What was the worst original chapter for you?

For me personally the chains of hate (also ######### is that name compared to the others) is by far the worst, most boring, and plain original chapter added. Thats including lore, visual design, perks and visual design. Playing against him is just boring, not easy, not hard just outright boring. Zarina is basically another version of leather jacket with sideshave girl with boring and not engaging lore. Overall the whole chapter felt like a flop to me personally (obviously this is opinion based not trying to offend anyone or start a fight). What was the worst original chapter in your personal opinion? I know a lot of people will say legion cuz of how boring and broken he used to be but everything else about the chapter was pretty cool in my opinion so by far not the worst for me, chains of hate however, thats just awful.



  • malatruse
    malatruse Member Posts: 784

    Curtain Call because I don't like Clown's character design or lore. Plus no new map release.

  • JephKaplan
    JephKaplan Member Posts: 308

    oww ye i forgot about the perks, but i still like the IDEA of mount ormond we all wanted a snow map and we got it but its just awful lol. But ye i just like the legion as an idea and their lore, plus it brought jesus into dbd

  • GoodBoyKaru
    GoodBoyKaru Member Posts: 22,769

    Honestly I'm not his biggest fan but I wouldn't call him bad. Distortion is fun, breakdown is ######### though, and I don't even remember his third perk but I think it might be aftercare? His outfits are nothing spectacular (although with the crown he finally gets a Jesus cosmetic lol), but he's hardly bad.

    Shake the rest of his chapter is utter #########.

  • Hoodied
    Hoodied Member Posts: 13,019

    Aftercare is his other perk yes. But Jeff is one of the few survivors to have actually interacted with the killer they released with.

    Breakdown could be good if hooks were not so close to each other

    Distortion is the perk that has a chance of getting used

  • GoodBoyKaru
    GoodBoyKaru Member Posts: 22,769

    Yeah I agree his lore is cool (but his killer ain't lol). Aftercare isn't too bad, distortion is fun, but yeha breakdown needs some hardcore supeebuff to be viable lol.

  • JephKaplan
    JephKaplan Member Posts: 308

    I feel like distortion should work more like Lucky Break, having just 3 tokens does nothing if the killer has any kind of aura reading (bbq nurse's wraith all seeing michael i forgot his add on name sorry etc). If it had like lets say 80 seconds total or even less instead of tokens it'll be pretty decent. Breakdown is fun as it breaks the hook for 180 seconds but then theres a hook like 5m to the left sooo

  • TheStabbiNAngeL
    TheStabbiNAngeL Member Posts: 1,264

    Legion is a fun killer for me :) so much fun

  • Mister_xD
    Mister_xD Member Posts: 7,669

    Darkness Among Us.

    just because of how many times Legion freaking broke the game and how much trouble we had with them.

  • Papayarng
    Papayarng Member Posts: 73

    if you think spirit is easy to play you havent used her properly

  • JephKaplan
    JephKaplan Member Posts: 308

    Actually after thinking about it, lullaby for the dark is pretty awful, we got a killer that can hit u across the map with a semi truck, her visual design is boring, her perks are just... its a shame to call those perks, then u have red forest 1 of the worst map for killer and to top it off we got David with no mither dead hard (dedicated hard) and we're gonna live forever lol. Still doesn't beat cowboy for me tho

  • Ihatelife
    Ihatelife Member Posts: 5,069
    edited June 2020

    I don't have a one that is worst for me, but Chains of Hate was a really unfun chapter for me. Not really strong perks for solo players and fot killers and Deathslinger... one of two killers that I hate playing against.

  • TheStabbiNAngeL
    TheStabbiNAngeL Member Posts: 1,264

    Hey other Legion, I think this entire thread is just to say how much they hated our chapter.

  • Ihatelife
    Ihatelife Member Posts: 5,069

    Makes me sad :( Legion for me is very fun killer to play and play against. It makes me actually happy when I play against him...

  • TheStabbiNAngeL
    TheStabbiNAngeL Member Posts: 1,264

    Uuuumm it's sometimes for me to go against legion, when he's not tunneling

    Other than that it's really cool to have a killer who can jump over pallets and walls,it's scary sometimes.But as a character legion is my favorite Original

  • Spooky13
    Spooky13 Member Posts: 1,471

    I'd say Darkness Among Us. Ormond and old Legion? No thanks.

    Curtain Call came with a new map though, Father Campbell's Chapel. Do you mean no new realm?

  • BigBrainMegMain
    BigBrainMegMain Member Posts: 3,826

    Yeah, I hear that a lot.

    Many players don't like the revamped version of Crotus Prenn. I'm half and half, he's a travelling entertainer, makes sense he parked in front of the Church, but others wanted an entire Carnival Theme, Circus map.

  • TheStabbiNAngeL
    TheStabbiNAngeL Member Posts: 1,264

    Meh, let's keep it strictly fantasy you don't like mask killer's or something?

  • Kellie
    Kellie Member Posts: 1,328

    Darkness Among Us. The entire chapter was a complete fail. This was probably the worst chapter to be released ever, it brought a broken and annoying killer to the game, the map it brought is horrendous and way too big, The Legion's lore was edgy and cringe to read and Jeff's lore was boring and lame. Overall a terrible chapter, this was probably when the game started to go downhill.

  • Ihatelife
    Ihatelife Member Posts: 5,069

    Meh, Legion is trash at tunneling.They don't have any power for this.

    Yeah, I love them too 😍 It's so scary to face a killer that has the same abilities like you and is faster

  • Kaiju
    Kaiju Member Posts: 530

    Darkness Among Us

    Ormond and Legion are a mistake. Jeff is fine tho

  • OldHunterLight
    OldHunterLight Member Posts: 3,001

    Chains of hate was my most hated chapter, I hate deathslinger with all my life, both using him and playing against him.

  • Steel_Eyed
    Steel_Eyed Member Posts: 4,033

    I think Legion is in a good spot but I think yall convinced me it was the worst chapter. Especially on release.

  • Kebek
    Kebek Member Posts: 3,676

    Funnily enough your most hated chapter is my absolute most favourite chapter of all made, Chains of hate it amazing imao.

    As for the worst chapter definetly Darkness Among Us. Legion back then was the most horribly designed killer ever made and after they "fixed" him he just became M1 killer who annoys survivors with mending if they let him. Ormond even when cool looking art wise is one of the worst maps balance wise. Only positive was Jeff beiing really cool survivor otherwise everything kinda sucked.

  • FreddysMixTape
    FreddysMixTape Member Posts: 78

    Gonna agree with the masses here and say Darkness Among Us.

    Ormond is one of the least enjoyable maps to play on, Legion(while they were fun to play as on release and while I do like their general design and lore) is to this very day an absolute mess of a character, most perks that came with this chapter are also just underwhelming with the exception of Discordance and maybe Distortion.

    Jeff is pretty neat though and I wish more people would play him.

  • MadArtillery
    MadArtillery Member Posts: 826

    Guess I'll roll with chains, the chapter I'll probably never buy. Characters are meh, perks especially on the killer side are a hard pass, it also brought breakable walls. They are improving those somewhat in the silent hill map where some are some very much interesting decisions but I'm still a bit skeptical.

  • BubbaMain64
    BubbaMain64 Member Posts: 546

    I like Deathslingers design but he's just so bad. Like he can get downs but he sucks at everything else so playing him just doesn't feel rewarding at all. Playing more survivor also showed me just how annoying he was to play against. You either have a split second reaction or you hope he misses and thats all there is.

    I think Darkness Among us was probably the worst on release since Legion was literally a free win. Of course theres still a few killers like that but release day Legion was the epitome of it. It was a cool concept but it doesn't work in DBD.

  • lesterisasweetname
    lesterisasweetname Member Posts: 19

    Darkness amongst us, without hasitation. I agree with everything people above have stated. I used to main legion until I faced them as a survivor. I wanted to dc just not to mend for the 18th time in a match. Then I abandoned them, and I despise them since.

    Then there is cursed legacy and oni...man I hate him, hes so loud and ugly! and have you seen the map? Sure you did. Its a joke. A huge damn deadzone.

    Aaand chains of hate. With deathslinger. No comments.

  • MusicNerd_TC
    MusicNerd_TC Member Posts: 3,099

    Nah, she's probably the easiest killer in the game, and extremely powerful. All you need to play her is working headphones, and if you're really tryhard, strider. I can hop on spirit right now, and not lose a single match, because if how badly designed she is.

  • blue4zion
    blue4zion Member Posts: 2,773

    I think we were spoiled with the previous killers power being pretty dynamic while deathslinger is almost straightforward and simple.

    But i agree, chains of hate has to be my least favorite.

  • CashelP14
    CashelP14 Member Posts: 5,564

    Curtain call is up there. At the time I despised facing the clown, I remember thinking he was too strong lol

    However it's actually Chains of Hate.. literally. I just don't find that killer fun to face or play as.

    Favourite was Darkness Among Us honestly. At the time I only played survivor so an easy killer to beat, who also gave me loads of points I loved.

  • Mistikus
    Mistikus Member Posts: 1,347

    i will go with "Dakness among us" chapter it gave us killer who shouldnt end up in this game and im not a big fan of ormond as it goes to jeff im neutral on him

  • Semimatic
    Semimatic Member Posts: 162

    Darkness Among Us because he was advertised as a more disguise or stealth like killer and then we got an abomination of a power..

  • Tatariu
    Tatariu Member Posts: 3,068

    Darkness Among Us - Because Legion.

  • Orion
    Orion Member Posts: 21,675

    Darkness Among Us (Legion) was the most disappointing chapter. From the name and description, we were expecting a multi-body killer. From the trailer, we expected a killer who could disguise himself as a survivor. Instead, what we got was Legion. Very fun to play as due to his high mobility, but highly inefficient (especially after all the nerfs) and annoying due to their self-stunning power that just makes survivors have to hold M1.

  • SpookyStabby
    SpookyStabby Member Posts: 621

    Chains of Hate. Western horror just as a concept is lame. Zarina was the only cool thing to come out of that and I'm a Killer main who doesn't even use her.

  • oh_0k
    oh_0k Member Posts: 712

    Demise of the faithful

    Plague is soooooo boring

    Jane players are always major #########

    And the map on release was awful but now it's ok

  • Squirrel_Thicc
    Squirrel_Thicc Member Posts: 2,677

    Darkness among us. Legion. And Jeff got very mediocre perks. Plus a terrible map.

  • NikkiMouse
    NikkiMouse Member Posts: 23
    edited June 2020

    It brought Kate, who I main and adore. But I share your dislike for Clown feel like its the chapter everyone forgets because it wasn't very memorable.

  • ManyAchievables
    ManyAchievables Member Posts: 667

    Chains Of Hate.

    I hate the map, the Survivor is bland and has lazy perks, Killer has bad perks and is a mediocre Killer.

    Say what you want about Shattered Bloodline or Darkness Among Us, at least those brought something that gave an impact in the meta for perks. Deliverance and Spirit Fury are great combo perks and Discordance is really good in general.

    Also Darkness Among Us has Jeff, who is hands down the BEST Survivor that the developers have ever made.

  • TheRockstarKnight
    TheRockstarKnight Member Posts: 2,171

    As much as I personally loathe Chains of Hate (it's the only original chapter I haven't spent real money on) for being boring and uninspired, I'll have to say Darkness Among Us.

    Release Legion was horribly designed (they also nearly killed the game) and was Ormond broken on release (playing it crashed the game) and had to be removed for quite a while IIRC.

    Also I hate Distortion and how it counters aura reading. Nobody runs it, but when they do it's an annoying thorn in my side.