Well this seems fair and balanced

I'm not a typical DBD player I kinda play when I'm in the mood and try to have a good time, but come on the matchmaking is a bit bad. I mean look at this pic.
Now i know i probably one of many who have complained about this but isn't this like past the 7 above, 7 below rule or something??
That rule hasn't been enforced in God knows how long. Matchmaking now ceases to exist. They talked about implementing an MMR system a while ago, and....somehow....making it work in DbD. And the Devs have also said that it's gonna be coming soon so...I'd estimate that it's coming in about 12 months.
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Ah okay. Thanks for the clarification. I was just so annoyed after that match. If I was in purple or green I'd KINDA understand the ranking but come on man this is ridiculous
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Lol it could actually take 12 months lol. The fact that people make these jokes about the devs shows how long issues in DBD drag on for. But maybe the new matchmaking system will be delivered quickly and work flawlessly. Only time will tell and I hope that I'm right.
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I think it'll happen by the end of the year but it's much more fun to reply "soonβ’" lol
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Matchmaking is bad on both sides. 3 out of every 4 games I play solo you get matched up with terrible survivors. This game is increasingly less and less fun when killers complain about things they have to go through and killers get a buff the next update. Killers have to understand one thing - You have nobody to rely on. That is a blessing that I donβt think many of you understand! There are things in this game I wish were fixed for survivors. Like how killers can wack you through vaults, pallets and windows. Hit box seems broken there. Yet it goes unchecked and Uncared for.
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This game is so easy to play as killer π I never really complain about matchmaking when I play killer. I mostly complain about.... well, nothing. Quite frankly I think playing killer is way more fun! So it blows me away when I see people complain about things. Get better hone your skills. Youβll see. Survivor sucks :/ and until they make it more fun solo where it doesnβt feel like 9 times out of 10 the killer mows you down. Killers are OP. But people keep wanting more and more because they donβt know how to play so they patch in more buffs every update π
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also, you ran 3/4 perks and none of them were even max level. Only 2 out of the 3 you ran were even remotely helpful. Also, Do you have a headset? These things might help. ππππ€£π€£ killers just go into games without any perks on and blame matchmaking for their inability to kill anything? Awww man...
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The loadout of the killer is not the point of the post dude, calm down
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A rank 18 at level 55 simply isn't going to have as much experience with the game as someone who has made it to rank 4, and there were two rank 4s in the match. Even if OP had brought NOED and three other maxed perks, they still might have gotten looped the whole time. Matchmaking like this doesn't help you learn the game, it just frustrates you.
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Hey good job killing the rank 4
Oh yeah matchmaking is balls all the time. I've had some games against sweaty swf teams that are all in between rank 1 and 6 while I'm a sitting duck at rank 15. Who knows when they'll fix it....
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I don't know what game your playing but I'm the game I play killer is stressful as #########. Its 4 against one where the survivors get to ######### abuse the killer with their flashlights, toolboxes DS BT DH and so much more. Then there's the windows and pallets. The survivors loop so god damn much that there's no point in even calling it a chase at that point. I occasionally, like ONCE IN A BLUE ######### MOON, have survivors that actually play the game without being toxic dickheads, or are just potatoes. And most games even if I win because the sweaty swf made a mistake, I get messaged by 4 people calling me a noed #########, a camper, a tunneler. Almost no survivor I have played made the game fun. This is like one of the only games I play that it I don't want to rank up because then I'm going to start facing ######### that are gone make my game an absolute hell. Also by the way you realize you could have put all three of your comments into one and saved the person who posted this some notification space. The perks they ran weren't the best but they work. I dont think he would have only brought 3 out of 4 perks if he knew he was going against people 10 times as experienced.
Sorry for the rant but this ######### sucks sometimes. I agree with the person who posted this, it's #########
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It was most likely a SWF with the low rank person in the group to tilt the MM into favoring giving them a low rank killer.
It's mostly why I stay low rank, so I can punish those groups. Those 1,2,1,16 groups are pretty much 100% of my killer games in the evening.
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I have a headset, I could hear and try to counter play but they new the loops to week. As I stated I'm just a casual DBD player and I JUST bought pyramid head cause I like silent hill. I had no perks on him cause he was like level 11 at the time of pic. I know I need to get better at lips but I could have easily just camped but as someone who was on the receiving end back in the day it's not fun so I try to balance it out. My main issue is just matchmaking. How am I supposed to pip up and get out of 18-16 etc. If I face people with TONS more experience then me?
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Yikes dude well at least your game went in your favor. Lol but still matches like that should NOT be allowed it ridiculous.
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I could tell they were noobs so when the 1 person died i had jake on hook and the other 2 were injured. I thought "let me just go hangout upstairs (on hawkins) and let them unhook jake and get healed up, maybe do a gen then ill go back at them" but then i get upstairs and i fund the 2 there healing instead of going to get jake who was half through the struggle phase. All 3 of us stared at eachother for a moment then i downed them. Yeah those were the 2 dcs.