Killers that are fun to play with and without add-ons

Surikato Member Posts: 103

In my opinion

Without add-ons: Myers, Oni, Pyramid Head, Demogorgon, Deathslinger, Leatherface(basement guardian all the way), Plague, Spirit(you can mindgame even standing still) and Trapper(since you can reset traps, you don't need to bring a bag, or you can to make it easier to set it up in the earlier game)

With add-ons: Wraith, Hag, Leatherface, Freddy Krueger, Huntress, Legion and Spirit.

Killers that i dislike even with add-ons: Nurse(self-explanatory) and Hillbilly(tbh i just don't like to play as him, playing against him is fun tho, but i guess he wasn't meant to be played by me :/ tl;dr: basically his movement is janky, shaking all over the place, the hitbox on the chainsaw is weird, to play well with him you need brown or great add-ons to have fun...)

In your opinion which killers are fun with/without add-ons?


  • Vox_Nocturne
    Vox_Nocturne Member Posts: 545

    Trapper is definitely a fun, non-addon build, and Demi, Pyramid Head and Caleb have been recent killers I feel have been more well-rounded without addons.

    With addons, The Wraith has always felt a very diverse and fun killer with the variety he has at his disposal.

  • FoggyDownpour
    FoggyDownpour Member Posts: 288

    I have a lot of fun as billy without addons, and old freddy was fun without them as well (haven't played new freddy yet)

  • ptero
    ptero Member Posts: 4

    This, honestly. Pyramid Head is a blast no matter what build you're running.