You can bring back 1 nerfed perk, what would you choice?

Survivor's perk: the old Mettle of Man, it was pretty fun
Killer's Perk: the Old ruin
Same choice, Hex Ruin.
Runner up: Decisive Strike.
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Survivor: self care - my build would basically be infini health
Killer: hex thrill of the hunt - it used to notify of all totems being touched instead of just hex totems (itd help with certain builds like with hex retribution)
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Survivor perk: None
Killer perk: Ruin
Reason is because as a new player I hated going up against Ruin but it made me a better player, taught me that TOTEMS are part of my objective and gen tapping was a thing.
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Survivor perk: Self-Care so I don't feel like I have to combo it with Botany
Killer perk: Enduring to have something to help with other stuns (plus the devs said they were going to buff it after increasing the stun from DS).
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Survivor-Self care so that that P3 claudette won’t be wasting too much time in that corner
Killer-Gearhead. Idk why the nerfed it in the first place. It was a really good and balanced perk
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Old BT
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I just realized that maybe it would be better to get the old self-care back, you opened my eyes explaining what a tactical advantage we will have, finally 90% of the Claudettes that I find in my team will not be useless
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Wake Up :)
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Balanced landing
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Original Tinkerer.
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Old Enduring.
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Survivor: balance landing
killer: Ruin.
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Unrelenting. Alternatively, Save the Best For Last.
Wasn't good on the top-tier Killers (Nurse and Billy at the time) but it did bring M1 killers closer to that level. After nerfing the Machine Gun build they failed to compensate the killers that were relying on it most (Trapper, Wraith, Myers) and now all 3 sit solidly in bottom tier / low-mid tier.
It still wouldn't be great on Nurse, Billy, Huntress, etc and would bring M1 killers closer in power to the top tier M2 killers but M1 killers that are already decently strong such as Spirit and Freddy would have to be adjusted.
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Same choice
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Balanced landing!
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Balanced landing since maps are more fair for boths sides now, only haddonfield need some changing
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Surge (the version they showed on the stranger things reveal stream that was 40 meters and 12% regression)
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OG OG surge was still 32 meters. PTB was 24 meters 12% and then current version is 32 meters 8%.
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I'd bring pack OG autodidact.
-20% first skill check
+80% with 5 stacks.
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The correct answer ^
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I would choose Balanced Landing.
Fix Haddonfield (or delete it ^^) and the old version would be fine.
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Hex:Ruin and Balanced Landing.
I miss Balanced Landing, I still got my ass handed to me even exploiting the perk. =/
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NOED. It'd be hilarious.
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This perk is now so completely and utterly useless, it's now so situational with such a huge drawback not befitting what it actually offers its barely worth considering which is why you never see it.
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Tinkerer...I never got to try machinegun hatchets
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Old Unrelenting. Combined with current Save the Best for Last hehe.
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By "old" I'm guessing you don't mean "release", right?
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Well I mean the version were even your auccessful attack cooldown was reduced by 30 %
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Just making sure, since at release it was 9% and only on missed hits.
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Old Unrelenting - Used to give you a 22% reduced cooldown on successful attacks
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Enduring for Killers.
I remember when they increased the stun duration of DS so Enduring wouldn't hard counter it, but then nerfed Enduring anyway and left DS buffed.
Enduring didn't need to be nerfed.
I don't know what for Survivors. I main Killer.
Also, most of their perks usually get buffed from being worthless or start out blatantly OP.
DS used to be a free Escape on your first down and We'll Make It used to stack and apply to yourself. You could literally heal yourself in the time it took for a Killer to recover from hitting you.
I guess I'd pick Balanced Landing; it was only broken in specific situations and maybe if it was unnerfed it'd get them to actually do something with Haddonfield.
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Balanced Landing. My favorite Perk of all time, used to run it since I started playing. Sad that it became the worst Exhaustion Perk.
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Old STBFL. That was fun. I never understood why they nerfed STBFL after changing Unrelenting to the way it is now anyways.
Sprint Burst with no exhaustion. Broken, but was fun to use as survivor when in long chases.
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Hex:Ruin, the new one just boosts killers that already have mapcontrol and didn't need old ruin to begin with, it only widend the gap between strong and not strong killers.
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Survivor: Balanced Landing
Killer: Unrelenting
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The original Remember Me, it would actually be a fairly interesting perk with End Game. Sad it is a shell of its former self.
For survivor, I'd say restore the ability to remove exhaustion while running. It honestly felt more fun to me and from a killer perspective it wasn't that game breaking.
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Remember me