k during their stream.

  • NightWolfsFury
    NightWolfsFury Member Posts: 222

    Of course it isn't... What do you expect from someone with so little experience? He has played mostly survivor with me and started picking up killer and maining them just in the past few months.

    If he is doing that well in such a short amount of time, it's obvious that other killers are making even more mistakes than someone who is basically new to the game. Will he be a rank 1 killer? Probably not any time soon. He's still new and learning killer.

    You also conveniently ignored my comment about streamers who play killer optimally, as they rarely struggle to get more kills than escapes. The community just isn't as good at killer as they want to believe if they can't at least average 2 kills per match. These streamers just prove it. We have more learning and self assessment to do.

    I also stated that they would still get hammered by really good survivors, as yes, the game is balanced more in the survivors favor, but most survivors aren't that good. You will very rarely run into a match where you get stomped by the survivors because most of us just aren't that good at survivor or even killer too.

  • NightWolfsFury
    NightWolfsFury Member Posts: 222

    This right here. Just yesterday I was watching Ayrun's stream and he saw that one half of the map had a disgusting set up and he said he wasn't going to go to that side of the map at all and is going to let the survivors have it. Sometimes you just have to let a chase go or not even entertain a survivor on a strong set up. Let them 3-gen. Force the survivors into the poor area of the map layout. It'll put the match a lot more in your favor more times than not.

    Some of us, myself included, ignore that it is a strong set up and should be ignored. Sure, survivors might do 2 or 3 gens over there, but then you're forcing them to have to do gens all in close proximity on the weaker half of the map.

  • Axe
    Axe Member Posts: 1,060

    solo gens take 80 seconds. Run discordance if you are worried about being gen rushed hard. You got a lot of perks and tools to prevent gen rush. Pop, ruin, corrupt, thrilling etc