Who do u hope for the next killer to be?

Considering that we can't have anymore dlc singles like "Ghostface™". And I believe our next killer might be another license killer but can't promise anything.
I personally hope that we can get Candyman or see Pinhead be brought into dead by daylight as seeing both the two would fit into this lovely community/ game.
But some people have been wanting "The Attraction" Aka, Springtrap from the FNAF game series. Which in my opinion, doesn't seem like a bad idea as William Afton or Michael Afton (Purple Guy) ((The Killer)) is like what causes the whole FNAF start and start of the lore.
Originally, he was one of the Security guards at the Five nights at freddy's location. After being there for a bit of time and receiving bad pay he eventually turned insane and went on a child murder spree ((Please correct me if any of this is wrong.)) And when he slaughtered the children he would stuff them into the animatronic suits (4 robot suits) and those who he murdered would go on and possess the animatronics. And would activate at night and do "Mysterious" things in the night as stated by the phone guy.
Later in the timeline, in fnaf 3. We receive new information that William Afton or Michael afton eventually gets haunted by the dead children. Chasing him into Freddie's secret room with rage.
Afton was terrified that they came back to come after him. And got into the same springlock suit he used to murder the children and laughed as they thought he was safe, until something got into the springlock suit and brutally crushed him to death as the spring suit clamped on his organs and suffocated him as it crushed his ribs. Passing out from bloodloss. He was found 3 or 6 yrs later by some people and they opened an area as a horror attraction. Using him as a "Main Prop" to attract people there.
But, I wanna hear your thoughts me personally I'm really hoping for the ones I said like candy man or pinhead. But I seriously can see springtrap in here. He definitely fits so well with the whole aspect of DBD
Hmm. They’ve added most of my favorite licensed ones already. I’d like to see Pennywise eventually though.
Otherwise I’d also like to see the wendigo from Supernatural, Xenomorph from Alien, the miner from My Bloody Valentine, and maybe something from Resident Evil.
I think it’s probably gonna be candyman but I’m not holding my breath. I’ll wait and see lol.
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Jason but I know it's a fever dream because of the copyright issues and of course for the survivor Tommy Jarvis or the telekinesis girl. Actually maybe it is for the best poor Jason doesn't need the stress of worrying about generators for an eternity im sure swimming in the lake is a more fun task
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I was thinking the same thing on the miner. But, with the XenoMorph. He's quite taller then the Demogorgon. So they again would have to hunch "The Alien" over and tbh, I could his power/ base attack spitting acid on the survivors. (( kinda like plague ))
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Yes, considering that Jason's main Creator doesn't want people to use his franchise. (( That's how the people of Friday the 13th got a fat lawsuit +, they used jason skins that weren't even granted into it ))
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So yeah, it would be safe for them to keep jason away @ATOMIC_ACE_PUGG
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The original creator sued to get his rights back because apparently you can do that after 35 years or something. He made peanuts on Jason and he is the one who technically created him. I don't blame him and I don't think he would actually have a problem with anyone using the IP. I mean if he wants to own it...he probably wants to make money from it.
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Abby from last of us 2.
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LMAO! I think she’d become my new most hated killer.
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I'm pretty sure good ol' Willy A owned the restaurant and killed the kids for no discernible reason.
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My dream would be a FNaF chapter, but I don't really see it being possible until next year.
For now, I think I'll go with Candyman since I know people want him.
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in my opinion movie killers are kinda boring and getting stale, I love that they are starting to finally add more game killers and survivors, especially Heather and Pyramid head, those were my two ultimate dream chapter, but my other dream chapters are 1. Outlast which would have all three main protagonists "Miles Upshur'' outlast 1" "Waylon Park" outlast 1 whistle blower" " Blake Langermann" outlast 2". Blake and Waylon would be "legendary" skins. The Killer would be Richard Trager or his DBD name "THE SURGEON" oh also all the Legendary skins would have an variant of p3.
my other dream chapter is.... you guessed it fnaf springtrap with a night guard
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Yeah, I know that and yeah he would money from it. Considering that dbd is a huge deal. So he would really make some huge profits.
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Eh, yeah I agree with @HarleyQuinn
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Ghost Pirate, Mummy, Werewolf, Alien (maybe not THE Alien, but an original).
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Alien would be cool if they could get the character right. I think a killer who could climb over tiles would be pretty cool tbh.
Otherwise I'd rather another video killer than movie one. Nemesis would be cool (he'd need to have all obsession perks). Absolutely die for a Bloodborne chapter, even if it's virtually impossible. The Evil Within would be cool too.
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I see u also want an outlast chapter and considering that red barrels are coming out with "Outlast Trials" near 2023. I can see them also coming into dead by daylight. But with all licensed killers, u have to go through alot of paperwork, copyright stuff, how to make both sides attract profit without relying to much of the games info and etc.
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I have my select few but, honestly, I'd be happy with mostly anything at this point.
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I would love to see anyone from The Evil Within games. Lots of potential there.
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I just want jason and my daddy xenomorph <3
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Alien, Jason, or Candyman, any big horror license is fine at this point as long as it's a license that makes sense, not just because everyone wants it. I personally am not a fan of the IT franchise, but I am aware that it got it's roots from the classic film and it makes sense in the context of the game so I wouldn't be all that mad if it got added. However, I get why people want FNAF in the game, it's a newer "horror" franchise, but it just doesn't make sense in the context of what we've gotten in the past. It's very clear that DbD is a love-letter to classic horror, and the only newer license that has been added (Stranger Things) IS ALSO a love letter to classic horror, FNAF just isn't that at all, it's a game that is rooted in cheap jump scares with a primary audience of kids, I've played the games I think the concept is interesting and the lore behind it is intriguing, but it just doesn't fit in DbD in my opinion. I don't know though anything can happen, and if in a years time Springtrap gets added then whatever, but I don't think it's appropriate to add something like FNAF before adding other horror icons that people have been asking for since day one. But I respect the fact that other people want it, and you can have your opinions and I can have mine, all I'm saying is... Alien please... <3
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I want "predator" in dbd and I have a idea for him
The Predator:
Base speed: 115%
Terror Radius: 32 meters
Weapon of the Killers Choice: His Wristblade
His attack: "The Predator" extends out his wristblade as he strikes towards the survivors.
When 2 survivors are injured throughout the trial or "The Predator" has been stunned atleast twice . You are granted the ability to Cloak yourself for during the time duration you receive the Undetectable status effect. In this state, You are able to track down survivors alot more effectively as their BloodTrails become more Brighter.
You also can hear their breathing at an increased sense of 15% ((kinda like stridor)
The unfortunate thing is that "The Predator" cannot stay into his cloaking form for a long duration. (( we'll base this off of Legion's power Gauge, which means his power will be similar to legion's time the power decreases at a rate )).
Staying into the predator's cloaking form for a long time will cause the predator to uncloak and enter into a fatigued state. And when in his cloaking ability.
He cannot attack any survivors unless he uncloaks in which the predator can lunge after the survivor in an attempt to down them or injure them
How do survivors know when "The Predator" enters his cloaking ability/ stealth ability?:
When the predator is granted his stealth ability and enters his power. The predator will give the survivors an audio sound
What's the audio sound, u say?:
It's predator's famous growl
And he isn't completely invisible like the wraith, he can be seen if walking along light. Like: Campfires, Bright Areas or gens that's been completed in that area.
However, if u ain't aware of your surroundings, he can blend in with the darkness!
Now, I really don't know about his perks and I actually think that my idea of Predator is OP?
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Still waiting on my werewolf. we already have the hairless doggo, and I now want my fluffy doggo!
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@MiniPixels, I believe the Devs once said that they would love/ like to see springtrap come into dead by daylight.
I mean, yeah, I would to see CandyMan, Alien, Richard trager, etc would be nice. But I don't think spring boy would be a bad idea
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Not Springtrap.
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Spring trap isn't bad. I honestly don't know why people don't want him, lol.
U have plenty of dbd tubers who actually want springtrap, lol
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I want the wendigo from until dawn! Or jacket from hotline miami, I would be extremely pleased with any of the two
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Might seem impossible but I think Slenderman would fit as a killer in DBD
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Semiatic, Venomorph, um let's see. King wouldn't mind springtrap
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Chicky would be rather smaller then the rest
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Tbh, what if we do get a fnaf chapter what u gonna do?
Delete the entire game?
Like seriously, u guys are making a big deal about springtrap coming in.
We haven't had an animatronic killer at all so he would of been unique
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Yerv as well.
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Hannibal Lecter.
Jack Torrance from the shining, Jack Nicholson skin with axe... Danny Boy!
Somekind of shadow person inspired from sleep paralysis/sleep disorders as a sufferer of insomnia I can tell you it can be terrifying.
Maybe some classic horror like the mummy, wolfman, swamp thing/creature from the black lagoon.
The problem with FNAF is its very cartoony, and not really in keeping with the DBD aethetic, jusy my opinion.
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Yeah, but look at the lore it sorta fits into dead by daylight's lore
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I think Slenderman or another original killer would be nice. Creepypasta is something that I sort of grew up with and I think it has some place in the game, especially if Springtrap happens. I also like their original killers as it's way more refreshing than "OMG ITS (horror franchise) GUYS OMG OMG". I don't mind licensed killers but back to back ones kind of suck.
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a lovecraftian Killer or the xenomorph
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But they said that they wouldn't mind spring trap.
But I can guarantee it'll be Candyman
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The next one is a licensed one, lol
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I have a predator idea if u can find it in this post
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Plenty don't want him.
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Candyman, Pinhead, Chucky, Alien, Predator, Pennywise, Tall Man, Jack Torrance, Nancy Downs from the Craft, The Thing, the Gentlemen from Buffy, Resident Evil.... So many horror options....
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Some kind of not licensed ghost... There are no ghosts in the game. Just spirit that is kind of one but not the original idea if you get me.
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Would be nice to have a Killer on a horse.
Beside that:
Succubus, Werewolf or a crazy Android.
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Whatever the killer they put in the game the perk he will bring are going to be worthless and he will get nerf under a month
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I really do think that NEMESIS from Resident evil should be in DBD and i been brainstorming. I have already laid out my list of reasons of why i think it could fit into the lore, as well why BHVR could realistically get the license/ approval. If you want to see that : https://forum.deadbydaylight.com/en/discussion/164198/so-pyramid-head-hm-can-we-shoot-for-nemesis#latest
This is just his base power. No perks/ addons as of yet . "We've never had a killer like this before" lol is what i was going to say but that generally applies to all of the new killers that come out.. SO!
Name: The Bio-Weapon (B.O.W)
Difficulty: HARD
Speed: Starts off at the same speed as Huntress, but goes to normal killer speed at Valve 2 (we'll come back to this)
Height: Tall
Power: T-Virus Tracker Gauge - The Bio-weapon gradually gains the ability to track/hunt survivors more aggressively the more he comes in contact with them. Any direct contact with survivors will increase The Bio-weapon's Virus Gauge, giving him more abilities, which come in 4 Phases: (Any damage, resulting in a hit on a survivor , will use 1 of the 4 total Valves that The B.O.W (bioweapon) can use at any given time which would have to be replenished as the cool-down itself.
It's basically "USE A POWER, LOSE A POWER".(So think, of the Oni but instead of going beserk, The Bio-weapon has to fill that gauge 4 times, Resulting in a different power at each level)
Each Valve has its own power:
-Valve 1: TENTACLE GRAB- (obviously having the fastest cooldown lol)- The BOW can use its tentacle to whip survivors towards him. This action results in NO Damage to the survivors, only stalling. Similar to the way he yanks Jill in Re3 Classic. (So, think of Deathslinger and Clowns Tonic combined: the Killer makes contact, hitting survivor but only slowing them down slightly, NOT REELING THEM IN).He's simply closing the distance. Contact with Survivors will result in more Virus Gauge
This valve only needs to filled once to then become on a separate cool-down from the rest of the Virus Gauge. (Aka it becomes a M2 ) the Valve does not have to be refilled upon usage. (*so tentacle can't be spammed as soon as the game starts*)
-Valve 2: GENERATOR JUMP: The BOW can jump into the air and crash land onto Survivors doing generators. When the BOW jumps, he disappears and can quickly traverse the map and "get the drop" on survivors within mere seconds. ITS A TELEPORT FOR THICC BOIs LMAOO .The BOW can only see the auras of generators while in the air. The BOW will slam down hitting all survivors within an 8 meter radius, for 1 health state. (Think of Doomfist's Ultimate in Overwatch. HERE EXAMPLE https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sxbvlVrpp4w ) Can you imagine if he caved the roof in on all the indoor maps/areas?? that would be dope and a cool jumpscare.
-Valve 3: ROCKET LAUNCHER: The BOW will stop moving for 2-3 seconds, loudly yell in place, locking in an animation and then equip his signature weapon. He will be able to shoot a missile that CAN DOWN SURVIVORS from a 18 meter range. Also, this can blow up PALLETS and breakable walls PREMATURELY if aimed correctly . *Its really not as bad as it seems. Just treat it like a AOE Iridescent Hatchet * (Its part of the character, yall. I HAD TO DO IT.)
-Valve 4- STARS: The BOW is at full capacity and awaiting orders, ready to complete his mission. Search and Destroy. The BOW will say his signature catch-phrase ; "STARS" once, aloud, map-wide for all survivors to hear (Like ONI's roar). He gets a Freddy lunge And The BOW will be able to see the aura of All Survivors on the map until he damages someone. A hit would completely exhaust Valve 4, bringing The Virus Gauge back to Valve 3.
EXTRA- THIS IS THE MORI: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MA3i7BTROGE
End Summary: This Killer is based around Resource management and Consistently harassing the survivors. and i think it would be fun having to juggle abilities and juggle generators AND juggle Survivors! Its madness!!
The Devs can figure out the perks/Addons , LEMME KNOW WHAT YALL THINK
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U also have GhostyBoi, Frontal assault?
And the rest just say they wouldn't mind even though they said it wouldn't fit
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I want a frog killer that eats people.
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Some people would want to see Jack the Ripper.
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He said he isn't on board with the fnaf hype, but also said he "wouldn't mind if he came or didn't come at all", like Groovy already said.
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What about Grady Edwards from the 2009 The Stepfather remake.In the movie he is a criminal on America’s most wanted as a serial killing stepdad who goes from state to state and targets divorced and widowed woman with children in random grocery stores.
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He also said "hey who knows" which means he personally doesn't think he'd fit. But him saying "I still ain't board" means that he still wouldn't care if he was.