New iridescent

if BHVR was to add new iridescent rarity items/offerings to the game what would you want and how would you want them to work?

my personal ideas:


  • golden toolbox - no addons affect it and it works like old brand new part where you get constant skill checks till you finish the gen but after that poof its gone
  • Dark light - a flashlight formed by the entity, cant blind but can burn any killer


  • Rift token (universal addon) - a cooldown of X amount of time but can swing at a wall to go through it like making a hole which will close up after another set amount of time
  • Broken hook (offering) - if a hook has been broken its protected and cant be broken again


  • IMhereRUN
    IMhereRUN Member Posts: 606

    Golden toolbox: I vote no, gens are too quick already.

    Dark Light: cool concept, but burning characters that normally can’t be burned, just makes this a a guaranteed blind. I know you said it doesn’t blind, but when burned, a killer is stunned...same diff except they can still see. No on this one.

    Rift token: very cool idea indeed, I think would be better as a killer’s power in a future DLC down the line. We just got a huge map re-work update and I think most maps are pretty reasonable now, no need for an offering (this would have to be an offering, not an add-on as it doesn’t affect power) to change the map’s RNG. No on this one.

    Broken hook: I don’t mind this, but if a survivor is sacrificed on the hook, that hook still needs to be destroyed permanently. I do think it’s a waste as hook repairs are done fairly quickly already, so I am indifferent to this one.

  • Soulslayer618
    Soulslayer618 Member Posts: 488

    I appreciate the feedback :D

    dark light was mostly for the "I cant blind the killer to save my life" kinds of people like me

    as for having the killer ones as offerings Id still like to see some kind of utility offering being that the current petrified/putrid oak etc dont really do anything and the rest are basically tiny mods (dont get me wrong I love them but I also love new content)

  • Soulslayer618
    Soulslayer618 Member Posts: 488


    really bad idea but still

    iri-offering to add a gate for survivor or to put gates closer together for killer (cause if you remove one of the gates then its stupid hard to get out depending on build)

  • Funkerlied
    Funkerlied Member Posts: 37

    An extra hook offering. Killers have Mori's to ruin the game, survivors should have the same.

  • Funkerlied
    Funkerlied Member Posts: 37

    Bare minimum is someone has to die first, along with 3 gens done. Mori takes less effort and rewards you for just playing the game.

  • anarchy753
    anarchy753 Member Posts: 4,212

    Both shorten the game and give you a cheap win for not doing all of your objective. "Bare minimum" you still have to catch someone 2/3 times to mori them unless it's a yellow.

  • Soulslayer618
    Soulslayer618 Member Posts: 488

    on another point because I was thinking about it

    Real items

    I dont remember where but somewhere in the lore it says something like the items we have are imitations made from the fog or something so what if we got real ones? how would they work comparitively? more charges? more efficient?

    I also like to humor the idea of "finding" pieces of the real items to unlock them for the bloodweb (example being the golden toolboxes hidden in levels)


  • bm33
    bm33 Member Posts: 8,165

    Firecrackers because I want them to be on bloodweb all the time not just during events.

  • Ihatelife
    Ihatelife Member Posts: 5,069

    No. Old BNP was nerfed for a reason. No one wants this thing like that to come back. Gens are already popping like crazy in game though.

    I don't understand what do you mean by the second item. "Can't blind the killer, but can burn the killer."

    Doesn't make sense, because flashlight already can do both. Or you maybe mean by that: Instantly burn the killer..

    Then no. Wraith doesn't need more counterplays and Nurse is already painful to play.

  • Ihatelife
    Ihatelife Member Posts: 5,069

    No. Survivors by themself are good. The only buffs that they need are overwhelming perks and few changes to meta perks.

  • Soulslayer618
    Soulslayer618 Member Posts: 488

    its meant as a way to burn any killer (being that only wraith can be burned while cloaked) it removes the blind feature and replaces it with a burn that still takes a few seconds

    andI understand exactly what you mean Im just spitballing new ideas cause I want to see what the community has for its creative side

  • Ihatelife
    Ihatelife Member Posts: 5,069

    What's the point? Flashlight already do this. Making a seperate item that can only burn the killer would be too situational and useless most of the time. It's basically just a worse flashlight.

  • Terra92
    Terra92 Member Posts: 583

    Dark Light: You don't want to see what this Killer has done throughout the whole map.

  • Soulslayer618
    Soulslayer618 Member Posts: 488

    so a guaranteed stun on killers that normally wouldnt be stunned in this way is situational?

    an ability to save with a flashlight when you cant time the blind is useless

    I completely agree that an item for people that cant blind to still be able to use flashlights is a dumb idea and a "worse flashlight"

    if the sarcasm wasnt clear Im disagreeing with your statement

    (also if this seems rude Im sorry its 7am and I havent slept yet I dont mean offense)