One hook = killing themselves - Sick and tired of it
For 3 games in a row the first person downed simply killed themselves on hook or tried to before eventually killing themselves by running to the killer.
I've found myself starting to be that person who now just wants to do the same if the first person does it.
This was predicted to happen and there needs to be penalties otherwise why play?
I literally deal with this every fuking day, mornings, afternoon and nights.
Goood job devs, very fun challenges and very hard for huntresses hvang in mind she oowns this kind of addons, at level 4 of the tome agreed.
Also lol imagne calling the killer to suicide the second u see she has iri heads, not even playing for extra 203% points lol.
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it's a never ending circle. They put DC penalties? People started killing themselves on 1st hook. You put penalties on 1st hook death? As soon as they get unhooked, people would just ran into the killer.
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Who cares for the extra bp if it is extremely unfun game to play in?
Same goes for bonus bp against SWF as being auggested by so many.
About killing yourself on the first hook, if for some stupid reason they would introduce a penalty, people who did that would stop killing themselves asap but they would probably either afk or try to get hooked again so they can die on 2nd hook or wait through 2nd phase as soon as they reach struggle by trying to kobe 3 times asap.
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I prefer getting the points knowing I'll die instead of just give up
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Ye, in such cases I just do bones, coop gens and unsafe unhooks, once Im hooked I let it go. No reason to keep struggling and waiting for a rescue when you know everyone else is also gave up on that round, better to move to the next game instead of wasting your time.
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I think some people just want to derank when they've played a bit too much rift and ended up in red ranks. They are spoiling others games though. The least they could do is equip OoO and play as killer bait while everyone else does their gens.
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solution -> swf
sad but unfortunately true. some people cant deal with getting downed.
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Iri head + infantry belt and you are surprised people dont play?
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Reporting them does nothing, you can spare yourself the trouble. They can kill themselves on hook, it's working as intended. It's like them reporting you for using iri head+belt, i.e. pointless.
Also, sloppy does nothing for Huntress, except boosted ones.
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Reasons why people suicide on hook:
Balancing issues: Iri heads, Ebony Moris, could say more but it’ll only start a debate.
Other: Frustration from being caught, Teammates doing nothing productive, Killer is snowballing hard, camping, tunnelling.
Hook suiciding because of balancing issues can be fixed by devs and there would be a lot more happier games.
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Just played Huntress who was after adept with same add-ons.
Players should be up for the challenge, you should look at it as sure we're going to lose but when you actually win how good do you feel at the sense of achievement?
The only issue is if you go against this constantly then there is a problem as this isn't the final or a pinnacle of the worse case scenario in the game.
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did you read the second line
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You simply cannot stop people leaving if they do not want to be there, regardless of penalties. I understand it's frustrating but there is nothing that can be done to prevent it.
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Damn i wonder why u would ######### on first hook against that bullshit instead of play injured all game or get 1shot across the map by a semi truck hitbox. Even as a killer main i don't play with or against this add on, it makes the huntress the easiest killer in the game with her hitboxes and just oneshoting them no matter how far they are, if they changed it so its like deathslinger (15m away or more) then sure u got a snipe or got sniped but as of rn can't blame ppl for killing themselves against that. If the killer had an option to (surrender) they'd do it as well when u realize u are versing a sweaty swf as its just unfun
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If I am hooked and someone gets downed while the other 2 Urbanettes are crouching on the other side of the map I kill myself too. Not doing this sh**
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You're running Iri Head with Infantry Belt.
YOU'RE the problem, not the survivors, not the devs. YOU.
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People complain a lot and sometimes its their own damn fault, Im not surprised people prefer to suicide on hook against Iridiscent+Belt. Yesterday I had a Myers complaining he had a 4 minute match after a 15 minute queue, he was using a Tombstone Piece+Memorial as add-ons, noone suicided by the way.
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I always suicide against Iri Head, not fun, don't care about bonus BP, i'd rather deny you while exiting that ######### match and get on with the next game. Odds are my surv que times are shorter than your killer que times, so enjoy your sub 20k score and 7-10 min que.
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a lot of people are complaining about Iri belt, but the fact is that this happens regardless. 1/3 of all my games see someone suicide on hook, and then call me a ######### no-life in the endgame chat; This is a toxicity problem, not just people wanting to suicide against this build.
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I've also been getting a bunch of suicide wimps lately. The BEST part is that I'm not even playing to kill. LMFAO I'm giving them prolonged chases, backing off so much or just following. It's like wow, could have hit you 20 times by now, you really think this is a serious match? LMFAO Then, I down them once and hook because, hey I gotta get something out of it, and they just suicide. ######### losers. Can't imagine how low ones selfesteem has to be to give up that quickly. I'm still doing no kill matches for 4th year event so everyone possible, in my trials at least, can get crown. OH! the OTHER side of it is when they get first hook and I LITERALLY cross to other side of map so they can be saved and their team is such ######### that they let that person die. LMFAO WOW Survie solidarity. And they call us toxic? LMFAO
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in fact, developers are involved in this, they must rework these add-ons, people use them because they exist and, unfortunately, they are not to blame for the fact that this is in the game, although I still hate those who use these 2 add-ons >:(
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It's in the game. Suicide on hook then. I never give up or dc. That's just a waste of not just your time but 4 other people playing with you. You're also missing out on extra blood points from totems and you could also just try to play hide and seek get boldness points for being close to killer and not seeing you. I've been in a couple games with the same set up and still managed to escape.
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Oh no I get it 100%, I'm not saying you are crap for using those, im just saying they are incredibly strong and un-fun addons so its not a surprise that survivors suicide when they know they are going against it.
I get people that suicide when I down them as pig after I find them at a jigsaw box two hooks later, they expect me to just watch them take it off i guess.
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He's not the Killer in that image.
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Still applies, but my mistake.
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I mean there’s no penalty to instant moris after someone gets unhooked so, honestly if you can tell a killer is gonna mori you right off of first hook there’s no real point, you might as well just die, the game is mainly about you escaping and if you know you won’t escape then why give someone else the chance to pip if you don’t, i one hook myself due to survivors that just don’t know what they’re doing or not giving a one hook moriing killer the satisfaction because they don’t deserve it
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Even as killer I absolutely hate this ruins the game for everyone if I get a win now I don’t even feel like I deserved it anymore and it just takes away from the main reason I play bloodpoints and it will be for the dumbest reasons the worst I heard was by three who said “we can tell you were gonna be a petty killer and let nobody escape anyways” this is first hook 60 seconds tops into the game
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Iri Hatchets + Infantry Belt Huntress and I always kill myself on the first hook. The most HIDEOUS combination this game has and it's absolutely garbage... This way I discourage the killers for using it because they don't make a lot of points and they certainly don't pip from that!
Also Mori and the game goes bad really fast is also a one hook killing myself for me... For the same reasons as above!
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I know it’s off topic but sloppy hasn’t bad, lots of huntress do the 1-2 hatchet melee hit combo
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OP add ons have been killing the fun for a long time now. Also why run iri heads during a 203% round or special event that gives new bp?