Is the Doctor african?
I always thought he was german, but I guess not.
I think he is
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I'm pretty sure the doctor morphs. Maybe it's a Berenstain/Berenstein bears situation but I distinctly remember Doctor being asian since he came with Feng and was inspired by an incident in China. Then at some point he became African. Perhaps the doctor has transcended his human body and is just a being of pure electricity now.
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Yeah i think so.
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I have a question what about the hag?.
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Yes, he and Wraith are.
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Hes African-American. Um, German? Really? Ok yo..
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Dr. Carter Is African-American
Wraith and Hag are True African
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If he was he would be called the witchdoctor
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My head cannon is that wraith is taika waititi
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Herman Carter (Doc's real name) is African American, but through his Archives, we know one of his professors (Blanchard) was German, presumably a former Nazi, given the CIA project PAPERCLIP (which involved a LOT of former Nazi scientists who changed sides, one of which eventually becoming the director of NASA) had already come and gone.
It's not a Mandela Effect. Herman WAS originally Asian during development (which I just now realize as I'm typing this makes his voice actor, Alex Lin, the likeness of Jake Park, make more sense). Spark of Madness was going to be a heavily Chinese-based chapter, but censorship reasons led to Mu Yi being changed to Herman Carter.
You're not going crazy. Yet.
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News flash, there are black Germans. However, Herman is American (whom happens to be Black.) There is this little B movie called "Shocker" and another called "Dr Giggles" who I assumed Doc was a mash up of. With a little hell-raiser dipped in. A truly enjoyable character both lore and gameplay wise to play.
Post edited by SilentChill on1 -
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Do you know what censorship reasons? Like would China not approve the chapter with a Chinese killer or something?
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Yup he is
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Something along those lines.
It probably has more to do with Herman being based on an actual monster that works with the Chinese government (and is currently deputy chief of a hospital in Shandong Province) than him originally being a Chinese killer, but they're also VERY strict when it comes to how they're portrayed, so it wouldn't surprise me if he was censored solely for being Chinese.
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Doc has always been African - American.
Same with Wraith btw.
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I know there are black germans. I worded that wrong. I meant a white german. I thought his skin was black because it was rotten (because it had tears and holes) and covered in blood.
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roger that, thnx for the clarification... and i can understand the confusion then
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Doc is African American. In development, he was Chinese like Feng, but that was dropped.
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God I didn't know about Docs development history. I never really understood why feng, a chinese character, was introduced with Herman, an african american character, when most other characters came from roughly the same place. Although, that said I wonder what the deal with plague and Jane is.
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I believe he is african-american, his parents could be from africa, but he certainly lived most if not all his life in USA.