
* I purchased DbD shortly before the Stranger Things expansion.

* I play solely on the PS4.

* I probably should take pictures of the chat and post but I don't want names of accounts posted.

* I am inebriated.

I've been making a habit of saying "gg" and letting survivors escape (not hooking them after downing them again when on death hook; or opening the gates prematurely if I've already hooked each survivor twice.) And it feels really good.

Honestly the best matches I've played in a while, against all calibers of players (since... matchmaking) and the most incredible part is it seems to be making everyone have feel good moments. Never before has my PS chat been filled with such wholesome comments.

I'm not sure why this spurred me to make an account so I can post. But I want you all to know I hope you enjoy the rest of your matches. Take care and have a happy 4th.


    ATOMIC_ACE_PUGG Member Posts: 359

    If you rank up enough eventaully your messages will be filled with salt messages srs

  • WiselyWither
    WiselyWither Member Posts: 22

    I've gotten to Rank 1 killer before. I am currently sitting at rank 9 but that doesn't matter much to me.

    What I was trying to express is, today I've had entirely friendly chats and people being genuinely nice. Which is not the norm. Something about this game flares tempers.

    I hope you're having a nice night. Stay safe

  • WiselyWither
    WiselyWither Member Posts: 22

    I just learned about the quoting feature or more accurately how to use it. So my bad Atomic I would have done that in my last post

  • LordVoidron
    LordVoidron Member Posts: 152

    @WiselyWither you can also @ them like that.

  • WiselyWither
    WiselyWither Member Posts: 22

    @LordVoidron Thank you so much for the advice. I hope you have a nice night, friend.

  • Popcornchicken11
    Popcornchicken11 Member Posts: 110

    I support this thread, very wholesome. 10/10

  • WiselyWither
    WiselyWither Member Posts: 22

    You're too kind. I'm going to sleep now but I'm very happy to be a part of this community and I hope we all remember to share our enjoyment in this hobby of ours.

    I'll be back on tomorrow. Take care everybody.

  • FollowInYourImage
    FollowInYourImage Member Posts: 1

    I've lurked on the forums for months seen some posts that have almost enticed me to make an account and post. Better now in this sweet post than a time I or others were angry at the imbalances and lack of care the dev's put into this game. I'm glad to be a part of this community even if I dont always remember why sometimes... Youre all great have a good night sleep OP