State of the game (for me personally.)

HollowsGrief Member Posts: 1,497

You know, I always disliked the "I'm uninstalling" posts that people put up when things don't go their way, favorite killer nerfed, stupid maps, etc etc. But after PH was added I have to say I actually just flat out do not enjoy the game anymore, at all. It isn't because of bad balance, or the fact that unfun maps like Ormand still existing. No, the game has actually become unplayable for me due to the overwhelming amount of game breaking bugs. These aren't even annoying bugs, they actually completely prevent you from even playing the game at a basic level. For all this game's terrible balance, toxic killer/survivor mains, etc, the one thing that I truly cannot put up with is the negligence in fixing bugs, it simply gets worse every single time they add new content.

If people want to argue that fixing bugs is hard, or takes time, or whatever that is fine, but at the end of the day it is the devs responsibility to see this issue resolved. It is very clear to me that the focus of this game is adding new content, be it chapters or cosmetics, that is fine a game like this needs that to survive, but not at the expense of basic health to the game. Please take some time off of your scheduled content release and focus on what is most important: fixing the broken mechanics. A game this fun with legitimately fun content being added, would be such a shame to see it die out early due to negligence.

I don't want anyone to think I am slinging insults at anyone, that isn't the case, but negligence isn't always, or even most of the time, malicious in nature, more often than not it is simply not even noticed. I am making this post to help make it noticed and to really put emphasis on how important something like this really is. It doesn't matter how fun your game is if it doesn't even work.

-Best wishes.
