Hot Take on Billy
Running curve add-ons and revving the chainsaw for 20 minutes waiting for the Survivor to make a mistake is about as skillful as "mindgaming" with Spirit
What are curve addons btw pal? Because it seems to me like you clearly don't know how to play Billy. In fact I'm fairly certain of that and if you were actually asked to prove it you would not be able to hit a decent curve to save your life.
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What do you mean? It takes years of honing your skill to backrev at literally every single loop
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If thats what you truly believe happens you're severely misguided and dont understand mindgames at all. Try doing that against the better survivors or survivors that own at least some knowledge of loops. Most games last less than 10 as well. if youre going to use sarcastic scenarios at least get the timeframe of an actual game right.
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It's pretty obvious they mean steering add ons... Steering is how you curve, after all
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Oh yeah of course lmao, that's the secret to Billy curving. You slap on the steering addons and it's EZ as OP puts it right haha ;)
I just love how he calls it "curve addons" just demonstrating the ignorance of players who don't know how to play the killer but love to have strong opinions on how he should be played.
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I guess those chainsaws just land themselves? No skill required from the killer, huh?
And I suppose survivors that can quickly 180 with a keyboard don't exist either, am I right?
If we're talking about skill, why not put a overheat mechanic on all killers that can spam their power? Let's put a cooldown on Plague's puke.
Face it, this is another dumb excuse by the devs.
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He revs chainsaw for 20 mins and your teammates still haven't fixed all gens and powered up all the gates and escape? How weak is your survivor team? Rank 20 is better than that.
And if you make mistake, you should be punished, not get away with it.