New Killer Idea
Killer name: The Shadow
Look: The killer is a black shadowy figure consumed by smoke.
M2: Deceive
Description: Deceive temporarily disguises the Shadow as the target player in the trial. During this time, the shadow will "phase" in between his original form, and the survivors. The Shadow is able to give the appearance of repairing generators and breaking totems.
Space Bar: Mind Bend / Shadow Lock (2 different ideas)
Description of Mind Bend: When within range of a survivor, the Shadow can touch the survivor allowing the Shadow to take over the survivor's body. During this time, the survivor has to complete 2 skill checks to free their mind of the shadow. If a survivor successfully completes both skill checks, the Shadow is forced out of the survivor's mind and is stunned. If the survivor does not successfully complete both skill checks, the survivor is downed. If the survivor completes only one skill check, the survivor is injured one state. If a survivor is already injured, the survivor has to complete one skill check.
Description of Shadow Lock: The Shadow attaches a shadow leash to the survivor. During this time, the survivor has to complete 2 skill checks. If the survivor misses both skill checks, they are sent into the "dark realm" where everything is black except for the survivor's immediate surroundings. If the survivor completes 1 skill check, but misses 1, the survivors movement controls are reversed. If the survivor completes both skill checks, they are freed from the lock and the Shadow is stunned.
Tell me your thoughts :)
I've not yet figured out perks~
Edit: Obviously you could do a perk that involves being blinded.
Post edited by Brightened on0 -
I was also thinking of him possibly carrying a weird mask... I'm not sure of how other outfits would go
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That would be cool. I think they can make that a licensed chapter, like the smoke monster from lost.
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To be able to do more, they'd have to keep it unlicensed, or it'd end up having to be a specific way
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Deceive fundamentally wouldn't work due to SWF. Also this simply isn't a social deduction game, so disguise mechanics don't have the proper framework to provide an engaging gameplay loop.
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It's not for social deduction. It's so the killer can get close to players without them noticing it's a killer.
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I know. But you shouldn't use disguises for that, we already have the groundwork for stealthkillers. Just use that and leave the deception out of it.
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Seems really fun
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It's a different kind of stealth work. Not every killer should just have to poke around a corner lol
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Thank you :D
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Wraith doesn't, except wraith is also not completely hardcountered by SWF.
The problem with Disguise Killers is that they rely on deny Survivors information on their allies. And that's simply not possible due to SWF.
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Not really they way the power works, you would have time to mind lock a swf member, it would take about at least 30 seconds to relay to the who's "not it" scenario. If a survivor breaks away in solo que you can easily go to next gen and pretend or switch back and attack survivor how ever it works ,if the survivor is an assuming cannot move from the gen situation unless he completes the skill check then it could be devastating ability and over all could work .
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Confirming who's it would take 3 seconds max. All you'd need to do is agree to announce when you are approaching another Survivor. You see a Survivor with no confirmation? Killer identified.
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If they every do this ability it would be interesting. I don't want to go into detail of the possibilities of the out comes.It would be fun testing the snowballing capabilities,I will say even in stealth games there's always a loud section.
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Thats why the Shadow has another power. All you have to do is say "Ghost Face is on me" and everyone else operates the same way LOL. I don't see your point
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I have an idea for a survivor to go with this killer.
A witchy/pagan/esoteric character.
Perks could be:
Third eye: active ability. After cleansing a totem this ability becomes active. Once activated the survivor can clear their mind of shadow block/dr.s maddness status effect/plagues sickness/pyramids tormented status effect.
Can only be activated after cleansing a totem.
Stackable with inner strength (the balance is the more ppl that use it, perks that work with cleansing totems-the less totems there will be available.
Reiki Master or (ahem) hex slayer:
Basically slightly faster cleansing speed perk. Tier 1 is much slower then regular cleansing. Tier 2 is maybe like 1/2 a second faster then normal cleansing. Tier 3 is like 1 second faster
Healing aura: healing action button. Becomes active when a survivor is injured or in dying state. Survivor heals injured survivor at whatever distance (but at a much slower rate
thenregular healing; Just like when healing/selfcare survivor cannot move while healing from distances (cool fingers on temple animation when perk is in use). While the perk is in use the survivor healing's aura is revealed to the killer.This ability is cool because if an injured survivor is being chased/or in dying state they can get some progress on being healed; this also gives the killer the option to stop chasingi njured/searching for downed survivor and to go after healing survivor.
Post edited by HEXSLAYER999 on1 -
I love that :)
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I know its wicked cool.
Killer perks can be something along the lines of
-hex: stagnation: skill checks while cleansing.
Helps ppl hold onto to their hex totems a little longer.
-hex: re-invoke
Any hex totem cleansed before this one; its effects will continue for 60 sec (tier 1), 80 sec (tier 2), 100 sec (tier 3)
-hex: dark portals. a token for every hex totem cleansed.
1 token- smaller killer terror radius for rest of match
2 token-survivor with aura revealing abilities or map with add ons cannot see the killer. Spine chill and premonition still work though
3 tokens- one random hex totem re spawns on the map at random
4 tokens- can mori all survivors
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Love it again :D It should definitely be a thing
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Very nice dude.
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I just think it'd be a different kind of killer to see lol
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Well before legion came out, the leaks were suggesting that, being disguised as a survivor would be there thing, their leak name was supposed to be "the actor".
To actually give this killer an advantage (since as mentioned by ppl in the thread earlier-he's somewhat useless against swf) he can probably have a teleporting ability (like freddy=with a long cool down time), in which he teleports to totem locations (intact, or destroyed)
And actually the re invoke ability can be scrapped
And instead make an active ability like
Consecrate: once per match, if the killer can find where a cleansed totem is located, they can rebuild it.
(The balance is that if killer has many totems cleansed they would have to really pay close attention to the location of the totem they want to bring back)
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Negan from the walking dead with an own mori bashing head would be cool if u ask me.
With his laughing and so i would grind on this if they bring a negan like killer :D
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I don't think Negan really gives that fear aspect, but could be interesting...
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What about the whistling he does that as terror radius and after a hit his sick laugh he mostly does but i do get what u mean with fear aspect.
When i saw this topic negan for some reason came in my mind and i do think its interesting aswell
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Yeah I just can't really imagine being scared of him is what I'm saying. I still think it could be an interesting idea... just not really a horror one..
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Altho he does kinda have this pshyco sick vibe the way he walks looks laughs etc.. I remember when i was watching TWD and when he came up it kinda gave me fear well played by jeffrey dean morgan..
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I mean ultimately you'd end up running from him all the same. There arent very many killer ideas I'd be opposed to seeing really.. as long as it's not complete silliness.
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@Brightened I just saw The Thing for the first time ever last night, I brought the bluray from Walmart but it's kind of what it does . I strongly suggest a recommendation I'm classifying it as greatest of all time.So my top 3 greatest of all time I would say is Alien,The Thing,The Shining
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We need more psychological horror! See my idea again <3