Little piece of advice to everyone who doesn't know how to deal with Legion.

I just played a match with teammates who I guess didn't know how to face The Legion, and it didn't go very well.
Long story short, we dieded.
I play Killer and Survivor equally, and when I play Killer, I play Legion. This is some advice to everyone out there who doesn't know how to play against Legion.
@ my teammates from last match, thank you for giving me another opportunity to talk about my baby legion.
Here we go.
What I want to say is... Do not team up on generators!!! The Legion has discordance, and you can bet that they are gonna be using it! If two people are working on a generator at the same time, The Legion is going to find you very quickly because that generator will be highlighted. I was trying to tell my teammates to stop by doing the "Over here" emote, but sadly they wouldn't listen to me. :(
Also another piece of advice to people who don't know how hag traps work: if you crouch over them they do not trigger! (I didn't know until a few days ago and I felt very very dumb dumb)
I hope you all have a nice day/night and I hope my advice helps someone :) (even if you already knew, make sure to let new players know, same with other players that may not know these things!)
I'm a Legion main and I don't use Discordance, also when playing against Legion you as a Survivor need to know when to heal and when to stay injured and do gens, so many times when I injured a Survivor with Feral Frenzy they will just heal up again, instead of doing gens, giving me time to kill them all.
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discordance is pretty good on legion. If you don't use it you should use some tracking perks.
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Yes!! This!!
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Discordance is so good it's insane. Finding 2+ survs working on a gen at the beginning of a match and then using feral frenzy to wound them both is just so fun.
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The most consistent counter to legion is watching scooby doo cartoons.
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I'm more of a agressive Legion, I use mostly chase perks.
My build is Bamboozle, Enduring, Spirit Fury and BBQ + the two fatigue addons.
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bbq is a tracking perk kinda
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Exactly! Legion is at his weakest when survivors split up on gens. If I know there are a group working on one gen, it's easy to hit them all and slow down their progress.