Played a Mickey and at end screen it shows ghostface power
So I died to a Michael and checked scoreboard and instead of Michael stalk it's ghostfaces stalk ability thats shown. No he didn't have ghostface power So just wondering of anyone else knows about this.
Common bug at the moment with every killer showing GF rather than the actual killer
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I just had a Nurse that on scoreboard showed no perks (even tho she clearly had Pop Goes the Weasel) or add-ons, and her power icon was a Hatchet
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It's not just Ghostface. I played against a Spirit, but the postgame screen listed her power as Jigsaw's Baptism.
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From what I have experienced, that glitch comes up when you switch from one killer to another killer while you're already in the lobby.
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No like michelangelos nickname in ninja turtles
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I played a Billy that showed Trapper!
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Yeah auto correct hates me tho so it came out Mickey
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It's cool