The billy nerf is ok

Everyone won’t stfu about the billy nerf and how it’s gonna ruin him like the nurse. First of all the ptb hasn’t even gone live yet so if ur gonna cry about it then wait. Secondly the nurse nerf didn’t ruin her it just made her a harder killer to use which was warranted because she can stop loops and has good mobility.

Ok so the main point of the thread* The billy nerf is ok. From the view of a survivor main and a partial killer player the nerf seems justified. It’s out of the blue and super random but it’s great if a billy is camping a hook and constantly revving. Sure it’s harder to curve on loops but if ur a good billy u can probably overcome it.(maybe, we’ll see on the ptb) It just increases the skill ceiling which I think is amazing since billy has great gen pressure with his kit. (Especially with bbq, pop, corrupt and even infectious)

Add ons* nothing much to say but his new add ons are pretty cool. Especially his ultra rare which is really good for baiting pallets and forcing a drop which will end up in a down cause the saw will go through the pallet.
