The Executioner Chase Music, PTB vs Live

AtraXis Member Posts: 79

Hi everyone, if you played or watched the Chapter 16 PTB, you probably noticed that Pyramid Head's chase music is different in the live version. I wanted to know which one of those versions is the best and why.

I personally prefer the PTB version over the actual chase music, but feel free to explain your choices in the comments.

The Executioner Chase Music, PTB vs Live 7 votes

The PTB version is better
GHERBEARRULESCheersKind_LemonAtraXisPior_MorteAberrantPsychologist 6 votes
The LIVE version is better
musstang62 1 vote


  • AberrantPsychologist
    AberrantPsychologist Member Posts: 27
    The PTB version is better

    I made an account just to vote; that's how much I dislike the change.