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My true thoughts on current state of dbd

Bullettimegod Member Posts: 994
edited July 2020 in General Discussions

These are just my opinions and thoughts on the game currently in its release form after playing since executioner came out.

Lets start off by talking about match making. Seriously its been months since an update. Its unfair to both sides to get matched with someone higher/ lower then them, and usually it leads to a horrible experience for both sides. As everyone knows match making is absolutely trash. Where green ranks killers get red rank survivors who can mostly pump out gens faster than you can get 5 hooks. We all had games like that im sure, but for a game devolpers who nerfed ruin because it was too hard for new survivors to turn around and not have a fix for this for new killers? Its 2 steps forward and 3 steps back. Im not going to beat the dead horse and keep going on about how matchmaking is unfair because im sure we all heard it all.

My second issue with the game is honestly the lack of fear and inconsistency. Survivors do not fear the killers. Right now in currently game most survivors see a killer as a minor inconvience to getting their job of doing five gens and leaving. While survivors have an easier time to win the game generally. And more options how to do it. A killer generally has a more stressful job of trying to keep track of 4 people at once while focusing on a chase, that you have to end quickly. (Which lets face it...sometimes a chase last longer than it should.) While survivors just half to hold m1. Avoid the killer. Or distract the killer by literally running in a circle. Where is the fear that the killers are supposed to represent? Instead killers are more like ghostface from scary movie chasing the one chick around the table. More often or not i feel like the killers are the ones who should fear survivors. From pallets. To 60 second immunity. From unhooking with borrow time just as you hooked them. Not to mention the absolute disrespect and abuse from these perks which leads me to my next point: survivor perks and second/third chances.

Survivor second chance perks arent as balanced as people would like to believe. Infact it can heavily shift the game into the survivor favor which basically cause them to be arrogant and cocky af. Also removes any fear from what killers have. By second chance perks i mean ######### like borrow time decisive and adrenaline. Im going to start with borrow time and how ive seen it abused. Lets say you just hooked a survivor, and you turn around about to walk away. Suddenly you get the unhook notification and boom survivor is unhooked in your terror radius and now can take an extra hit. Bullshit right? As i agree tunneling and camping sucks. I do want a small change to that. A count down to perk activation. What i mean is this: hooked for 5 seconds with killer nearby for borrow time to activate. Rest of it will function as normal. I believe that will stop hook bombardments which makes the game end really quickly for killer. And also punish unsafe quick hooks as well as plays where they are being chased by the killer just to take a hit infront and then unhook. With the killer being around, this also includes invisible/oblivious killers so its a nerf to freddy wraith pig ghostface. As well as insidious camping. I also think it would promote smarter gameplay rather than just bombard the hook.

Second perk that is abused is decisive strike. Which idk what devs are saying..its in almost every red rank game i played. And its by far the most annoying. Some user made a good change to it. Have a timer lower but it goes away if they are fully healed get into a locker or run into a gen. And that timer pauses when they are being chased. Im not going to speak more on decisive because alot has already been said about it.

Last but not least match speed: gens vs. Hooking.

Oh boy about to play with fire...but and as im sure a lot of people said, gen speeds are too fast. Big shock right? But let me explain. 5 gens vs 12 hooks.

80 secs x 5 divided by 2. (Semi perfect game of one to be chased and hooked one to be unhooking and 2 to be on gens with no items.) Is 200 seconds.

12 hooks. Lets say if takes anywhere from 20 to 30 seconds to find first survivor. You arent a stealth killer. And they hear your terrorradius. So they get a few seconds head start.. takes you maybe 30-40 seconds to down him. Another 3 seconds to hook. That is already 50-70 seconds. For one hook. Which means 1 or 2 gens can pop. All for one hook. Only 11 more to go right? Thats a bit of an issue. And i know survivors are going to hate the ######### out of me for suggesting this. But with hold "m1" for survivors is boring so increasing the time it takes to do a gen is out of the question. There is only one logical choice left: reduce the number of hooks it takes to kill survivors by one. Lets face it, every other scenario is absurd. Another objective? What could they add with out rewritting the whole game? And do we really trust they can do it with out bugs? Survivors themselves say holding m1 is boring. So the only logical solution for the gen speed is reduce the hooks needed by 1.

Once again these are just my opinions. Comment if you agree or disagree. I really wanna hear others points of views. Long as its civil. Sorry for the long ramble post

Post edited by Bullettimegod on


  • Erk
    Erk Member Posts: 230

    Your DS change is really good !

  • ItzPixelYT
    ItzPixelYT Member Posts: 613

    IMO They need to remove gens and find a new way for survivors and Killers to play the game it's like there is 2 sides of the game which neither side cares about and that is generators. Killers just want to chase and kill the survivors. Survivors like to get chased but then there's survivors who just sit and do gens that the killer has to worry about whilst chasing 1 survivor. I'm not a game dev so I wouldn't really have any idea how to figure out ways to make sure everyone has to interact together in the game, maybe have object hidden around the map that only 1 survivor can see and the other survivor is the one who has to solve putting the pieces together etc...something along those lines instead of just being basic of repair these generators, escape. Killer is mad gens popped so they facecamp and tunnel etc...Survivors teabag the killer because he couldn't gen pressure correctly...

    TLDR: Generators ruin the game for everyone and they need a new method for the game.

  • FranzDerPalme
    FranzDerPalme Member Posts: 75

    I don't understand why so many killers are complaining. Like I am a survivor main, that had no idea how to play killer since like two months ago, and pretty much every game I played was a 4 k or at least a 3 k except if I played against a good swf or a hard killer like nurse. And even those rounds were kind of fun, because I learned something. Like just last week I played a game as huntress in rank 12 and played against a swf with 2 red ranks , a green one and purple one, I got the 4 k easily. They had one gen done. I did not camp, I had no broke perks, I had no spectacular add ons or a mori. You just need to practice a little longer and you will have no problems. Especially I don't understand how people can complain about BT and DS, those perks do ONLY work if you tunnel the person that was on the hook. If you go for the other person, those two perks won't bother you in the slightest. Of course I also already felt the DS into my back, but I think I only got about 2 DS's to eat in my intire killer time, and about half of the matches I played somebody was running it, especially if the people you play against run those perks and you don't camp or tunnel, they've wasted two of their perk slots.

    About the DS nerfe with the locker, I would not like that at all, because then the you couldn't counter a tunneling killer, after you were hooked, because after you would get downed he would just slug you until you have no DS anymore.

    Pretty much same Problem with the health state. Lets assume you run DS and Adrenaline, you get hooked, the last gen gets finished, the killer has NOET, now after you would get unhooked from sbd who does not have BT you could be downed and you couldn't do anything about it coz ur DS is deactivated because ur Adrenaline healt you.

  • FranzDerPalme
    FranzDerPalme Member Posts: 75

    Don't camp, than you won't have any of the listed problems. You still could get this BT which you described but just eat it, and play. It is really not that hard for killer. I didn't play killer since like 2 months ago and now I do to calm down, because it is pretty easy. Most of the games I play with higher rank people than I am but I still often get a 4 k, even without broken add ons or mories.

    About ur DS nerfe:

    Locker-chage: Kilers would just slug you after they down you, your DS would be pretty useless

    Health-state: Also bad Idea. Lets imagine you run DS with Adrenaline, you get hooked, the last gen gets done, the killer runs NOET and camps, because last gen is done. Now after you get unhooked without BT the killer hits you with his noet, you are on the ground, without your DS because you were healed for one sec, when you got unhooked

  • Bullettimegod
    Bullettimegod Member Posts: 994

    Tbh i didnt expect anyone to read my wall of texts lol.

    these arent my changes. It was someone elses. It was floating in the forums and i thought it was decent

  • OutcastEric
    OutcastEric Member Posts: 495

    agreed. if you want your point to be taken seriously you have to take yourself seriously first. Dont worry about the community. Just tell us your point without all the fluff and passiveness

  • Bullettimegod
    Bullettimegod Member Posts: 994
  • coppersly
    coppersly Member Posts: 2,318

    You and OP make good points.

    Generators do seem to always be at the center of the games problems.

  • JustCats
    JustCats Member Posts: 298

    I think they just need a more involved mini-game that gets progressively harder as gens are completed - kind of like the "hacking" minigames in Fallout, so repairing a gen becomes more of an activity than a passive waiting game. The point of gen repair isn't just to make survivors sit still at a likely ambush spot, it's supposed to divide their attention.

  • coppersly
    coppersly Member Posts: 2,318

    I have suggested this multiple times but the devs don't seem to want gens to be too distracting.

    The next best idea I can come up with is to match gen speeds with killer hooks. Less hooks later in the game means gens are terribly slow, so the killer can at least accomplish some hooks in the landslide matches. Same in reverse, lot of hooks but no gens done means speeds will be faster.

  • JustCats
    JustCats Member Posts: 298
    edited July 2020

    I think you can find a line between too distracting and braindead quicktime.

    I don't know about throttling to artificially induce an even match, that never feels good (thinking about those Mario Kart races where you obliterate everyone and suddenly all the cpu karts are faster).

    Another idea is to spawn as many chests as there are gens, and clearly label the gens. Each chest is accessible to each survivor once, and each one, instead of giving items, returns a random part for a random generator for each survivor that accesses it. Those parts unlock those specific gens for that individual survivor to repair. Get a part for gen 3, then find gen 3 to repair, etc.

  • Bullettimegod
    Bullettimegod Member Posts: 994

    I think this is a good idea but it will be hell for solo queues

  • ShrekTheThird69
    ShrekTheThird69 Member Posts: 327
  • Luxoshamy
    Luxoshamy Member Posts: 31

    Those perks prevent camping and tunneling. You are being hypocrite by saying you want something to do about DS and BT but don't like those perks that their whole existence is basicaly avoid those situations.

    And the game is an asymmetrical multiplayer. So this issues would always be when the killer has to face a group of survivor who know what they are doing. But also you are not talking about the amount of perks and addons a killer can use to control the trial. A lot of perks involves blocking generators, revealing auras and reduce generators repairs. If you are not using them, of course they will pop a couple of gens while you are chasing. But also, what do you expect them to be doing? You want to chase someone for 2 minutes without nothing happening? That just shows how bad you are on mindgaming and chasing people in general. You are getting distracted by survivors who know where to take you and you are just going with it. Also that's why you patrol and use headphones, to hear the progress of every gen, and you need to know that some gens are going to go, but as a killer you can plan which ones are going to be the last ones so you can have a more advantage position later.

  • Z3r0Fear
    Z3r0Fear Member Posts: 9

    They should probably remove all sense of detection in the game so that its more balanced and it will also make the game easier to balance out as there doesn't need to be ridiculous powerful perks in the game that give a huge edge.

  • Dwinchester
    Dwinchester Member Posts: 961

    The perks that block gens don't do a thing to slow progress, it's a zoning tool. Even running every gen slowdown perk there is doesn't make a big enough dent.

    The problem with the maps is they each have 8-10 ridiculously safe pallets and the tiles containing these are easily chained together. Those resources alone are enough to wreck the killer. You chase someone 30 seconds too long and the game is over. It's poor game and map design.

    What this game needs is more total pallets, but far fewer safe pallets. If you leave a safe tile, you shouldn't be able to make it to another one, there should be a mindgameable pallet in between. Doesn't have to be Hawkins level of unsafe, but you shouldn't be able to see the killer either.