Ive been playing the game, and the community has been ruining it.

DanPie Member Posts: 19

I like this game, i have 26 hours in the past week, which is a lot for me, and theres something thats been bugging me. and its mainly about balance and toxicity. i play killer and survivor evenly, but i have to force myself to play killer, and thats because playing killer is a nightmare. you dont feel lie a strong tyrant, you feel like youre just trying as hard as possible to not get bullied. and the fact is i really dislike things about playing killer. i got ran around for 5 generators and when i finally caught them, they decisive striked me and got out. generators get done too quickly, and since they nerfed hex ruin into oblivion, theres no way to stop survivors. infinites are annyoying and you can only catch them with chase oriented killers. this means my favorite killers, (trapper and hag) are extremely hard to play. and i like a challenge yknow?, i mean dark souls is one of my favorite games of all time, but, they make dark souls fair, and fix underlying issues, you can beat the game, by just being good and knowing how to play well. but thats not how this game works, there are so many issues, and instead of fixing them, they just add a perk to counter it, then people complain about the perk, and it gets nerfed. playing killer is fun, but in the end its just going to make you feel bad. i always end the night on a game where there was toxic plays, constant looping, swf and other things that suck. just playing against swf sucks because theyre coordinating, and when that happens you get stomped. a mass murderer gets beaten by some idiots with flashlights and decisive strike, i think that decisive needs a rework, because its not fun, you give up 2 generators or more for nothing, absolutely nothing because of decisive, you dont feel like a killer, you feel helpless. and the fact that you cant counter decisive is why it needs a rework. it requires no skill, for a massive reward, and coming from tf2, that was common, and it was fixed. in summary, they need to rework decisive so that it requires skill and has a good reward, and they need to add perks for killers, that slow down generator repair rates, or just slow down the game in general.


  • Zeus
    Zeus Member Posts: 2,112

    The main issue with this game wrt balance is swf. I can understand that you can still lose against randoms as killer but the balance is quite decent and better than ever if you ask me. It comes down to the killer you choose, the perk synergy and the map. And yes, making a mistake as a killer is 4x more impactful than making a mistake as survivor.

    Killer is a very stressful experience but rewarding when you master it.

  • DanPie
    DanPie Member Posts: 19
    edited July 2020

    yes zeus, but look at someone like otzdarva, hes an absolute god at the game and he still gets stomped by swf groups, even though hes good, he still gets beaten by basic swf and decisive strike.and on top of that, killer shouldent be stressful, youre a killer, a mass murderer with victims who cant do anything, that shouldent be stressful to play, you should be able to feel strong.

  • Nutty_Professor
    Nutty_Professor Member Posts: 621

    Your post is hard to read to due to the lack of paragraphs.

    From what I gathered from reading your post, you shouldn't be chasing one survivor for five generators. If you're having issues downing a particular survivor, abandon the chase and look for another survivor whose probably easier to down.

    You seem to be very new to the game, whilst the game does have it's imbalance issues. I think you're biggest issue is due to your lack of experience. It's naturally that an inexperienced player will struggle against experienced players.

    They're's a lot of tutorials available on Youtube to help you get better.

  • CrusaderNella
    CrusaderNella Member Posts: 331

    I feel like ,if the Killer catches/spots you, then you failed as a survivor in the stealth aspect. The chase should never be a question of, can the survivor escape but rather, how long can they stall before getting downed. The survivors rarely use stealth because they have so many other bullying options.

  • DanPie
    DanPie Member Posts: 19

    sorry about the writing, i was kind of angry when i wrote this, its quite therapudic to complain and get your emotions out, the fact that expressing emotions and being angry is looked down upon sucks. but i have been watching videos, and i have been getting a lot better, and the reason i chased them for so long is anger, the constant stuns and such makes you angry and makes you want to kill that person more, and when you try to do that and they counter it with a single skill check sucks.

  • DecemberMan
    DecemberMan Member Posts: 30

    Welcome to the club. Every killer knows this, but the devs won't do anything with it, since there are more survivors i.e. more money coming from survivors so the game has to be biased towards them.

  • DanPie
    DanPie Member Posts: 19

    im not just saying nerf decisive, i never even said i wanted it nerfed, i said i wanted it reworked, so it feels more fair between killer and survivor, i dont proxy camp, and i dont camp, both of those things make the game unfun. on top of that i run anti camping perks, like devour hope.

  • Bovinity
    Bovinity Member Posts: 1,522
  • a_good_player
    a_good_player Member Posts: 194

    so how is that i can win 99% of my killer matches? i must be a cheater.

    (no noed, ebony, spirit or other bullshit)

  • DanPie
    DanPie Member Posts: 19

    slugging wouldent work, theyd still have the ability.

  • DanPie
    DanPie Member Posts: 19

    you add nothing to this conversation, please have some form of argument or add something to the conversation.

  • BigBrainMegMain
    BigBrainMegMain Member Posts: 3,826

    I wouldn't because I don't stand around by the hook.

    I'm nowhere near the hook when the survivor gets unhooked.

    90% of the time I've already initiated a different chase.

    Pop and BBQ reward killers by leaving your safety bubble.

  • DanPie
    DanPie Member Posts: 19

    yes you shouldent camp the hook, but if survivors rush for the unhook you go for the unhooker, or if you play hag teleport to it as long as your not in a chase.

  • Bovinity
    Bovinity Member Posts: 1,522

    Except half the time it's because a survivor went all YEE-HAW instantly and unhooked someone.

    So you hit the unhooker and still eat a DS because they're being such weird gorillas about everything with all their second chances.

  • Vox_Nocturne
    Vox_Nocturne Member Posts: 545

    The great thing about being the killer is that you dictate how you want to play. Yes, there is the objective of hooking survivors, but if you treat killer as a sandbox game you'll find it infinitely more satisfying, as opposed to a linear experience:

    As an example, rank doesn't mean greatness as I've come across better players at yellow rank than red. So, whether you see yourself as The Entity's servant, or more a killer which just wants to psychologically torment survivors it's up to you. As a survivor, you have to work together otherwise the whole team can come tumbling down.

    In short, ignore the community section which dictates the way you play to their standard and portray your killer as who you want. When you forget about other people's realities, the game becomes so much more enjoyable, and as a result you become a better player by becoming cooler in your approach.

  • DanPie
    DanPie Member Posts: 19

    i like this approach, a lot the only thing that messes this up is how it feels to play killer, you dont feel like a murderer, and thats why i play this game, when you get to feel like a merciless murderer putting beartraps on heads and scaring people its awesome, but with toxic swf groups, they take that fun away.

  • a_good_player
    a_good_player Member Posts: 194
    edited July 2020

    my argument (it is pretty easy to understand but seems like i need to explain) is that a lot of killer players blame their lack of skill on the game, when its really all on them. you can find proof of that just by opening a stream of a good killer player: you'll see they almost never lose a match. and dont use the "BuT Is StResSfUL" card, because there is no way you can make an 1v4 game relaxing for the single part, unless you make it extremely unbalanced. also i think that all the stress comes from their mindset: they want to win every match, and if they are losing they begin to sweat. get over with this #########, if you get destryed 1 match out of 10 its perfectly fine

  • Nutty_Professor
    Nutty_Professor Member Posts: 621

    Playing killer is stressful, I actually have a stress ball at hand when I play killer.

    Getting stunned by pallets is actually a good thing, it means you're forcing the survivors to use pallets. Less pallets on the map the easier it is to down survivors. The journey to becoming a good killer is not respecting pallets.

    Also when survivors are being ######### (flashlight clicking spam, noise notifications, t bagging) whilst it's annoying they're not doing generators. I focus on the survivors who are doing generators.

    Remember try your best to stay calm when playing killer, try not let yourself get triggered. If you're stressed you're more likely to make mistakes.

    Sorry for any grammar issues in this post, I have insomnia and I'm struggling to sleep.

  • Vox_Nocturne
    Vox_Nocturne Member Posts: 545

    I see where you're coming from, and it's a valid point with that particular situation. Therefore, there are other approaches to the game you could do:

    So, against a Red SWF group, split those rounds into a specific aim. For example, use the runner to practice hunting skills and make your aim to get the runner. Learn how they juke (they will appear impossible, but that's where you learn the ropes) and experiment with different tactics. Or another time, it may be to see if you can create a 3 gen by defending that area ferociously. And then, there are the meme games.

    There are other silly ways to play those rounds. There's the "Not in my house!" game where you go into a house at Haddonfield, the hut in the Red Forest, etc. And make the aim to prevent any survivor entering! If they do, either down them and hook in basement if there, or down them, pick them up and throw them outside.

    Another could be "Detention!" where you do the opposite and get the player to stay in Badham School, or now Midwich is here, fine a room for detention and keep dragging people there.

    The game can still be as fun and silly as you want it to be. Heck, if the red rank swf notice this, a friendly group may play along!

  • GoodBoyKaru
    GoodBoyKaru Member Posts: 22,769

    I'd actually like to argue this notion.

    Killer should be stressful all because you're a mass murderer. You need to micromanage everything possible to ensure things go your way, like you would in real life if you were to kill someone to ensure you're successful and not caught. You only have yourself to rely on, and this should be stressful. Sure, you're a powerhouse, but that doesn't mean you should be so needlessly OP survivors can't do anything against you.

    I've seen @PigMainClaudette (at least I think it was them) say something I completely agree with; killers aren't truly killers, they're torturers, and survivors aren't truly survivors, they're victims.

  • PigMainClaudette
    PigMainClaudette Member Posts: 3,842

    Yah, that was me. Out of all the emblems, 25% of ONE of them rewards kills which means that it is 1/16th, or 6.25% of the killer's total objective mathematically. The rest is hits, downs, hooks, chases and generator damaging. STALLING AND TORTURING.

    It does also sound like you are suffering from a case of "burnout", OP. Take some time off and relax. Don't play as much, or let your rank slide over a reset or two.

    I'm even considering streaming myself ranking up without killing, or minimal kills just to prove a point.