Should I bother putting in a ticket to get my Bloody Party Streamers back?

I've sent in tickets in the past asking for items or add-ons to be returned to my account, but the support center never do anything about it.
Is it worth me putting in a ticket asking for my offering back here, or will it also be ignored because there's 'not enough proof'?

I used my streamers, loaded into Rancid Abbatoir on Coldwind Farm. What do I get? The Killer disconnecting before anything can be done.
The trial wasn't even playable by either side before the Killer left. You can tell that the Killer Alt+F4'd because I'm the only one showing up with 5000 points (Survival category, for Escaping), and nobody else.
If the Killer's internet broke it'd have forcibly disconnected all of us, and I'd have lost that flashlight you can see in my loadout. But I didn't lose the flashlight, so the Killer intentionally Alt+F4'd.
In past I've had things similar to this, but other things that aren't similar, happen to me. I've put in support tickets for them each time been told there 'isn't enough proof', or basically some response that equates to 'we don't do what we're meant to do'.
First occasion, I lost Order - Carter's Notes, my only Order - Carter's Notes, even though I used a Black Ward to not lose it. I was told that nothing could be done.
Second occasion I lost a Utility Flashlight with the Odd Bulb and a green battery because a Huntress lost connection and the Trial ended abruptly. Because the Killer disconnected, it counted as me disconnecting from the trial and I lost it. I was told, again, that nothing could be done even though I gave VIDEO PROOF of it happening.
So I'm not sure whether I should bother putting in a ticket to get my damn streamers back. Double bloodpoints and the one time I go to use my only Bloody Party Streamers offering, the only one I have on any Survivor or Killer, the Killer in question disconnects and wastes it.
Should I put in a ticket, or will this just be swept under the rug because there's 'not enough proof' either?


  • rafiksom
    rafiksom Member Posts: 50

    Its a horror game when survivor are in "power role" and don't expect that every killer will be brave enought to fight with you.
    Some killers are easy to scare off and they are just disconnecting.

  • Tsulan
    Tsulan Member Posts: 15,095
    You are kidding, right?
  • rafiksom
    rafiksom Member Posts: 50

    And yea, the devs don't care about obvious cheaters who are streaming showing cheats so don't expect them to refund you items, just get some points and unlock more.

  • George_Soros
    George_Soros Member Posts: 2,270

    Geez, it's a single offering. Get more from the Bloodweb.
    If your whole progress is lost that's a different thing and from what I hear they actually care about this ("refunded" millions of BP-s to some players to whom this happened), but come on, one Bloody Party Streamers is such a trifle.

  • Orion
    Orion Member Posts: 21,675
    edited September 2018

    Bottom line is, you don't know what happened on the other player's side. You can't know, no matter how sure you think you are. I had a power outage in my city that lasted for some hours due to damage to the conductors. Had I been playing at the time, it would've looked like me purposefully disconnecting my Internet, when I was actually freaking out about the damage to my PC (my extension cord fried itself, thankfully, which saved my PC - may the extension cord rest in peace in extension cord Heaven).

    Furthermore, I don't think there's even a system in place to return offerings, add-ons, and other items. Even if there is, can you imagine the work they'd have to do to restore something so irrelevant as offerings, items, and add-ons?
    Loss of progress means people lose their entire save files. Your case is a pain in the ass, but it's not game-breaking. Get more BP, buy those again.
    Everyone's had loss of items, we all just deal with it. Does that make it right? No, but the fact is, add-ons, offerings, and items are plentiful, and the time you waste sending a support ticket could be better spent playing the game.

  • RSB
    RSB Member Posts: 2,258
    edited September 2018

    Oh boy.

    Now I know why the devs can work slowly sometimes (I'm talking about reports, the wipes of progress on accounts etc), when they need to dig through garbage like this.

    "I GOT ONLY 10K FROM THAT MATCH, I DEMAND A REFUND" - really? I would like to have problems like you have lol

  • DeadByFlashlight
    DeadByFlashlight Member Posts: 1,642

    @rafiksom said:
    Its a horror game when survivor are in "power role" and don't expect that every killer will be brave enought to fight with you.
    Some killers are easy to scare off and they are just disconnecting.

    Its a classic example of a SWF bullying a poor low rank beginner killer.

    I am not surprised about the result

  • Incarnate
    Incarnate Member Posts: 677

    @George_Soros said:
    Geez, it's a single offering. Get more from the Bloodweb.
    If your whole progress is lost that's a different thing and from what I hear they actually care about this ("refunded" millions of BP-s to some players to whom this happened), but come on, one Bloody Party Streamers is such a trifle.

    Most players who lost progress actually got way more back than what they had earned and lost, because they basically got something like max blood points for 4 games per hour of game time, based on the amount of game-hours when they reported/created the ticket. That resulted in something like 4x32k BP per game hour, which is 128k BP per game hour. To put this into perspective, when my fiancée lost all her progress I had way more game hours than she did, and had a lot more character progress than she did, but when she got "reimbursed" the BP she was able max level most her characters were I didn't have that many leveled that high at the time. Personally, I was also hoping to lose progress so I could get of all those yummy bloodpoints.

    I've lost a lot BP my self in between sessions, and I have lost in the area of millions due to an issue with losing progress between sessions as opposed to losing it all, and I have not been reimbursed anything at all, do I cry? No, but do I find it very annoying? Most certainly, and would like all of those BP reimbursed, but support has done nothing about it that part as they haven't been able to figure out the cause of this.

    However, I can understand why OP wants to get the offerings back, as they're not happening in the bloodweb as frequent as they used to, and considering it's a bloodhunt event weekend and losing offerings in general due to this is certainly annoying and if you begin to count, it might a lot of BP that is actually lost this way.

  • DeadByFlashlight
    DeadByFlashlight Member Posts: 1,642

    @rafiksom said:
    The game has learning curve, sorry. Killers wont get better when they are spending time camping instead of chaising, they wont get better during disconnecting, they wont be better playing only versus bad players.
    If u can't accept that you will lose game, just dont play as a killer, to be honest, don't play any game cuz losing/winning is part of the game.

    @DeadByFlashlight This post is not faced to you, its directed to all pussy-killers.

    This has nothing to do with "pussy killers".
    You learn the game against appropiate enemies, not against a SWF that uses all tools available.
    It was the rigth decision to DC, because you arent gonna learn anything in such a game (other than how unbalanced DBD is), better skip it and proceed with normal games.
    If I were in his position, I would have done the same

  • Peasant
    Peasant Member Posts: 4,104
    edited September 2018


    Personal Example

    Mate, you're not entitled to see the full value of an offering every match. In the game I just played, I used the "Yamoaka Family Crest" to get the Family Residence map for the generator achievement. I repaired the generator but died at the end-game after rescuing a Claudette (no regrets!). I shouldn't whine about not getting my intended use out of the offering just as you shouldn't either.

    Number crunching

    A "Bloody Party Streamers" costs 5000BP, assuming that the effect was applied + the Bloodhunt you should have gained a total of 15000BP. That BP gain should be enough to sate your BP thirst as the average match where a survivor dies at the end nets roughly 15k-18k BP. Besides, its not like you won't see more of them.

  • Incarnate
    Incarnate Member Posts: 677

    @Peasant said:

    Personal Example

    Mate, you're not entitled to see the full value of an offering every match. In the game I just played, I used the "Yamoaka Family Crest" to get the Family Residence map for the generator achievement. I repaired the generator but died at the end-game after rescuing a Claudette (no regrets!). I shouldn't whine about not getting my intended use out of the offering just as you shouldn't either.

    Number crunching

    A "Bloody Party Streamers" costs 5000BP, assuming that the effect was applied + the Bloodhunt you should have gained a total of 15000BP. That BP gain should be enough to sate your BP thirst as the average match where a survivor dies at the end nets roughly 15k-18k BP. Besides, its not like you won't see more of them.

    While it's true that we for the most part won't get full value of our offering, but you clearly can see, OP did not even get it's benefit, because it didn't trigger, not even the bloodhunt event triggered. So in all fairness, OP got absolutely nothing out of actually using it.

  • Grey87
    Grey87 Member Posts: 346
    edited September 2018

    Don't bother ,you can't get any items/addons/offerings back.