Weird Glitch with a Spirit and Ghost Face
Me and my friend play on a ps4, and yesterday we encountered a spirit who always seemed to know where everybody was after hook. B&C we thought, but then, the killer stood still as if using her power, but then i got knocked down, and so did a random, and then she started to move me to the hook along with the other survivor. Bad latency, but then my friend got knocked down too, got picked up, but then he got the wiggle meter full, but didnt break out until a minute later of the killer aimlessly walking around. The killer then disconnected. We waited to see her loadout, and to our surprise there was nothing there. The killer was a rank 4, but for the power, she had the Oni's power rather than the spirits.
Today something similar happened, but with a ghost face. This time there was no lag or anything, he just seemed to know where we were constantly, and he was reallly fast. Fast to the point where i speed vaulted to use haste, got far enough to loose him, but to my surprise he was only 5 feet away from me. Same thing with knowing where we were at all times. Once we were all killed, he had no perks, and was a rank 4. And once again, had the Oni's power. I have videos of the spirit and of the ghost, and will put images to end of round result.
Could this be hacking? Twice cannot be a coincidnce, anybody have the same issue?
No hacks exist for ps4 100% sure. The no perks part,and different power is just a bug going around rn.
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Is it really impossible though? I've been in cod matches way back in 2014 where a replay of a match would let you use a mod menu if you were the host of a session. And what about the speed? The killer was faster than usual as i said.
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This is delusional. People can and WILL hack their PS4. You don't know the lengths people will go.
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He could have had pwyf and you wouldn't have known cause of the bug. You could have just imagined it aswell. And yes,I have never seen speedhackers nor anything of the like on ps4. The first case seems like lagswitching,and the "Knowing where we are all the time" can be various things. The killer could just be really aware of crows and stuff like that,and know where you are. Wallhacking on ps4 just isn't happening,never seen,never heard.
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I have never seen a single hacker on ps4(except when people from pc put themselves into ps4 lobbies with hacks,that isn't people hacking on ps4 tho). The cases in the post seem like possible lagswitching in the first,only thing I see. Because a killer seeming fast and him knowing where you are,are just not proof at all. You'd need a whole game for that,and even then a good killer will know where survivors are usually due to crows,instincts,just pure game knowledge,perks,so on.
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that is a bug, same in survivors
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You can't hack using the PS4 as a console itself, however if you use a pc hack to force your dbd not to play in PS4 it is possible, the bot will read the data on where is the survivor, gen completing %, and perks to counter.
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Not true I've seen legacy, speed, and wall hacks. Its possible, just a lot harder.
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I have seen people on pc put themselves onto ps4 servers with legacy and stuff,but hacking by itself on ps4 alone isn't possible,atleast I have never heard of it.
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Idk I went to the peoples profile and I could see a ps4 profile.
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That's what I meant,you can't hack using the ps4 itself. Only thing I have heard of is people using pc to put themselves on the ps4 servers with legacy and stuff. But even then,without video evidence you can't prove someone was hacking. The part with no perks is a bug,same with the different power. A killer seeming faster doesn't necessarily mean he is,it could be pwyf which the killer could have used fr e.g but it didn't display perks so you wouldn't know. The killer knowing where you are always,can just mean the killer has alot of knowledge,good instincts,knows where survivors are most of the time,tracks crows,and perks can help aswell.
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Have never heard of actual people hacking by using the console itself,and will never believe it's real until I see myself. I got banned once before,because of what I did(unfortunately) and I'm quite experienced in what you can do,and in what way(partially,atleast).
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I mean there has been some proof of how to detect easy ranking bots by if you pallet slam, blind and calm spirt, or urban evasion to a hiding spot and the killer head straight to you without hesitation. Also some bot are perkless but they use a slight speed hack to where it's not noticable but makes a big difference
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Ranking bots? Bruh. In my 4k hrs of playtime,have never heard of it. Just people afk-ing,farming etc. I doubt that's true at all lmao. The part with the slight speed hack is real,because if you can speedhack,then surely you can alter the speed by a bit so it's unnoticeable. But no one has made a bot so advanced that for each notifi the killer would instantly go to the location,and then be able to down a survivor on top of that(even then the killer would just hold W and be a literal bot and never catch you). Show me proof of that,or atleast any info where you heard that from.
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If a competitive game exist there are ranking bots. There is the obvious Anti_Cheat
But there is some non obvious like I faced one on PlayStation before called DSking
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This happened to us tonight - guys playing ghost face - popping up behind people. Begin a chase at one pallet first loop it’s like he was blood lust 3 and closed the distance. He ran the wrong way and it was the actual first safe AF pallet. I asked them how they were so fast they said oh the game is glitched. No perks his power showed up as spirit’s