Stake out was a decent perk that is useless now...
After the Ruin nerf, Stakeout pretty much got gutted but now that great skill checks only give a 1%bonus it's completely useless and needs a complete rework along with several other perks.
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2% xD
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I always used Stake Out as a killer detector to be honest. When I'm using the perk I just start paying attention when it starts charging.
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I used to use this technic too, it is pretty good to counter Freddy or even play without headphones
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They actually buffed stake out, it now doubles the amount of progress from A great.
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Like you actually READ Stakeout right? You know, before making a post about it? You may want to go do that.
Overall it got buffed, people can't even say it's a crutch perk anymore because as long as you have atleast one token it buffs great skill checks. Now it actively benefits great skill checks on top of covering for hitting goods.
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Stake out was never a crutch... Plus it's really bad now.
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That's why it was buffed.... to still do it's job well.
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Serious Question: How exactly was it gutted? Great Skill Checks in general were dropped from 2% to 1%, and Stake Out puts that extra percent right back. It seems like it does exactly the same thing it did before, just with an added effect to keep it that way.
Plus, as noted, it sounds like you get the extra percent for any Great Skill Check? If correct, I find that good to know because I'd assumed the extra percent only went towards Greats scored with tokens.
Also, is 1% either way really that big a difference? Seems negligible on paper.
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Stop pretending it was nerfed lol.
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Boy I really hope nobody ever called Stake Out a crutch perk.
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Every time I've ever said it was good on the forums atleast one comment called it a crutch. After the buff they finally have zero excuses lol.
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1% adds up as the trial goes on.
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Well, Stake Out basically does the same as before.
But this 1% Bonus instead of 2% for Great Skill Checks is nonsense. Makes Gens even more boring now.
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It's literally the smallest gen speed nerf they could have possibly done and it also makes trials less RNG based and you dislike it? Is the extra 5 or so seconds on the gen really that bad?
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I mean, I 100% understand, why they have done it and RNG is a big factor of it. Getting like 5 Skill Checks in 10 seconds is now only 4 seconds Bonus instead of 8 seconds, totally understandable.
But going for great Skill Checks was probably the most interesting thing on doing Gens. And they are not worth it anymore, because it (almost) only results in more BPs. And Objective is not a Category where it is unlikely to max the BPs out anyway.
(The change was good for the game, dont get me wrong. So "nonsense" was the wrong word for it. But I dislike it, mainly because it is not worth to go for Great Skill Checks anymore)
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I like that the bonus bp means I have to spend less time on gens to max my objective. If you don't think going for Greats is worth it anymore that's your opinion, and I respect it.
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We could bring back old ruin if it'll make you feel better lol
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Well at least it used to. I don't use stake out anymore
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I'm confused why anyone would think it was nerfed as it functions the same as before. If anything it was buffed.
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Please show me where I said it was nerfed. Anyways it was never a crutch and it has been useless since ruin was nerfed.
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To be fair Stake Out was almost always 100% useless. It was potentially useful before Ruin's nerf, but now it is pointless, it needs a rework. You are better off to just run Spine Chill and get that 6% boost will be way more useful throughout the trial than skill checks which are completely RNG based. Not to mention some games you may hardly ever be in the killers radius if the rest of your team are occupying the killer.
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My whole point was that it was a great counter for Ruin and now it's pretty much useless. For those saying it gives a 1% bonus 😂 you can keep your 1% bonus for having to stay undetected in the killers terror radius for 15 seconds. I play both but it's obvious from the comments who mains killer and who mains survivor
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I still use it for the killer warning, but you're right. It's not very useful anymore. It's good to use with certain medkit add ons, though.
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I think of it as a bp booster. Its pretty nice for that