Least Fun Killer To Go Against?

shreament Member Posts: 13

What is the killer you have the least fun going against as a survivor, why?

Least Fun Killer To Go Against? 138 votes

Trapper or Wraith
Karaagedanielbird11SunaIIanuLinkOfSerevillonbubbabrotha 5 votes
Hillbilly or Nurse
LounLunaWaterJosafatDesertStorm401LonelyBananana 5 votes
Huntress or Michael
BaconyToastthat1toxictrapper 2 votes
Hag or Doctor
yobudddBoosted_DwightTaigazmassanidbarrancoAwkward_FiendTheBananaManChag867PaisleyParkprofrogCitrusfruitItzScizahNikkiMouseZaneZeddie1987IhatetoxicsurvivorsPissedWraithMainHarleyQuinnLimeSoda 19 votes
Leatherface or Freddy
CheersF60_31Aven_FallenToppingPanicArashiNoHantaMidori_21StindeRullisiAhoyWolfDetailedDetrimentgeofu098TodgeweihtEndstilleaznfruitboiiHamburgerDoug_FDabihwowShrekTheThird69rainman740Cephalon_Lebron 32 votes
Pig or Spirit
TapeKnotarslaNLapisInfernalisMrPenguinTunnelVisionDicklayciaPlantCollectortenoresaxSadLegionRareware0192Mang_AnwarCornHubinbiergebadenZackaryFreemanOBXGamekeeperOwlzeySnowstruckKoloniteshrekinat 30 votes
Legion or Ghostface
JawsIsTheNextKillermusstang62OutcastEricfairfieldismsGet_Beaned_B0IMysteriousPersonnotstarboardmottigedelhahadrillgobrrrSketchyPenguinWubalubadubdub03FGC_BruteIllution 13 votes
Demogorgon or Oni
EnderloganYTCaulDrohn 2 votes
Pyramid Head or Deathslinger
zacmangamingGHERBEARRULESShrimpTwiggsDr_LoomisoTechnicPanchyGreentheNinjaMusicalhexGothicPrincessMarigoriaMiniPisaIamDwightTotemsCleansermostlyghostlyDevilthriderjargonkiller777oDonutsRGoodboostedsurvivormain 18 votes
Plague or Clown
ArileeSeiko300RainbowPatooieTheRockstarKnightshreamentUistreela105BloodyHatchetSkullKidFranzDerPalmeUnknownlyKnownDerZuntor 12 votes


  • shreament
    shreament Member Posts: 13
    edited June 2020
    Plague or Clown

    Plague and Clown are the most boring killers to go against imo

  • MusicNerd_TC
    MusicNerd_TC Member Posts: 3,099
    Pig or Spirit

    All spirits that have a working headset all play the same. She has no skill cap, and barely any counterplay either. Pig is cool though I love pig.

  • Seiko300
    Seiko300 Member Posts: 1,862
    Plague or Clown


  • Owlzey
    Owlzey Member Posts: 442
    Pig or Spirit

    Spirit. I hate guessing games and I feel pretty helpless once I'm injured without Iron Will.

  • Endstille
    Endstille Member Posts: 2,246
    Leatherface or Freddy

    Freddy, each plays exact same build, same playstyle

    Just a big snoozefest

  • DetailedDetriment
    DetailedDetriment Member Posts: 2,632
    Leatherface or Freddy

    I don't know a single.person who enjoys going against Freddy. Not even streamers. It's made worse when all Freddy's run the same build + an ebony mori.

  • hahadrillgobrrr
    hahadrillgobrrr Member Posts: 953
    Legion or Ghostface

    I don't fancy mending simulator.

  • RainbowPatooie
    RainbowPatooie Member Posts: 322
    Plague or Clown

    Plague games aren't fun.

  • Lumionesty
    Lumionesty Member Posts: 98
    Leatherface or Freddy

    Every Freddy game plays out nearly the exact same. He's just so boring to go up against.

  • dbarranco
    dbarranco Member Posts: 97
    Hag or Doctor

    Hag jumpscares me too much. I'm a Doc main so I'm gonna sound hypocritical on this. I feel that Doc is too common of a killer on Xbox at least. and the TR music drives me NUTS!

  • TotemsCleanser
    TotemsCleanser Member Posts: 617
    Pyramid Head or Deathslinger

    I hate Deathslinger with a passion so yeah.

    If I try to be more objective though... probably Freddy. Also the stuff that people pointed out about Spirit is so damn true, when I play against her I usually assume I have already lost.

  • Boosted_Dwight
    Boosted_Dwight Member Posts: 3,059
    Hag or Doctor

    If Hag just stopped exsiting I'd be fine with that.

  • EarthToGravity
    EarthToGravity Member Posts: 96
    Leatherface or Freddy

    Leatherface is so f wording annoying. My past 2 games I have had the displeasure of facing Leatherface. All they do is facecamp, blatantly tunnel, and/or spam their power every single second.

    I don't understand why people pay MONEY for this killer if all they're gonna do is all of the above.

    Now Freddy is actually fun to go up against IMO. He adds extra depth to gameplay.

  • EarthToGravity
    EarthToGravity Member Posts: 96
    Leatherface or Freddy

    ok i feel like i am gonna get hate for liking going up against freddy because everyone seems to hate him oh no...

  • Zane
    Zane Member Posts: 75
    Hag or Doctor

    dude that doctor and his skill checks really mess me up, specially since ALL of the doctors I have gone against ever since his update, use impossible skill checks lol.

  • Crouching_Ghostface
    Crouching_Ghostface Member Posts: 12

    If you juke him he can miss a swing so he loses frenzy, but i would agree he's annoying

  • Rareware0192
    Rareware0192 Member Posts: 360
    edited June 2020
    Pig or Spirit


    Im not a fan of the idea that you’re completely vulnerable if you’re injured and not running Iron Will. Even a half decent Spirit can take you down easily with no counterplay.

    I even don’t blame survivors that DC against me when I’m playing Spirit half the time. I understand the frustration.

  • notstarboard
    notstarboard Member Posts: 3,796
    edited June 2020
    Legion or Ghostface

    Legion or Deathslinger. I find them both to be absolutely insufferable because deep wounds is not fun to play against and both of them have very limited counterplay. If Legion sees you and isn't a potato, that's a free deep wounds. Have fun holding M1 all game. The only positive of playing against Legion is they can't kill you with their power if you're injured, so you at least get to loop them as normal when you're injured. If you're doing well in a chase, though, they may well just Frenzy you anyway and use their wall hacks to go annoy other people. Fun fun.

    Deathslinger wouldn't be as bad with a 32m TR or some sort of Huntress style lullaby, but with a 24m TR he's so freaking annoying. M&A is a common perk choice for him, meaning his TR is often 16m. His chain is 18m long. That means that by the time you know he's near you you're already within range. The only sure counter to him is getting to a loop that he can't shoot over with a pallet, but when his TR is 16m you don't get to hide and you don't get to choose where you engage him. So, in practice, his first hit is just about free on most maps.

    Another huge gripe with him is he has basically no ADS time. If he quickscopes you cannot react to his shot and he gets basically no slow down while shooting. Survivors who aren't in a loop with high walls therefore have two options: Hold W, in which case you're an easy target, or try to dodge preemptively, in which case he'll just walk up and M1 you.

    My final gripe is that he will still deep wound healthy survivors who break free from the chain. That's absolutely trash. If you succeed in breaking the chain, which is not easy to do, you get almost zero benefit from it as the survivor. He has a slightly longer stun if you break free, but you're still deep wounded. If he splits off and chases someone else, it's an M1 simulator again. Fun fun. If he chases you, the deep wounds VFX are so annoying that you're at a severe disadvantage in a chase.

    Survivors: Nooo you can't just get deep wounds with very limited counterplay!

    Deathslinger: Haha gun go boom

    Legion: Haha knife go shluk

    I'd rate both of them as C tier killers on a scale of S to F, so this isn't a comment on their strength. I just despise that they get a nearly free first hit with deep wounds if they want it. Deathslinger is going to use deep wounds less, but they have the advantage of being able to kill you with their power. Legion is going to use it way more, but they can't kill you with their power. Both are annoying af.

  • DetailedDetriment
    DetailedDetriment Member Posts: 2,632
    Leatherface or Freddy



    Dying Light

    Discordance or Sloppy

    Double slow down add-ons.

    Ebony mori

  • Devilthrider
    Devilthrider Member Posts: 2
    Pyramid Head or Deathslinger

    Pyramid head is terrible I have play 20+ games against him and lost every single one because his ranged attack makes him impossible to escape from and dodging an attack from him is nearly impossible

    GHERBEARRULES Member Posts: 265
    Pyramid Head or Deathslinger

    I hate deathslinger. At least huntress has a wind-up and you can react.

  • Todgeweiht
    Todgeweiht Member Posts: 3,666
    Leatherface or Freddy

    I hate them both

  • Revzi100
    Revzi100 Member Posts: 529

    Leatherface or Freddy

  • OniKobayashi
    OniKobayashi Member Posts: 274

    I really dislike going against Pig. Sneaking up on me and putting traps on me. And that wonderful RNG with the boxes.

  • DetailedDetriment
    DetailedDetriment Member Posts: 2,632
    Leatherface or Freddy

    Most Freddy players use the slow down build or use NOED.

  • TunnelVision
    TunnelVision Member Posts: 1,375
    Pig or Spirit


  • LapisInfernalis
    LapisInfernalis Member Posts: 4,179
    Pig or Spirit

    Spirit only needs headphones and a quiet environment (I have birds, so... meh). You are really screwed if you do not run Iron Will or if Spirit runs Stridor.

    I also hate Bubba, but only because of the way he looks and his sounds. And because he camps often.

  • magicmaster2020
    magicmaster2020 Member Posts: 499

    I'm not the best with freddy that's why I use it plus it's a good endgame perk.

  • IamDwight
    IamDwight Member Posts: 236
    Pyramid Head or Deathslinger

    For me: Deathslinger, Hag, Ghostface. In this exact order.

    Deathslinger: Very little counterplay vs quickscope.

    Hag: Crouching all game is boring, her playstyle is very campy.

    Ghostface: 2 words, reveal mechanic.


    Also, I'm that oddball who actually enjoys going against a Freddy.

  • Goliath
    Goliath Member Posts: 28
    Pig or Spirit

    Spirit. You're lucky to finish 2 gens against a red rank Spirit.

  • TheRockstarKnight
    TheRockstarKnight Member Posts: 2,171
    edited July 2020
    Plague or Clown


    There are other, much stronger, Killers but I personally don't mind dying as Survivor. Besides getting chased by them is usually an intense, or at least a thought provoking (what could I have done better?), experience.

    You can still get a lot of points and fun chases against a Freddy or Spirit.

    Against a Clown though, it's just the dullest thing ever.

    He throws bottles at loops and either you drop the pallet early, try to fake him out while you run to a new loop, or you let him M1 you. It's as lame and boring to face as it is to play.

    Also the VFX of being Intoxicated give me a migraine.

  • CaulDrohn
    CaulDrohn Member Posts: 1,596
    Demogorgon or Oni

    That is the "usual" build? I highly doubt it. BBQ and Pop works best onn Freddy. Ruin+Surveillance works pretty good as well. I never equip Thana or dying light on him.

  • CaulDrohn
    CaulDrohn Member Posts: 1,596
    Demogorgon or Oni

    I hate going against Oni. I just don't get how they down me so quick, with the most ridiculous angles. When I play him, I usually don't get anyome down with the Fury in a jungle gym. When I play against Oni, thats usually no hindrance to them. Guess I just suck hard as / against him. The problem ist, I don't know where I'm doing wrong so badly and how to do better. I'm totally clueless there. With Deathslinger I'm bad too (as and against), but at least I know it's because I fail miserably at aiming / shooting.

  • DetailedDetriment
    DetailedDetriment Member Posts: 2,632
    Leatherface or Freddy

    That's "Forever Freddy" which 9 out of 10 times is what you'll go against.

  • Dr_Loomis
    Dr_Loomis Member Posts: 3,703
    Pyramid Head or Deathslinger

    I always seem to get spanked by these two.

  • GreenMonkey3410
    GreenMonkey3410 Member Posts: 5
    Leatherface or Freddy

    Puddles all over the place. Fake gen teleport. And dont forget the blood warden and there favorite noed. Ever Freddy.....i mean every Freddy (so far) ive play against are the same.


  • bkillerc
    bkillerc Member Posts: 142


    a bad spirit: 1-2 hooks and gates are open

    a good spirit: 1-2 gens and everyone’s dead. There is just no good counter play when a spirit knows what they’re doing. It’s usually a 50/50 mind game... a good spirit makes it a 90/10 mind game in her favour. Sometimes a good spirit gets unlucky with these, but that is rare.

  • PaisleyPark
    PaisleyPark Member Posts: 12
    Hag or Doctor

    Hag or Doctor.

    But also Leatherface because Insidious can be rampant

  • CaulDrohn
    CaulDrohn Member Posts: 1,596
    Demogorgon or Oni

    Equipping BBQ and Pop is now considered "Forever freddy" as well? I can agree you call it this way when he uses Pop, Thana, Dying Light and two Slowdown Addons. But if it's just pop, it's hardly different then every other killer using pop, except that he's faster on a gen.

  • CaulDrohn
    CaulDrohn Member Posts: 1,596
    Demogorgon or Oni

    Don't try to loop him excessively on pallets and his "puddles" are not that much of an issue. Or invest the time to use a clock.

    Whats wrong against faking a teleport? After he has hooked someone you usually know from where he is coming, so run away from him. If he is actually faking it, the better, gives you more time to hide.

    Bloodwarden is such a rare perk, I highly doubt your claim. Sure, bloodwarden together with Noed can be devastating, but for every match where this actually pays off there come like 10 mathces where it doesn't work. Blood warden is too situational, esp. when survs normally 99 the gates.

  • Saitamfed
    Saitamfed Member Posts: 1,620

    I think that he meant the build of Thana and Dying Light is called forever Freddy.

    I just had a game with most of the low-down build perks. I won in the end but the match was insanely long.

  • GreenMonkey3410
    GreenMonkey3410 Member Posts: 5
    Leatherface or Freddy

    Oh no. I dont have a problem with Freddys i was saying (the ones i play against) all play the same. Gets kinda old. Somone said he was boring i added on how i felt. If u play freddy different hopfully ill go against you someday. Lol

  • DetailedDetriment
    DetailedDetriment Member Posts: 2,632
    Leatherface or Freddy

    The Thana build that I typed out is "Forever Freddy." Discordance to get survs off gen for Ruin to proc and everything else to mame the game last as long as possible due to slowed repair and healing speeds.

  • BloodyHatchet
    BloodyHatchet Member Posts: 48
    Plague or Clown

    Clown cause I rarely ever play against him and when I do I don't know how to loop him properly and I normally always die.....

  • yobuddd
    yobuddd Member Posts: 2,259
    Hag or Doctor

    Doctor! Mechanics are fine, but there’s SO MUCH NOISE! Always have a headache after playing against him. Playing AS him though—-quiet as a Sunday stroll at the pond.

  • Awkward_Fiend
    Awkward_Fiend Member Posts: 687
    Hag or Doctor


    The camera flicking suddenly to the trap I triggered hurts my eyes a lot. Her basement is also so strong that it's a lost cause going to get a save down there if you aren't healthy