Killers can't always play nice

So over the past few days I've seen a lot of posts about how killers are being toxic.

Personally when I play killer I try my best to play as fair as possible, even when there isn't an obsession. However, sometimes I'm forced to use scummy tactics to turn the game back in my favour. These include tunneling the weakest link or proxy camping to get a survivor out of the game.

I say this as someone who use to be a survivor main (i'm a hybrid now), survivors need to realize that sometimes killers can't always play "fair". If you struggle to understand this, then I suggest try playing killer at red ranks.


  • LetsPlayTogether
    LetsPlayTogether Member Posts: 2,117

    They can always play fair.

  • Pokino
    Pokino Member Posts: 86

    My case.

    Yesterday, I looped a Ghostface for 3 minutes, rank 1, only popped 2 gens because survs werent repairing like demons (idk why), and my reward for being far better than killer is being campered first hook. Don't say "fair" so easily, because "guarantee" a kill to turn the game back on killer's favour, get 4 undeserved kills and reach an undeserved rank when you are a bad killer is everything except "fair".

    I heard many times "survs entitled to survive", but also exist "killers entitled to kill", and this is not fair either.

  • Aneurysm
    Aneurysm Member Posts: 5,270

    I dunno if fair is the right word, I guess at some point every killer has to decide how hard they're willing to go. Just know survivors don't tend to go easy ever and aren't likely to show much appreciation for it.

    I.e. you get two survivors in the basement at the start of the match - you can probably win right there, or you can leave and let the team recover. If they recover well enough to win themselves your reward for being a nice killer will probably be them teabagging + vault spamming near the gates for as long as the EGC allows. If you go out of your way to not tunnel some survivors will notice and message you something nice but most messages will still be accusing you of tunnelling anyway.

    If none of that bothers you, play as nice as you want, otherwise you might want to consider being ruthless.

  • NoShinyPony
    NoShinyPony Member Posts: 4,570

    Could we stop calling stategies/using perks/using add-ons "unfair"? Unfair is hacking or using exploits.

    Let's call it by the right name: "playing generously" or "going soft on the opponent" or something similar.

    Nobody is the fun & bloodpoint provider for the other side.

    (All that goes for both sides btw, but surprisingly having to "play generously" is usually only expected from one side.)

  • Nutty_Professor
    Nutty_Professor Member Posts: 621

    I've seen a lot of your posts on the forums, I assume you're one of those survivor mains who believe it's the killer sole purpose is to provide the survivors with a fun game.

    Personally I think you need to watch this video:

  • LetsPlayTogether
    LetsPlayTogether Member Posts: 2,117

    So youre so much entitled to winning in a game that you just dont care if other players only get frustrated by your doings. Thats sad.

  • BaldursGate2
    BaldursGate2 Member Posts: 994

    You are not supposed to play "nice". Your goal is to kill all 4 survivors and theirs is to escape, that's it.

  • Nutty_Professor
    Nutty_Professor Member Posts: 621
    edited June 2020

    Where did I say that I do not care about my opponent's enjoyment?

    When I play killer I'll go out of my way to play as fair as possible, how is that not caring about my opponent's enjoyment?

    However, sometimes I can't afford to go by the "survivor rule book for killers" and I'll have to play more ruthless. Sometimes when you're playing against a strong team you have no choice but to play more ruthless.


    Try telling that to some survivor mains.