People who are experiencing the sound bugs: what level do you have the menu music at?

Please answer the question in the title with a description of how severe the sound issues are.
I have menu music on 100%, and my sound bugs are pretty signigicant on some days.
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how severe? SOmetimes when playing killer, I dont hear anything. COmplete silence when chasing someone, I dont even hear my own footsteps sometimes.
Two nights ago while playing Bubba the chain saw sound stuck on loop everytime I used chainsaw.
When playing survivor, I use balanced landing often and have seen myself drop from a building and make no sound.
Main volume 49%
Main menu music 0%
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0%, sound bugs are rampant. Cheryl often emits no sound at all. No footsteps, injured sounds, nothing. I can't hear any survivor unless I'm within a few meters of them. This is insane and I don't understand why this has to happen with every single update after 4 years.
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Define "pretty significant".
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Menu music is at 0%.
I haven't kept track how often the bug happens but I'll edit post later. I'll keep a log for the rest of today.
Edit: almost forgot this. I had 2 games out of 20 where sound bug occured. Both times were 1 survivor not making any sound in dying state.
Post edited by hahadrillgobrrr on0 -
My main music is at like 75%, and the menu music is 40% I think? Less than half.
Playing killer I notice reduced/nonexistent footstep and breathing sounds in every match. Survivors being silent on the ground isn’t as common but happens frequently enough that I notice it. Playing survivor, I’ll get the free Iron Will once every few matches, it’s not super common. There are also issues with occlusion like other people have said, and Dwight in particular is bugged (he doesn’t make a sound when he falls from a height).
Do you think that the menu music setting is messing with in-match sound balance?
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Alright, next I'd like to ask everyone to put the menu music at 100% and see if the problems go away. Don't do anything else with the settings, just put the music back at 100%. If I'm right, the problems will, at least, be reduced.
Do you think that the menu music setting is messing with in-match sound balance?
That's what I think, yes. I didn't have any problems until I set it to 0%. It could just be a coincidence, though.
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0% at all times, don't really encounter any problems.
Can hear injured breaths, can hear whining while downed, can hear footsteps while blinded & close to them.
Worst is probably that footsteps have just become less noticable to me ever since a patch years ago.
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0%, rarely do I get a survivor that's injured not making any noises, however quite often I find a downed survivor not making any noises (I'd say once every three or four times).
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Well, it could still be a cause of sound bugs. We already know that there's no universal cause.
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It would sort of make sense, it’s worth looking into at least. I’ll try adjusting my settings when I next play and see if it makes a difference.
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Yeah, i'm not excluding, it'd be great if this was actually it, so we'd have something concrete.
Just thought it'd be good to share anyway.
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It's always good to share information. That's how we learn.
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Still having problems with downed survivors, seem that they're occurring more often, however it's most likely a coincidence.
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Main volume: 4-6% (plus headset already set to 50%).
Menu music: 0%
I already have a sound sensitive headset. I hate the opening trailer is at 100% and I skip it all the time. Sometimes, I tab out too long and I have to take my headset off for how ludicrously loud it starts (never personally owned dual monitor). Game play is mostly fine minus the slug music. It's so obnoxious. I wish it was more subtle like the injured music.
Game play sounds:
- Free iron will when playing survivor. I don't know if the killer can or can't hear me at that point.
- No sound when falling from large heights when using iron will. Isn't that supposed to exclusively balanced landing?
- Not hearing foot steps or heavy breathing survivors when running.
Those are probably my top 3 sound bugs that I experience more often than others.
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Sounds like your issue is just that the main volume is too low. A friend of mine who's an expert in sound said that you should always leave the in-game sounds maxed and then adjust your OS's settings.
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Not really. I can hear my moans and groans all the time when it's not bugged out. It's that (x)% bug chance that I don't hear my groans of pain but my friends can for some reason. I can hear myself and other survivors fall who do not use balanced landing every time. One of the few times I played iron will, I was not making any falling sounds in one game and the next one, I was. When playing killer, I do hear the footsteps and heavy breathing of a running survivor 100% of the time when not in chase. I dislike how much the chase music drowns out those noises unless they are right on top of you minus groaning and grunting pains. I can also hear their whimpers. I don't think it's me needing to turn up the volume if I hear the game completely fine without blasting my ears out.