Rate my Nurse Loadout

xXCAM3R0NXx Member Posts: 387
edited June 2020 in General Discussions

- Nurses calling


- Thanatophobia

- Blood warden

Perks I have available:

- Doctor, Huntress, Trapper, Wraith, Nurse, Hag, Deathslinger, Hillbilly and the normal perks you get with any killer


- Use NOED to down and hook survivor when gates are open. Blood warden activates, down the rest who camp at exit.

Any changes I should make would be more than welcome :)

Post edited by xXCAM3R0NXx on


  • Eightball_uwu
    Eightball_uwu Member Posts: 55

    I think a tracking perk would be better than thana, especially if you are focusing on endgame scenarios. I personally like whispers and BBQ, but it's up to you

  • BigBrainMegMain
    BigBrainMegMain Member Posts: 3,826
    edited July 2020

    He/she doesn't have BBQ. He put down the names of the killers he does have.


    Given the fact that these are the killers in your possession, it's a good Build.

    If you're confident in your tracking and downing abilities this is a good build.

  • LeftPreston
    LeftPreston Member Posts: 95

    This is my build and I can end a game within 2 gens sometimes. BBQ Chili, Haunted Grounds, Monitor and Abuse, and Infectious Fright. I actually did a video on it as well. Although you dont have all those perks, its something you should aim for.

  • xXCAM3R0NXx
    xXCAM3R0NXx Member Posts: 387
    edited July 2020

    I have tried Whispers in the past but it dosnt really help me as the range (32 meters) is a big range to look around and they can easily move around which wastes alot of time imo

  • kate_best_girl
    kate_best_girl Member Posts: 2,184

    Honestly replacing Thana with M&A or Tinkerer could work well!

  • Tatariu
    Tatariu Member Posts: 3,068
    edited July 2020

    I'd honestly recommend Shadowborn, as it can help you get some additional awareness immediately post-Blink. Your choice of perks are limited, so you're working with what you have. You could swap Shadowborn in for Blood Warden, and also slot in Monitor & Abuse for Thanatophobia, or Hex: No One Escapes Death.

    My personal 'The Nurse' build (no add-ons):

    • Barbecue & Chilli
    • Infectious Fright
    • Discordance
    • Shadowborn

    Edit: minor grammar corrections.

  • PrettyFaceKate
    PrettyFaceKate Member Posts: 1,776

    It depends on what kind of rating you're after. If you ask to rate your build for general purposes, then it's a 3/10. If it's specifically as an endgame build for what you describe, then I'd say 5/10. Thana doesn't do much for you in that situation. I would use bitter murmur to find a survivor quickly after the gens are completed. Then, keeping in mind the perks you have access to, the last one could also be nurses, or something like thrill of the hunt (for noed protection and info), shadowborn (for QoL), hex: third seal (for maximum confusion), hex: retribution (for info), insidious (to camp the hook or the totem), and even deerstalker (because you'll probably will slug a lot).

  • Marcus
    Marcus Member Posts: 2,047

    I would personally replace Thanatophobia with Sloppy Butcher, otherwise solid build for what perks you have unlocked.

  • coppersly
    coppersly Member Posts: 2,318

    As many others have said you could swap out Thana for a tracking perk (I recommend Spies From the Shadows personally since it's in the base pool and it's actually something I use and get a lot of use out of) since you're playing for the end game and don't care about gens anyways. You can also exchange Nurses Calling for something else as well if you aren't getting auras off of it often enough to warrant the slot.

    My personal build is:

    -BBQ (You should try to get this it's not only great for points but blinking to someone while they're still highlighted is the closet feeling to godhood you can get from the sheer domination on that poor survivor)

    -Tinkerer (You won't like this for end game builds)

    -Spies From the Shadows (Mandatory 1 tracking perk in every Nurse build. No buts.)

    -Ruin (See Tinkerer)

  • EvilJoshy
    EvilJoshy Member Posts: 5,295

    My build for nurse

    BBQ for finding people

    MYC to down rescuers

    Intervention/pop for gen slow down

    Last perk is whatever. NOED, BW, NC, Sloppy, Franklins, Iron Maiden ect.

  • NursesBootie
    NursesBootie Member Posts: 2,159

    I would replace thana with monitor&abuse and get rid of NOED+Bloodwarden alltogether. If you look out for buying new DLCs, bubba and ghostface are good options due to "I'm all ears" and "Barbeque and Chili". Maybe Ruin and THOT are options to replace NOED+Bloodwarden.

  • xXCAM3R0NXx
    xXCAM3R0NXx Member Posts: 387

    Maybe, it's just alot of the time I get alot of kills at the end of game because you know how survivors love to teabag at the exit and wait for you to come chase them out.

    So I use my NOED to down one of them who isn't there yet and hook em that way when I come to chase them there's no way out and because blood warden allows you to see all the survivors near exit you know where they are.

    But i could change strats from end game to gens idk

  • xXCAM3R0NXx
    xXCAM3R0NXx Member Posts: 387

    Maybe I could change strats.

    Its just right now alot of my kills come from the end game as NOED allows to down one of the survivors who is trying to get to the exit and hook them.

    Then you know how survivors love to teabag and wait for you to chase them out of the exit. Well because of blood warden, when I come near the exit they'll find out they can't escape and hide, but because it shows auras who are near exit I know where they are.

    But it's just I don't have any other strat ideas atm and I don't know if I have enough good perks to initiate them

  • NursesBootie
    NursesBootie Member Posts: 2,159

    The problem with NOED plus Bloodwarden is, that good teams just search the totem while Bloodwarden is active.

  • RockoRango
    RockoRango Member Posts: 554
    edited July 2020

    I'll go over each perk and tell you what I think, then I'll tell you about the build as a whole:

    Nurse's Calling - It's great for tracking, but after you get more used to where survivors will heal (predict if they're the type to heal in front of the hook, heal in a corner, or heal next to a pallet) you could switch it for a perk that helps slow down gen speeds. Considering your killers and lack of gen slowdown, I would choose Hex: Ruin instead. It still helps tremendously on Nurse, and even if it does get cleansed it can save you whole gens by just existing. I use it in my build, and I have every killer unlocked.

    NOED - You simply don't need it on Nurse. Maybe it's a personal thing, but I find using NOED on a killer that can be this strong to be a ######### move. I would switch it out for something to help you in a chase, like Shadowborn; Once you dip into using Shadowborn, you'll never want to go back.

    Thanatophobia - It's really not that great. I've had some debates because I used to think it was a good perk overall, but time and time again people have successfully proven to me that Sloppy Butcher will save you more time than Thana. I would suggest switching it to Sloppy, since hits are very easy to get if you're good with your blinks.

    Blood Warden - Ehhh... If you're not confident in your ability to keep the gens pressured, go for it. However, there are much better perks out there to make sure the gates never get powered in the first place. I would suggest switching it for Whispers, as it's EXTREMELY useful on a killer like Nurse (as you don't have to waste time looking for survivors in an area where there are none).

    Overall? It's not the worst, but with the pool of perks you currently have you could improve it. With the suggestions I've given, the edited build would be:

    • Hex: Ruin
    • Sloppy Butcher
    • Shadowborn
    • Whispers

    An Ideal build you would want to aim for imo would be my build, which consists of:

    • Hex: Ruin
    • Infectious Freight (Extremely powerful on Nurse)
    • Shadowborn
    • BBQ & Chill (No explanation needed)

    I believe the DLCs atm are on sale, so it would be in your best interest to buy them now if you're inclined to do so.

  • RockoRango
    RockoRango Member Posts: 554

    Butt... No :(

    Nurse doesn't 'need' a tracking perk in every build. If you could Infectious Freight as tracking you could argue that, but to do well at the moment focusing on game slowdown is more important since Nurse's base kit is the definition of a chase/tracking perk.

    Though, if someone isn't experienced as a Nurse I would agree on using tracking perks

  • xXCAM3R0NXx
    xXCAM3R0NXx Member Posts: 387

    Update on my loadout:

    - Swapped Nurses calling to TOTH(Hex)

    @RockoRango I agree with the statement that you can assume where people are going to heal and you can also hear them if you are close.

    @PrettyFaceKate I took in your idea of protecting the NOED hex and think it'd quite useful to counter totem cleansers. I also like to use it as a 'trap', as when someone tries to cleanse TOTH I'll get notified and due to the increase in totem cleansing from the hex I should be able to give them a quick surprise.

    - Switched Thanatophobia with bitter murmer

    Many of you said that Thanatophobia is quite useless if I'm going for an 'end game' build so thank you for the heads up :)

    @PrettyFaceKate I tried out this perk with my build and it has helped alot. I can see if any survivors are hiding near the completed gen and surprise them OR If they run, what direction they are going so I can cut them off.

    I will probably end up changing my build thousands of times and trying many different combos when I've unlocked more perks in the future.

    Keep giving me different builds I could go with and/or different perks that would help my 'end game' build that I have atm.

  • coppersly
    coppersly Member Posts: 2,318

    I think most people argue the exact opposite of that, her number one counter is stealth. So that means you usually want to run a tracking perk to help you find the slippery ones. At least that's I've seen from many Nurse mains.

    Of course you can always run a build without any tracking perks, I used to, but it makes it a lot harder than it needs to be and the utility you can get off of ditching a chase and immediately downing/hitting another survivor is really nice.

    Something like Hag, Freddy, Trapper, Plague, Legion, or Doctor have built in tracking in some fashion or another, Nurse only has chase.

  • RockoRango
    RockoRango Member Posts: 554

    True, but you can also use the fact that stealth is her main counter to your advantage and make most tracking perks useless.

    Most people I face and try to stealth get extremely confused when I:

    1. Don’t blink compared to them thinking I will. I’ll walk around for a second around objects to see if I’m being duped, and if I can’t find them in a few seconds it’s better for me to go defend a generator anyways.
    2. Blink forward and look backwards at the same time. Literally no one I’ve ever faced knows you can do this, so I usually scare the crap out of people. This helps me find most people trying to hide from me because they simply can’t move around an object fast enough or notice I’ve blinked behind them.

    Using my playstyle as tracking instead of certain perks helps me expand the pool of perks I can use simply because I don’t have any major weaknesses I can’t cover simply by the way I play. That’s why I see tracking or chase perks as a waste on a Nurse; they’re useless if you know how to outsmart stealth.

  • The_Krapper
    The_Krapper Member Posts: 3,259

    Bbq, infectious fright, nurses calling, corrupt intervention

  • RizeAki
    RizeAki Member Posts: 1,209

    IMO getting better without Noed and blood warden to give free kills would be a good step

  • xXCAM3R0NXx
    xXCAM3R0NXx Member Posts: 387

    If I'm working with an end game build, having those two are essential.

    It's not like it's unfair either because it encourages totem cleansing. I've played so many games so far where not one single dull/hex totem has been cleansed.

  • RockoRango
    RockoRango Member Posts: 554
    edited July 2020

    Nurse isn’t meant for an endgame build, she’s meant for a build that keeps the gens from being popped for as long as possible while you wreck everyone. If you use her for endgame, you won’t ever get as pretty results as top Nurse players do (or pretty results in general, for that matter).

  • RizeAki
    RizeAki Member Posts: 1,209

    I’m just saying if you want to get better at the game end game builds aren’t it they are pretty easily counterable if players are smart so not like it’s something too op to deal with but nurse is a decent enough killer for looping and map pressure so you could do much better for more points if you play around other things but if end game is what you like go ahead don’t let anyone stop you I’m just giving my opinion and I respect yours :)

  • xXCAM3R0NXx
    xXCAM3R0NXx Member Posts: 387

    I have a question though, do you use all the same builds for all killers OR does it depend on their unique perks. For e.g nurse has mostly 'finding survivors' perks (nurses calling and stridor) but would you make a build based around one of them or the theme 'finding survivors'?

    Same with Deathslinger, his perks are mainly Generator auras. So would you build based on aura generators and affecting generators in general or completely create a new theme for the killer disregarding their unique perks

    Sorry I sound stupid but it's just a general thought because I never know whether to use their unique perks or use the same build for all killers, but it'd get boring