Hillbilly and Cannibal changes
Obviously it's a bit early to say if these are actually good or bad changes, but how do people feel about hearing these? Both Cannibals rework to add ons and his power, aswell as Hillbillys.
The forums will be full of tears until everyone realized that they are not that bad. Of course there will be the usual "Leatherface is OP now" Threads.
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Bubba im happy for. Billy, less so. I guess his add-ons are nice but I mean his new ultra rare is just Speed Limiter on steroids.
Perks I'm happy for, knock out only works on basic attacks but hey. Franklin's is unique, Lightborne isn't #########, and Tinkerer is...something still.
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Decided I'd add a comment rather than out it in the post.
I think Cannibals changes sound great. He's no longer a killer who primarily focuses on camping, and now seems much more dangerous in the chase with the speed boost and the ability to 'end your ability early'.
As for Hillbilly, I'm yet again glad he got an add on rework. All of his add ons were hit or miss and he really needed these. His base kit change however seems very...controversial. Obviously we'll have to see how it plays out.
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I don't think the Hillbilly change is going to really be an issue unless you are bad with him. Bubba change seems good?
Also, we now have an honest-to-god answer to keys. I don't know how it will work out in the long run, but it is something.
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Can't wait for all of you to get your hands on PTB and give us even more feedback! We'll also have a Q&A next week so keep an eye out for it.
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There's already one about Hillbilly 😬
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Leatherface S tier now!!
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On paper they both look good to me. I’m keeping an open mind until they’re on the PTB though and people can actually test them.
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Leatherface OP please nerf
Pyramid head and Billy nerfed into the ground, literally unplayable
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i just want to see what Hillbilly's Lopro Chains will look like visually. breaking the pallet but still sprinting
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Shame I can't play it, but can't wait to see others play it!
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I don't give a flying F about them lol
The add-ons will be the big difference but we'll see what happens.
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Not sure the hillbilly changes were needed to his basekit. Leatherface and all the perk changes look great. Was knockout always basic attack only though?
Tinker was already a fav of mine so it's buff seems grand.
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Of course there is. Hillbillys Change does not look that bad to be honest. I am curious about the Add Ons, even tho, I expect Crack Billy and Insta Saw to be gone.
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Someone correct me if I'm wrong, but I believe it was any attack up until the change.
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Most likely, although we'll have to wait and see.
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Honestly Bubba need this change and now im happy is not only good for camping. Bis add-ons rework look good and perks changé as well. Im just a bit curious why they hade the heat mechanic. I mean Hibbilly is probably the most balances killer in the whole game. But that dosen't sound that Bad and it's not a Big nerf so it's ok
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Is this going to be an actual feedback PTB or is it mostly a bug finding PTB? Because I swear recently we've been told that the purpose of the PTB is not to overly rework changes but rather to find problems in function.
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I figured. Dunno why they nerfed it. Means when someone bleeds themselves out from bt as doctor they won't have knockout D:
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Watching the Hillbilly video they provided showing the overheat, I dont like it.
Does nurse over heat blinking too much?
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Well technically speaking...
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One thing - the Bubba Add On. So that it gets some use instead of just being "Why dont you use Knockout?"
Second thing (and probably more important) - Some Killers can be pretty oppressive with their Ability, like Billy or Oni. Slugging everyone with Knockout could be seen as a problem by the Devs (even tho, I think the problem with that playstyle is Infectious Fright, but whatever).
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I will forever miss endless chainsawwing around map. Years ago we joked on forums they would add a "gas can" this is pretty much it.
We used to joke saying theyd make him need gas cans to use his ability. here it is in fruition.
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@LordRegal We always grab gameplay feedback during PTB. However, it might take more time than the next update after PTB to make changes.
We also learned from past mistakes that making a huge gameplay change directly after PTB without leaving the content out for a while might not be ideal. (looking at you Freddy release). That's why you'll see mostly number changes after PTBs and potential bigger changes later.
So I would say PTB is a mix of both.
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Bubba is a killer now and Billy didn’t really get punched too hard
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The new overheat mechanic scares me. I mean, billy is currently relatively easy to play compared to the other harder killers, but damn, thats too much man, the overheat does not regress which means you will have to eat all the cooldown whether you overuse your chainsaw or not. And the new ultrare add-on looks like thorn bookmark 2.0. I don't like it.
On the other end, the new bubba changes look neat, I was expecting a freddy style rework but this is also great.
Oh, and the new perk changes are really neat! Lightborn is just god tier now against flashlights.
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Personally I'm a big fan of both changes. Billy will require a bit more skill to play and Leatherface seems to be made stronger but at the same time reducing his ability to camp so easily. LF also seems fun as hell.
I'm optimistic. I think maybe Hillbilly's overheat cool down looks too long but that can always be adjusted with the PTB
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the overheat does not regress
The dev update says otherwise:
This heat will dissipate over time whenever the chainsaw is not being used.
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Uh? If it regresses it does at the same rate Onis power repletes, it just looks so slow.
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Hopefully we get some insight..this could kneecap Billy if handled poorly..it already seems extremely unnecessary
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It regresses when it's not in use, so it will just go down naturally while you are doing just about anything else.
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I just hope it regresses at a considerable rate.
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The rate it showed for overheating seemed fine to me, especially considering that you're probably not likely to overheat the chainsaw that often anyways.
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@not_Queen With the upcoming updates to billy and bubba, does that also mean that they both are gonna have their own chase music? 😍
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As a hillbilly main I would like to know what you are thinking with nerfing an already touch and go kill like Billy like this if anything he needs buffing as Oni is basically Billy without the drawbacks of penalties for bumbimg into stuff and a much greater turn speed. Not to mention that survivors currently have the upper hand over most of your killers due to the inbalences.
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This is what I want to know.
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Oh god please. Something with a banjo and a jug would be awesome.
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Very happy.
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don't destroy the Hillbilly
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Cannibal changes looks nice, I might even play for more than just the occasional daily. I'm not concerned about my main Billy. Rate of overheat doesn't seem too fast for my playstyle and pallet addon is going to be insane. I will 100% stockpile those if they hit live servers.
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Looking closer at what was said in the patch notes, It says you gain a charge for Bubba every few seconds. How long is every few seconds? Also if you slow the video down to .25 speed and look after Bubba finishes Tantrum right as the video starts to transition over to his new chainsaw sprint, it shows he has zero stacks for his chainsaw. Does that mean Bubba loses his stacks if he goes into Tantrum?
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- Hillbilly now grunts when starting the sprint.
- The overheat buildup while revving seems tight.
- Overheat dispate seems slow.
- Holy moly Lightborn outright denies flashlights now.
- Bubba seems interesting,but did they increase the rev movement speed? Probably not as they increased max sweep ms.
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I will forever use Nurse's ridiculous 'rework' as the bar of stupidity the devs will fall over when adjusting characters.
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The Oni power is active for a minute. This one looks like 10 seconds.
@Todgeweiht you don't see the regression in this video, I guess it starts after you finish the chainsaw cooldown animation after the hit.
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Oh, I get it now
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I don't recall many people giving actual useful feedback during the Nurse nerf, it was just "remove the cooldown!" which to be honest was not very helpful, all the bug complaints started to arise a few weeks, if not months after the nerf.
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Bubba changes are okay, but what they did to billy its unfair. You re now punishing people for playing even harder (this nerf affects double engravings...) but im not surprised at all, this game always punishes the skilled people and keeps buffing the #########, of course you would, the only people that you have are the noobs, veterans already have left.
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Huge FeelsBad for all the flickbillys out there.
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Long overdue