Someone with knowledge, please help

I have an X Box 360. Someone please tell me how:
1) I find out the killers username during a match
2) I can send messages to the killer
The game is on the xbox 360?1?
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Are you sure you have a 360 and not an Xbox one? The game isn’t available on the 360, to my knowledge. You can’t find the killers name during the match anymore, it got changed recently and you can’t send messages to the killer until the end of the match, when you click on their name on the end game screen.
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LOL my bad. I meant to say X Box One (S)
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So once the game ends, there’s that box which pops up. From there is there a certain place I need to go to find the killers info and message that person?
Also, how come the killer can message me during a game?
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The killer can see you names in the “pause” menu during the match and during the lobby before the game. All they have to do is click on your name and message.
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Why can’t survivors do the same (message) killers if they can message us?
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Why are you just gonna send them a message about how they're bad at the game or something?
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The way the devs envision it is that survivors should have less information than the killer. The killer gets to see everyone and what items they have to help better prepare for the match, since they are the only one on their team.
If survivors could see the killer than they would be able to completely counter some killer powers. "Oh we are facing a guy who mains trapper? alright squad bring small game and Object of Obsession to roflstomp him".
People disagree with this because they want to be able to avoid some players.While I don't survivors should be able to, I also think killers shouldn't be able to see names of survivors. That is a healthier balance change than giving survivors info to dodge and helps avoid killers dodging survivors as well as bringing a mori for specific players.
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You used to be able to (as in see who your killer was in lobby) but the devs removed it.
Like what happens to most things survivor related, but this forum is biased so people tend not to talk about it.
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Sorry, just to clarify my last post, this was on steam.
Not sure how xbox works.
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As long as SWF is balanced the same as solo queue and the devs balance the game against solo, the game will be forever survivor sided.