Kill Switch update: The issue affecting Baermar Uraz's Ugly Sweater has been fixed and the cosmetic has been reenabled in all queues with this update.

Why not just make a sequel?

Chewy102 Member Posts: 613

DbD is 4 years old now and it has had MASSIVE amounts of changes since it launched. Some good, some bad, some questionable. A game should change with the times but sooner or later those changes add up into turning the game into an abomination. So many little things adding up that the game just breaks for one reason or another. Technical issues, balance problems, core gameplay, sooner or later one or more things will just break to the point of impossible to fix.

Why not just put focus on making a sequel? Instead of forcing change after change into a game not built for it causing untold problems, just make a new game from the ground up.

DbD was built for p2p and had dedicated servers forced in. At first this broke a LOT, and to this day some things are still jank due to it.

DbD's core gameplay was balanced around solo play and had group play forced in. This not only broke balance and the ranking system, but adding SWF broke several other things as well when it first came out such as matchmaking. Then as the game is slowly being re-balanced around a mix of solo and SWF, it is causing problems as well with Killer rework after rework needing countless hours/days/weeks/months of dev time. Not balance passes, complete reworks. That's an insane amount of work and money put into something just to start over. It's a WASTE of work/money!

DbD's ranking system has also changed several times over the years and has became a running joke. Being said that "rank is worthless" or "why bother ranking up" over and over again. When the ranking system changing so damned often how can it NOT be a joke? When the devs can't define what skill is, how can anyone?

DbD is also getting rather big for what it is. Or what it can handle to be. 20 Killers and 22 Survivors is getting up there and is a very good thing to have seeing how that keeps the game diverse and from getting stale. But the pure grind for those counts are getting well beyond massive! 216 total Killer perks and 240 total Survivor perks all picked by RNG to what perks you get and each perk taking on average 2ish games worth to unlock before BP boosts or events. And you have to grind out ALL OF THESE FOR EACH AND EVERY SINGLE CHARACTER!

When it is enough? When should it be time to just start over? It might just be time to let DbD be what it is and move on to a sequel.


  • johnmwarner
    johnmwarner Member Posts: 3,793

    People have been calling for World of Warcraft 2 for about 3 expansions now... you’re not thinking of all that goes into it

  • Chewy102
    Chewy102 Member Posts: 613
    edited July 2020

    If not a sequel, maybe an enhanced edition or remake. Several games went through something like that already.

    Dead Island, Dragon's Dogma, Skyrim, Space Hulk, I personally own several games that had a recent remake/rework. Several more games from past generations who got a remake/rework.

    Sometimes it is better to simply start new when the original isn't worth changing for one reason or another.


    WoW Classic is a thing. MMOs also are a whole different thing when it comes to sequels or remakes. COD as well is one of those yearly dumpster fires shoved out the door without any real effort put into them. They sell simply because their players are brainwashed into buying new copies while the publishers NEVER reduce the price of old versions.

    Why would any new player buy an older version that costs the same as the new version? And why would old players keep playing old versions when they never get new players? It's a self feeding cycle.

    ATOMIC_ACE_PUGG Member Posts: 359

    I actually like how they decided to put it all their work into one game. Personally I would rather have 1 great game than 2 or 3 medicore ones. Also most sequels are never as great as the firat one so who cares? Why milk the franchise

  • PigMainBigBrain
    PigMainBigBrain Member Posts: 1,893

    A joke thats made them millions upon millions, upon millions of dollars...

  • PigMainBigBrain
    PigMainBigBrain Member Posts: 1,893

    Could be tricky with the license holders, but if the license holders are already happy (I hope) then they could easily put those contracts up and reinstate them in another game that will make them even more money if done properly.

    As far as games making sequels who already have established player bases.

    Path of Exile 2 is coming in the future, and the way they're handling it is god damn brilliant. As well Diablo 4 is in the pipeline. Yet both titles are still having active leagues take place and active player bases.

    This game could do the same thing if they have a steady enough growth. Problem is though paying for resources usually leads to a lack of resources on the older project, in POE2 on the other hand, they solved that by effectively making big changes to POE1 until a certain patch point is reached in which POE1 is then converted into POE2. <------Free of charge. Brilliant btw.

  • Chewy102
    Chewy102 Member Posts: 613

    Sequel is asking a bit much I'll agree. But my POV is still that DbD has changed too much from its original makeup and is going to break. Most call it spaghetti code for a reason. A jumbled mess of code that, who is although working, happens to be a ######### disaster in the making.

    One example is Killer powers. They need server confirmation to work. Back when DbD was p2p it was fine as there was 0 lag for using Killer powers as Killer was host. When DbD shifted to dedicated servers, a LOT of Killer powers broke or have added delays based on your ping. That is why Shape and Ghostface have had so many problems from their powers reverting or failing to work at all. Billy also got hit from it becoming much harder to flutter his chainsaw. Nurse, Demogorgon, Huntress, ect all have had the timings on their powers effects to boot thanks to there being a slight delay to exactly how much of a charge their powers have.

    Another example is hit detection. I see a lot of people blame broken hitboxes, but it is in truth just servers adding more delays to player interactions. In p2p if a Killer hits you, you get told in your ping to him. On a server if a Killer hits you, you are told after the Killer tells the server and then after the server tells you. Double the number of pings needed to travel means double the lag. And with the upcoming PTB wanting to add hit confirmations server side that delay is about to get MUCH worse! If it even works at all.

    Balance is another beast. That one can be debated all day and night but the fact is that balance is screwed at the moment for several reasons and almost needs the entire game to be remade.

    So if the game is in such a mess and so much needs to be remade anyway. Why not just remake the game? Dead by Daylight: Dawn's Death edition.

    We are expecting a complete graphics rework and have had multiple other aspects remade almost entirely. Just jump that shark and do a full remake.

  • johnmwarner
    johnmwarner Member Posts: 3,793

    So you’re prepared to grind again for perks, or you’re addressing this how? Again, just copying what you have already earned isn’t that simple.

    And a LOT of people only stay because of the work they’ve put jn, they feel committed but if forced to grind again would find a new game

  • Chewy102
    Chewy102 Member Posts: 613

    They could do a remake/remaster that uses the same save files as the original. No need to regrind everything and no reason to lose all the money on cosmetics you put in either. They don't even need to charge for the remake and have it be a free update to the original game.

    Plus, if I was in charge, Id remove a fair chunk of the grind by changing perk tiers. So instead of there being 3 levels to every perk, they would have only 2. Or put in a shared perk system. Say you can still unlock teachable perks to simply find them in other blood webs. But, if you prestige a character you GIVE one of their perks at level 1 to everyone. P3 someone and everyone has their perks at level 1 starting out. Adding a bit of extra reward to grind into 1 person while reducing the grind for others and helping fight the massive perk RNG.

    DbD is already being nearly 100% remade with the graphics update and how much else has been done already. No reason to half ass remaking part after part possibly making the code worse in the long run and just do the whole thing at once.

  • room___237
    room___237 Member Posts: 20

    Are you serious? Im glad you got the extra money to just throw around. Alot of us have grinded our asses off. Over the past 3 years ive gone off and on with this game and I dont want to start over if it isnt necessary. They are adding things constantly, they are updating maps, graphics, perks, killersetc. What else do you need? All a sequel is going to do is make everyone rebuy a game they have already put alot of time into. All for what? A different name on the box? Games now days are turning into live services and the idea of making a new (version) every year is not in the consumers interest. EA and other studios might do it, nut they are greedy companies and we are lucky behaviour isnt as greedy as that.

  • NekoGamerX
    NekoGamerX Member Posts: 5,299

    they are do newer graphic update it like a remaster pretty sure they game going to the new console ps5 whatever new x box called.

  • yikers
    yikers Member Posts: 94

    They didn't... ?

    Deathgarden, dbd mobile for starters.

  • emptyCups
    emptyCups Member Posts: 1,262

    dbd bots

    Then dbd 2.

    Secondary objectives orginal to each killer.

    Built with swf in mind. With clear reasonable win conditions for BOTH roles.

    A rpg system for perks prestiging a killer adding perk rows to all other killers.

    and a semi randomized after match store to spend match blood on add ons.

    Items that are unlocked in stages 5-10-15 ect and change what role your suppose to do each character unlocking them in different orders

    weapons that affect the power the way that dream pallets or shock rings do

    Offerings that affect gameplay in small but interesting ways not just point boosters and a shared pool of them between all characters

    Different forms of interaction paths between roles either ditching the killer for safely beyond just scooby doo looping aggressive style each with purpose and drawbacks, trapping the killer to stall him, setting up warning systems that give you extra time to hide. Building hiding places and fake hiding spots hed waste time checking or extra time destroying

    Ghost system like white noise2 to give purpose to dead players to prevent Dc and improve engagement for spectators

    Meaningful killer perks and powers that encourage use instead of punish with drawbacks and cooldowns

    Meaningful survivors characters with unique ability like powers so they aren't just skins.

  • FreakPrince
    FreakPrince Member Posts: 526

    It would split the playerbase, thus increasing matchmaking waiting times.

    Maybe when the game reaches its 6th anniversary.

  • Freudentrauma
    Freudentrauma Member Posts: 1,054

    I would appreciate a DbD2 as well. Mostly because starting from scratch opens so much opportunities to improve over the core gameplay of DbD and other elements. Like e.g. getting rid of Perk tiers, which also eliminate the need to make those scalable. Addressing Camping, tunneling, gen progression etc.

    But it's also kinda risky as long as DbD's current playerbase is so heavily invested in the current game. You don't want to alienate them. Etc. More likely we might see a spinoff coop-only game or something like that before.