Please, make an addon for freddy to play the old version

It would be beautiful if there actually was an addon that makes you play as the old freddy, i miss him too much and i really want to play him back... please devs can i get at least a maybe? Can you give me a little hope? You would make happy me and a lot of other players
I know how it feels and ive already tried asking for something similar, buuuuuut everyone still thinks he was trash (even the devs I think), when he wasn't.
We might get a killer similar soon if candyman releases, as how candyman works is kinda similar to old Freddy.
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One of the reasons they changed Freddy's power is because new survivor players didn't understand it and had no idea how to counter it... returning those powers with an add-on would make him even more confusing for survivors than he was before.
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But it was a very simple and original concept, i think that everything can be difficult for new people playing this game, just a little practice and then it’s more easy
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I'm just telling you that's one of the reasons they gave for changing it. That being the case, I doubt they're going to make him more confusing by giving him the ability to completely change his powers with an add-on. That would make him worse than he was before the change.
Specific things mentioned by the devs that they didn't like were his being able to see the auras of sleeping survivors and the fact that all survivor actions were slowed down while asleep. So, if they did bring any part of his old kit back, those parts would almost certainly be removed. That leaves, what? Needing to ask permission before hitting a survivor by spending 7 seconds putting them to sleep?
You're not the first person to request this as an add-on, and I don't think the devs gave any response previously.
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What did he do Again?
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Granted, old Freddy needed a change but old Freddy was good when using specific add ons and perks.
I liked how he was invisible and how tense it was hiding hoping he didn’t see me when I hear the lullaby.
They could’ve easily kept his old power and reworked his add ons to include snares & fake pallets along with adding the alarm clocks to wake up.
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The devs would never in a hundred years do this. After that? Maybe. Feel free to wait
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I remember they saying they're not gonna do it as the files are deleted permanently.
But I'll have to agree that the old Freddy's power was fun and unique. Wish they did a doctor style rework instead of the full rework.
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We asked for this before his rework, would be so awesome to play old Freddy too. I mained him until rework.
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Because he was fun to play
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I personally loved staring helplessly at survivors doing gens, totems, unhooks and exit gates while I waited for them to fall asleep. Such thrilling gameplay.
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The devs have already answered this with a "no". It'd be like trying to balance and Bugfix another entire character with none of the joys that come with making that character. Plus, for it to be any good, they'd have to have the current add-ons have other effects for when you're using his current base and this form of him.
I loved the man and maimed him since I started playing the game. He had his time, he was fun but weak as #########, and that time has moved on. Its like asking for old doctor back with his two stances because it was "unique" and "fun" and "interesting" with no regards to bugs or balance that could arise from it, potentially breaking the game.
They massacred Z-block but I don't want him back. Gone are the days of not bei g able to hit someone for 7 seconds after you've found them, or missing a hit because they just failed a skillcheck in time, or self-care being his biggest counter. He wasn't a good killer and personally I don't want him back.
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But now is too strong, i personally think that they need to add the old “pull in dream” option to balance his power
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So you, uh, you want him to back to having to wait 7 seconds to hit someone?
How about we don't ######### massacre him again, okay?
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You bring up an interesting point, they couldve simply reduced that time to 3 seconds and didnt need a rework at all. =)
The first time I hit rank 1 was with a no ruin no noed Freddy.
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I wouldn't have complained tbh since he's still incredibly fun (though then they'd need to change Pain Brush and all the blocks anyway else you could have a sleep timer of -1.5 seconds which, yeah).
But his full rework shows what the devs are truly capable of doing with a killer's power and we should hold them to that standard. He would've had no anti-loop or movement potential without the rework, still leaving him as one of the weaker killers.
It's because his kit is so diverse, each part being relatively strong, that Freddy is one of the best killers in the game. Again, let's not re-massacre the man.
Edit: First time I hit rank 1 was also with Freddy, though I was absolutely awful as killer then, didn't understand anything about 3 gens and pressure. I properly relied on ruin for it, since then I got to rank 1 consistently without add-ons or ruin. However had I spent that time learning nurse I could've won without a single issue. Freddy I has to proplely sweat with. He wasn't the worst but oh god he was so far from being good.
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I think that sooner or later, he will be nerfed in a different way
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Why though? Because he's good?
Unlike spirit and nurse has has nothing that breaks game mechanics, there's a tell for everyrhing that he's doing, and all of his skills have counterplay. He's teleporting? Walk away. He's spamming snares? Don't be asleep.
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He was invisible to survivors unless he put you to sleep but you could still see his stomps and grass move when he was near you. Freddy would raise his hand and aim his power at you and if you were in line of sight then you would start to sleep.
This is the part that ppl took advantage of, because it took ‘time’ to fall asleep and until you were immersed in dreamland he couldn’t hit you. While in the process of falling asleep the survivors saw glimpses of Freddy blinking in and out.
While falling asleep (where Freddy cannot hurt you still) Survivors could still interact with Generators and pop them in his face before running, they could actually damage the gen and wake up fully, causing Freddy to put them back to sleep, they could be aroused back to wake by another survivor, open doors, ect ect. Smart survivors could exploit the ######### out of Freddy making him seem very weak in high level...
when they were asleep though, Freddy would see a glowing light blue survivor and if they stepped out of a certain zone, I think 32 mins, they would glow red. Basically Freddy would never lose you unless you woke up or you were just really really good and staying stealthy and close to him. Good survivors could lose Freddy and when he moved away to force you out of his zone and spot you, they could just book it and waste more time.
Much like Legion, you just didn’t stay together and you knocked out gens quickly. The issue, per usual, was low level play. Survivors didn’t understand why Freddy was always finding them, they didn’t understand how Freddy was just magically appearing next to them and they were too scared to work together and wake each other up. So the struggle was real for low rank and ‘lol ez’ in high ranks.
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if they nerfed the doctor, they also can nerf other killers like Freddy
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They... They what?
They nerfed doctor?
Are you okay? When the ######### did they do that? The doc rework was nothing but a buff, despite the uprising in the forums at the time. He's been nothing but stronger.
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How? Before the rework he had the power to walk and know the position of other survivors, now his power has a cooldown. They nerfed even the executioner even if he was a balanced killer
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His Static Blast has a cooldown, yes, because otherwise it would be downright broken. It automatically pushes you up a tier of madness.
He no longer has to waste time switching stances and walk around the map at 110%. He's forever a 115% and can cover much more distance like this, increasing overall map pressure.
In a chase he doesn't have to switch stances either. Now he can just shock you right away and hit you straight after, no need to switch, shock, then switch, then swing. Now it's just shock and swing. Also he shocks at 115% not 110% which makes catching up easier.
It takes less shocks to make people go mad (only 2 for each tier of madness).
He got reworked, better add-ons. "Discipline" being my favourite but also the most broken, reducing the shock detonation delay by 0.3 seconds. He also has Iri Queen now, which is very nice.
He got a new madness effect of reversed skillchecks.
Sure his Snap was nerfed but its also easier than ever to get people into T3 so it was justified.
Please explain how any of his changes were a net nerf?
EDIT: Also with Pyramid Head, the "nerfs" were justified. It was unfun for both sides and promoted boring gameplay. Now he has a higher skill ceiling of predicting where a cage will spawn AND can strategically move the cage away from himself to interrupt more survivors. It's hardly much of a nerf.
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You had to right click to put a survivor to sleep so you can actually hit them. It took 7 secknds for them to actually sleep and if they missed any skill check from gens to sabo they would wake up, ic another survivor is nearby they could wake them up before they fully fall asleep requiring you to put the awake survivor tobsleep then resleep the first survivor before they could start the wake up process.
Survivors in the dream state had a action penalty on everything they did and there used to be addons to lessen skill checks, make waking up longer, and aura sense once they are x far from you. Later they made aura sense of sleepers base then removed it for the rework.
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Even if you think that his old power was broken he was still the worst killer of the game
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No, it wasn't broken. It was weak. He's currently strong. That's what I've been saying, are you okay?
His treatment mode used to be passive gain, not a blast that increases everyone by a stage. It was passive, hence no cooldown. Since its currently an active ability, it has a cooldown.
You're the one saying he was strong and they nerfed him. He's so much stronger now than he was and I seriously don't understand how anyone can think otherwise.
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Ah, OldFreddy. For me, he was a Killer I could regularly 4K with. The key was to keep pressure on everyone and not tunnel (which most Freddy killers seemed to do). I do prefer OldFreddy to NewFreddy. That said, I think most people hated OldFreddy.
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do not get me wrong, i said thar the doctor was stronger than before.
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New Doctor is way better than old Doctor. His Static Field was trash because it didn't do anything meaningful after it got people to Tier 1 Madness.
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Even if i’m wrong, i still think that they are going to nerf Freddy sooner or later
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They are also curreny reworking Bubba and Billy, they are making the cannibal even more trash. Even Billy is going to be nerfed for no reason
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The Billy nerf I get is gonna be trash.
But bubba? A nerf? Are you serious?
His rev is easier now.
His sprint is 0.2m/s faster.
He can sprint for longer if you want.
He's getting new add-ons which will hopefully not be as bad as Shop Lubricant.
It's a buff. Seriously.
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But now he can get stunned even if he doesn’t hit anything
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its literally to stop face camping with a revved saw are you serious
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Sooo... if they nerfed Billy for no reason, they can also nerf Freddy, right?
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Yep they can. I asked why they'd do it though, to which I have yet to get an answer. I was told they nerfed doctor (which they didn't), they nerfed Billy, but not why they'd nerf Freddy except "he's op" which he isn't you literally just wake up.
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How much time you need to wait for the 3 charges cooldown?
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They didn't say but something tells me if you can't pick up, hook, then find someone else in that time there'll be a bit of an outrage.
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Even if i’m wrong, i still think that Freddy is gonna be nerfed sooner or later