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I'm Concerned About The MMR System's Consequences.

RockoRango Member Posts: 554
edited June 2020 in General Discussions

I feel like MMR will be a great way to fix the game's current crappy matchmaking, but I am also greatly concerned that I will no longer have any will to play the game. Let me give some background as to why I'm concerned:

  1. I main Nurse, and I win almost ALL of my matches at rank 1. If MMR is implemented like I've heard, will I be matched up with only the best survivors in the entire game, and will they only be matched with people who main Nurse/Spirit/Billy? If it's the case, will it will kill the player-base at high ranks because of the lack of diversity?
  2. Will I no longer be able to play the game without constantly sweating? I play Nurse (and the game) because I enjoy it, and if I'm only playing against the best survivors in the entire game I will have little-to-no room at all for enjoyment and instead will be forced to deviate away from giving mercy and having fun in favor of the most sweaty play-style possible. I don't want to have to smurf so I can play the game and have fun.
  3. Will every survivor that plays solo and is actually good leave, because they're only facing against Nurse/Billy/Spirit players? I can't imagine how unfun it is to play against only 3 killers because the game deems your skill can only be matched by those types of people. This leads me to my next point.
  4. Due to 3, will every survivor I match up against be only SWAT teams? You know, the SWF teams that solely play this game in their own hand-picked group competitively and run only the most annoying crap possible (4-man OoO, Adrenaline, Soul Guard, DS). If it's the case, it will both prove my second point and make me want to stop playing killer (or just smurf back up).

@Peanits Could you, or anyone for that matter, ease my concerns? Because, when I really think about it, I feel that the MMR could ultimately DESTROY the high rank player-base if these are the consequences of skill-based matchmaking in a game like this.


  • immortalls96
    immortalls96 Member Posts: 4,652

    Pretty much everyone's concerns, solo survivor will improve but the level of stress on the killers part will only grow, however..this may be the nudge the devs need to see what weve been talking about when we say only a couple cast members can hack it when survivor plays to full potential

  • RockoRango
    RockoRango Member Posts: 554
    edited June 2020

    Hopefully, though I have to admit the devs aren't exactly known for listening to that kind of community feedback. I haven't really seen anyone talking about this though, so I thought I would bring it up.

  • JustCats
    JustCats Member Posts: 298

    Well once the "matchmaking is fubar, whaddya gonna do" excuse is gone I'd imagine legitimate balance issues will become clearer. But yeah, if you're super super good you'll probably have to play against super super good survivors. If that's extra unpleasant, maybe they'll fix the game. Or maybe they'll introduce killer-specific matchmaking so you can just hop on a different killer.

  • RockoRango
    RockoRango Member Posts: 554
    edited June 2020

    Killer-specific matchmaking would make certain killers unplayable, which is one of the main concerns in the post. If those top killers are separated in rank from the rest, it will make those killers (and top-tier survivor squads) extremely sweaty and tedious to play as/against because there's no other type of killer that can have that kind of skill and no other survivors that can challenge that type of skill except squads.

    I don't have much hope with the recent decisions being made not being... Great, for a lack of a better word.

  • Blueberry
    Blueberry Member Posts: 13,590
    edited June 2020

    MMR will not be a good change for killers.

    Most people know playing killer in red ranks right now is exhausting to put it lightly. The game is very unbalanced at high ranks which is what causes it to be such a bad experience for killers. The issue is slightly covered up though because of the terrible matchmaking putting bad survivors at high ranks.

    What this new MMR system will do is make it so now you'll be playing almost every game against the SWF deaths squads.

  • RockoRango
    RockoRango Member Posts: 554

    This is what I'm concerned about.

    I don't believed the game is VERY unbalanced, it's just not balanced for death squads. I suppose if the competitive death squads are at the top of the MMR though, there could be something like a debuff after a certain MMR level if you're in a team to make it more even. I doubt it's going to happen, but it's a dream.

    However, that makes me wonder: If you go into an SWF with diverse 'skill levels', how will they be matched? Will they go against killers with the max amount of skill in the group, or will it average out?

  • Blueberry
    Blueberry Member Posts: 13,590

    How they will grade "skill" is the big question none of us know the answer to.

  • immortalls96
    immortalls96 Member Posts: 4,652

    Likely because we havent had any idea of this in game before..its always been a mixed bag

  • RockoRango
    RockoRango Member Posts: 554
    edited June 2020


    SOME of this would be irrelevant if they find a good way to measure 'skill', but even then I feel the end result would give the same problems no matter how they determine skill. Maybe it's just PTSD from all the past changes that have broken matchmaking

  • SpaceCoconut
    SpaceCoconut Member Posts: 1,962

    Your concerns are all valid, but they might not be as doom and gloom as you think.

    1) Yes, you'll be matched up against survivors of relatively equal skill to your own. Do you sweat in your matches all the time or sometimes? So will the opponents you face.

    2) You can still "have fun", but you'll be matched against opponents of relatively equal skill to your own. Don't worry about winning and you'll be fine.

    3) This won't be a problem if scores are separated by killer. The only think players will have to worry about is knowing that every killer they face is being used by a skilled player. I use Hag as an example and am utter trash with Nurse and Billy.

    4) Is what will happen. SWF groups will grow in popularity when they're faced with stronger killers. This also means that the obvious strength of those groups will also become more apparent to the devs through data and will begin to see rebalancing to see balanced matches between solo, swf, and killers. Months of suffering might lead to a better game in this case.

  • HawkAyeTheNoo
    HawkAyeTheNoo Member Posts: 731

    Im dreading the MMR change for most of the reasons the original poster says, i think its all wrong for DBD.

    If you're good at the game it sounds like every game will be a sweatfest for both sides. Challenges, Archives, Adept achievements will all be tried with sweat gushing down your forehead.

    Sometimes we want to just play chilled and thats why the old rank reset system was great imo. Red ranks back to 10ish and you just chilled ranking back up, having fun along the way.

    Rocho i share all your concerns. I really hope DBD has thought this through, if people are sweating every game not having fun they're go elsewhere to find that fun.

    I'd prefer the old ranking/rank reset system to come back.

  • PrettyFaceKate
    PrettyFaceKate Member Posts: 1,776
    edited June 2020
    1. If you win almost all of your games at rank 1, you should be matched against better survivors. It seems pretty obvious. It's what the rank system was supposed to do, but failed to. As for the variety of killers, it's never been great at the top anyway.
    2. If you're winning almost all your games at rank 1 and mostly without sweating, then again you should be facing better survivors. You want enjoyment just like they probably do. Chances are the ones you're versing now are mismatched and not having that great of a time. You can have enjoyment even if you don't always win. Unless you're happy only if you win and if you win easily.
    3. How would anyone know the answer to what personal choices will be? If someone already plays solo survivor now, they are very likely rather accustomed to having rough games. If anything, they'll be matched with better teammates.
    4. How many swat teams are there anyway? And even then, your referencing back to the fact that you don't want to sweat (and still almost always win) comes across as if you just want to win keep winning easily. No offense meant. The swat teams might hand pick all of the advantages, but aren't you too at the end of the day?
  • RockoRango
    RockoRango Member Posts: 554

    @SpaceCoconut While I do agree on the points you make, there's also major downsides to them. I'm going to keep each point separated:

    1) Let me rephrase what I said, as your point is valid but it wasn't the point I was trying to communicate: People who main high-tier killers and have dedicated skill into them can only be 'matched' by highly skilled survivors, regardless of whether or not they're in a group. Because of this, I believe that there will be no wiggle room left for casual matches (like the game is 'supposed' to be) BECAUSE the only survivors that have that amount of skill AND will want to constantly play against those types of killers will be death squads. If we're talking about separated killer ranks, a Nurse player like me would ONLY play against highly competitive survivors that ONLY play against Nurse because of how far above she is from any other killer in terms of potential. I believe this will be, understandably, unfun. I have nothing against playing with equally matched opponents, but if I am against playing against no one but SWF groups that constantly use the same meta over and over again without any room for something that is even remotely different from that meta, it will kill the game for me. Hopefully that makes sense, because it was hard to put that into words.

    2) As a Nurse, even if I don't get a full-on 'win' I'm still going to be matched against the same top-tier SWF meta over, and over, and over again if the MMR goes how I'm expecting it to. That is less like playing against people equally matched, and more like having the exact same experience EVERY GAME without any wiggle room for anything fun, new, or interesting. The only way at that point I can not worry about winning AND enjoy playing is if I play in a way that isn't optimal (Leading to myself being slammed by my opponents), and that completely gets rid of any enjoyment I could have. Even if they did start to balance SWF at this skill rank, it would be a grueling process of having the same type of game EVERY game compared to the diverse amount of games that I get now; Right now you can have different survivors with different play-styles and enjoy learning to counter each of them, and I'm worried I'll be forced to learn to counter ONE boring meta play style that every squad will use every single game.

    3) I don't know how your point correlates to what I said, but maybe I'm just dumb. My concern is that, because the top-tier solo survivors that know how to play against each killer will only be paired up with players that use top-tier killers (because only they can match their skill), they won't want to play the same killers every match and they'll leave/smurf. If this happens, we'll have an even bigger SWAT problem than we have right now in the high ranks.

    4) Yes, that's the best-case scenario. But, first of all, will the developers even consider rebalancing the game around the top-tier SWF groups? I have a trust issue with the devs because of the way they've handled SWF balancing (Ignoring it unless UTTERLY NECESSARY), but I do have some hope that happens one day. Second of all, will the top killers WANT to stay and play against that type of SWAT meta EVERY game? They might equal in skill (somewhat), but that doesn't mean it will be enjoyable when killers have to face that same SWF meta constantly with no real change or room to have a casual and fun match. For example, a SWAT team with 4 OoO, comms, rare items with ultra-rares, and perks that have synergy with each other is not fun to play against, even if you do end up winning the match. I would NOT stay around and play that type of game every single day, knowing that one day in the future they POSSIBLY will be nerfed to some reasonable degree.

  • RockoRango
    RockoRango Member Posts: 554

    If I wanted to sweat every game, I would use the most broken add-ons on Nurse, get a mori, and go on a spree. I use neither.

    It's not that I don't want to play against equally skilled survivors, it's that I don't want to play against the same SWAT meta EVERY MATCH without ANY room for error. I don't play the game because I want to sweat and flex on everyone I face (unlike SWATS), I play the game because I love to play it. If every game is the same unfun crap, regardless of whether or not I can win against them, I'll be forced to go play a game that gives me more enjoyment and less of a constant rush to stay at the top of my game.

  • Flarefire_Xx
    Flarefire_Xx Member Posts: 353

    Yeah red ranks are bad enough and with the new matchmaking system it will be made worse for the best killers, unless they want to sweat their balls off, I know that I wouldn’t want to, I could see expected queue time reduce to be overwhelming and it won’t do that much

  • NekoGamerX
    NekoGamerX Member Posts: 5,277

    i wondering how the MMR work with swf low rank high rank friends groups i seen rank 1 survivor with rank 16 survivor

    i mean how MMR match swf group when the 4 are all different skill lvls?

  • RockoRango
    RockoRango Member Posts: 554
    edited August 2020

    I’m reviving this thread because it’s relevant, and it’s fair to do so, so I don’t have to make a new blank one.

    I played a little over 10 matches recently with the new MMR, and my concerns seem to be correct; every single game that I had, even the first game somehow, as Nurse has put me against a SWAT team that does gens EXTREMELY FASTER than any other survivor teams I have ever played against (The reason I know these teams are SWAT/Extremely sweat-fest SWF is their ridiculous gen speed, their meta perk builds that have synergy with each survivor role, and their profiles being all connected to each other by name/all private. Bite me if you wanna argue that they’re just good solos, because then I wouldn’t have to sweat all the time as well).

    I don’t know how this has happened starting from my first game because I thought that it would need to find our placing first, but it seems I’m at the top of the MMR just because I play Nurse. The only way I can remotely play a game without sweating balls now is by using slowdown perks and IF/Shadowborn, whereas before I could give a little leeway and have some fun with my perks (Fire Up/Brutal Strength/Enduring/SB build was really hilarious).

    I know what @SpaceCoconut said in this thread might still be correct and be held up in the future, as he made a video on it recently that also addressed the concerns that I had in this thread and hoped the MMR didn’t do, but am I willing to wait months before these SWAT teams, or just extremely coordinated SWF duos, actually get some sort of debuff? I play this game for fun, and I feel I can no longer do so without playing competitivey due to the amount of BNP, Syptic, max-efficiency toolbox, key, and baby perk teams (All have Unbreakable, DS, DH, and Adrenaline, for example).

    TL;DR I don’t have the will to play anymore because my suspicions were correct about the MMR system in it’s current state.