[Friendly post] Provide your own game mechanics/killers perks here!

Hey there guys!

No, this is not a crypost, in fact, is the opposite one. I enjoy playing survivor and killer both in equal terms and, in fact, i have a lot of fun playing them (yeah, we all have bad games, we just need to move on instead of throw cr*p at us like SURV. VS. KILLER isn't it?).

So i was reading as guest (since i never got the opportunity to register) this post: https://forum.deadbydaylight.com/en/discussion/169056/most-wanted-lisensed-killers-tier-list#latest

So my brain started working... Why don't make some "perks" or "killer mechanics" to those fictional killers people put in the forums earlier? I just have two since they're my favorites in that list.

(Im not english, so my english may have some grammar nazi on it, i deeply apologize for this)

Here's the one i wanted to show off. I know this is not even playable, balanced or even possible to make in DBD but we're here to share ideas, aren't we? I liked this concept about "stay together or go away and face the consequences".

Movie: IT

Character: Pennywise (the clown is already picked up so...)

Model reference: IT (2017) interpretated by Bill Skarsgard.

If you cannot see it (for any reason): https://i.imgur.com/rfQ9K9A.png


  • CrowFoxy
    CrowFoxy Member Posts: 1,310
    edited July 2020

    The devs would probably make a joke of an add on like this so...a Billy add on!

    The Iridescent Saw- Tremendously reduces movement speed. (-15%). Tremendously reduces chainsaw movement speed. (-50%). Chainsaw hits instantly kill survivors.

  • MyWorldHasCome
    MyWorldHasCome Member Posts: 146
  • MyWorldHasCome
    MyWorldHasCome Member Posts: 146

    Pretty neat concept, maybe i miss something to chose which effect is put on since RNG sometimes ######### a bit up as you know, if this can be sprayed freely in the walls and is not a "selected region" like the wooden doors added, this could be a potential power indeed!

  • ManyAchievables
    ManyAchievables Member Posts: 667

    You get to choose which spray is put up, I just didn't add that in good enough detail.

    So you get up to a wall and start spraying, it then gives you a prompt for each of the images, something like G, H and J on your keyboard. It then puts that spray up.

    On console, maybe it would be Left, Right or Down on the D-Pad.

  • ItzPixelYT
    ItzPixelYT Member Posts: 613

    I did a few perk concepts for a Marty Mcfly survivor.

    This is Heavy - Hitting a pallet stun will make the effect last 2/4/6/8% longer... (Enduring counter)

    Flux Capacitor - See Auras of teammate survivors who are currently working on Generators whilst you're repairing a Generator.

    Hoverboard - *Exhaustion Perk* when triggered your next vault will always be fast and make no noise and leave no scratch marks.

    something like that anyways

    I'd love for them to rework some survivor perks already in the game like Babysitter, Technician and all the other useless junk.

  • ManyAchievables
    ManyAchievables Member Posts: 667

    I think increase the numbers on This Is Heavy to something like 10%/20%/30%, since 8% at max is kinda unnoticeable.

    Flux Capacitor is kinda like Better Together mixed with Bond. I like it.

    Hoverboard sounds like a mixture of Dance With Me and Quick & Quiet. I also like it.

  • ItzPixelYT
    ItzPixelYT Member Posts: 613

    yeah i understand back to the future isn't horror related but the cosmetics alone would be awesome as hell!

    I wasn't sure what percentage to put for This is heavy, because I didn't want the killer to not be able to move for so long after being stunned and the Devs love their less than 10% bonuses for survivor perks to make them useless xD

  • MyWorldHasCome
    MyWorldHasCome Member Posts: 146

    Maybe i change the "Hoverboard" perk by something like:

    "All those hours using hoverboards really paid off! Your animation jumping windows or pallets are 20/40/60/80% faster"

    Since its only the animation it should be okay, the entity can close it anyways so seems like a fair change, all other perks seems like a nice addition tbh, good job!

  • ManyAchievables
    ManyAchievables Member Posts: 667

    I mean, you can take something that isn't horror related and make it scarier. Just look at Chuck E Cheese and FNAF (it's the one kind of thing I can think of for that).

    And a base pallet stun time is 2 seconds, This Is Heavy makes that only a 2.6 second stun with my numbers, so I don't think it's that bad.

  • Bundesgraenzschutz
    Bundesgraenzschutz Member Posts: 22

    Status: Cursed!

    When you cleanse a HEX Totem, you're Cursed for the duration of 120 Seconds. As long as you are cursed you can't cleanse HEX Totems. The Curse can be lifted by touching a dull Totem, this will become the HEX Totem you destroyed, but it can't be cleansed for 60 Seconds. As Long as you are cursed, one Random perk is replaced with the HEX you destroyed. The Cursed Timer is paused when you're hooked.

  • TheButcher
    TheButcher Member Posts: 871

    Survivor Perk: Take The Shot

    • The trial starts with Take The Shot inactive.

    • After successfully searching a chest Take The Shot activates.

    • After successfully searching a chest, the chest does not spawn an item. Instead the survivor begin's holding a revolver, or a revolver appears in a belt holster.

    • To use the revolver. The survivor must be standing completely still. Hold M2, and then fires with M1.

    • When fired Take The Shot deactivates. Take the Shot can only be active once per trial.

    • If the survivor hits the Killer with Take The Shot, the Killer is stunned for 1/1.5/2 seconds.

    Killer Perk: Predative Instinct

    • Every 360/300/240 seconds Survivor's aura's are revealed to the Killer for 2 seconds.

    Predative Instinct does not trump hidden aura's by any means (Ex; Hiding in a Locker, Sole Survivor, and Distortion will all still hide a survivors Aura)

    A synopsis.

    Take the Shot is an extremely powerful perk, that would be useful in many situations, while at the same time bringing the horror aesthetic where a survivor finds a gun, and only gets one shot out of it before losing it entirely. It's limited to chests that spawn on the map, so not all survivors can utilize the perk, unless they are a coordinated and use offerings to increase the amount of chests in a single Trial, and even then it's a once per trial perk, so survivor's can't abuse it's power. It's as useful as perks like Unbreakable, Deliverance, and NOED, where as you may not get to use the perk, but it's very powerful for when you do.

    Predative Instinct is a base perk simply to keep the the game flowing. In the current meta it's become to easy to simply hide from Killer's, and then in solo matches - survivors will most often ignore the generator objective and wait out for the hatch mechanic when the game isn't going in their favor. This perk allows Killer's a better chance at finding survivors during a stalemate. The timing is every 4 minutes, because a normal match doesn't last longer than 10-15 minutes, so the Killer would only get use out of this strong of a perk 2-3 times in a given match. Unless the survivors were going out of their way to take the game hostage by hiding for the hatch mechanic, which this perk would counter and curb 2-3 survivors taking the game hostage. In addition with the perk appearing only ever 4 minutes, it's not as reliable as other aura reading abilities like Barbeque & Chili, or Bitter Murmur that would - in a normal game - get more use. Also it would be too weak for a Killer to take Predative Instinct with another Aura Reading ability, as other perks are requried for a Killer to take to counter meta perks that survivors normally use. In my opinion Predative Instinct would be an all around balanced perk to have in the game, that makes sense for those that find they are often facing teams that take the game hostage, or otherwise has difficulty finding survivors during a trial.

  • asimplelegion
    asimplelegion Member Posts: 66

    I did a joke baseball character but I really like the idea of a perk that decreases survivor movement speed

    Hex: Throw the game

    for every missed skill check survivors movement speeds are decreased by 5/10/15%

  • MyWorldHasCome
    MyWorldHasCome Member Posts: 146

    For the rest of the game?

    Impressive, maybe a revolver is pretty strong for what the game is but i like the concept, such a neat idea!

    Cool! It will be awesome if the curse gives during the "cursed" period a random hex perk to the killer so its really a curse!

  • asimplelegion
    asimplelegion Member Posts: 66

    no till the hex is cleansed, it would be way to op for a whole game

  • bingbongboi90
    bingbongboi90 Member Posts: 576

    New killer perk: the Joke's on you!

    You like to prank your prey

    At the start of the match you make all the dull totems Hex totems until all the generators are completed.

  • MyWorldHasCome
    MyWorldHasCome Member Posts: 146

    Curious perk, for a moment i readed as every totem was shining! But yours is better, which would be the duration?

  • bingbongboi90
    bingbongboi90 Member Posts: 576

    Dont think a certain time Just the amount of Gens would be done.

    Till 1/2/3 Gens or 2/3/4

  • 1anioh
    1anioh Member Posts: 62

    Game mechanic: VR headset survival mode

    Both killers and survivors are placed in first person mode and must meet their objectives.

    (I just think actually having to move while playing sounds lile a lot of fun.)

    Survivor perk; Tear-away shirt:

    This weird shirt you found with the back held together by Velcro is pretty flimsy. The first time a killer interrupts and grabs you the velcro pops and you are free to run again. Although with less clothes than before. Stuns killer for 1/1.25/1.5 seconds.

    Killer perk; The candy man can:

    You ate a peice of glowing candy gifted to you by th entity and now you don't feel so good. You enter the trial only for your normal weapon and perks to be replaced with new ones! 2/3/4 perks are now something new, and you will have to return that knife when you are done...

    Killer m1 and m2 weapons and skills are now different and randomly mixed together.

    (Example: myers knife m1 and plague vomit m2)

  • FFirebrandd
    FFirebrandd Member Posts: 2,445

    I would love to use that perk. It would be especially brutal with Hex:Retribution or Hex:Thrill of the Hunt.

  • MyWorldHasCome
    MyWorldHasCome Member Posts: 146

    Well, this could go well with some interesting totem effects. I miss not knowing which totems i've as a killer tbh