SWF and Community

Mostly play killer, but I've recently got some friends into the game. Maybe this is asked constantly but I'm new to the forums.

I'm Rank 1 Survivor, and I am playing with my rank 10-20 friends. We will be using voice comms, not to have an unfair advantage, but instead because we've been stuck in our houses for months and live in different states.

What's the balance that should be found? It would be really tough for us not to share information like who the killer is. I've actively avoided the killer and not been BMing and chasing him. But when the killer decided its in his best interest to chase me for 3 minutes and the end game screen shows he's +10 ranks above me, I feel like an ######### and they probably feel bad too.

I guess I just see a lot of toxicity towards people playing with others, but we didn't meet somewhere and hatch a plan to dominate killers; most of the time we screw up and all die anyways.


  • Mikeasaurus
    Mikeasaurus Member Posts: 2,327

    SWF isn't all SWAT teams, despite what many like to say. I play with my friend everyday and we're always on chat, but most times we're just messing around leading the killer to each other. Or as he enjoys to do, uses Adam's damn rock perk without me knowing. You do get some SWF who are just there to make your life a living hell, but there are more teams that just like to have fun and mess around.

  • Ninety3Percent
    Ninety3Percent Member Posts: 14

    Copy that, that's good to hear. The matchmaking seems to give us killers that are closer to our weakest common denominator, and that sucks but I can't help it. Not sure what the fix is.

  • VSchmitt
    VSchmitt Member Posts: 571

    The ppl are calling out SWF (myself included) 'cause most of them ARE swat/seal team 6 playing as sweaty as possible. BUT. Yeah, when I play SWF I play for "shits and giggles" and most of the time we're screwing up so much for a good laught that the killer get a 3/4k on us. The whole problem isn't just SWF but it's its combination with sweaty perks and constantly information on what the killer is doing...

  • Ninety3Percent
    Ninety3Percent Member Posts: 14

    I don't think devs are overestimating that, I think there are just way more red/high rank survivors because the way the game works. Much harder to rank up as killer, especially vs these 4 man SWFs.

    Thanks everybody for the replies. Maybe I'll go perkless; I don't see an easy fix.

  • OldHunterLight
    OldHunterLight Member Posts: 3,001

    I'd say if you play against a baby killer, don't go too hard on him, I play duo swf with my brother, we rarely tell each other stuff about the actual match, just stuff like "no one is coming, get me off the hook" and "just do gens I'm being camped to death" or "help me do this gen to prevent 3 genning ourselves" not stuff like "I'm on an LT wall go away work on another gen" "god pallet is down go to the other side".

    But if your friends don't have that much experience let them practice against a random killer how to loop etc.

    Perkwise I'd say just not to abuse stuff like 4 man swf DS unbreakable, other than that I think it's fair if you want to 4 man for fun