So I just had a "toxic" game

and by "Toxic" I mean I was supposedly being toxic. Thought I had the messages turned off and ended up with 2 people complaining i was tunneling, one of the two was telling me "Be nice, I'm trying to farm Blood Points, also, don't camp the hook", when he clear as day just stood there crouching over and over, and straight took two hits. I'm toxic? I may not be the best at this game but... here is the game here. Tell me where it was that I tunneled "too long" or camped the hook. I may need the "definition" as to that cause I figured i was being relatively fair for a killer.
I do not camp or tunnel
I have been accused of doing both of these actions plenty of times
There are plenty of survivors where they died not because they were dumb or played badly or were just plain unlucky; it's always the killer "cheating" that got them killed
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Oh I completely agree, I just enjoy when I can do my best and use add-ons on a "bad killer" (Trapper is low tier i hear) yet still get three kills, as I couldn't find that last survivor after i was getting bombarded by messages saying "I'm a bad person for tunneling, I need to stop being a tunnlre" exact quotes by the way, not messing up that spelling on accident.
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You're patrolling your hooks a bit too hard, e.g. around 2:30 in the video. You can use Devour Hope as an indicator of a fairer distance if you want to get a feel for it.
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I can see I do patrol a bit too much, but I'm not sitting right on them. also, I don't currently have Devour Hope on Trapper. I don't play The Hag, and it's not in my Shrine yet. And can someone tell me how I was by definition "tunneling" the David? I just saw him two times after deciding to give up on a pallet, and he had not used anything to block me. So it's only the smart decision to hit the other faster at about 7:20? I dunno. I figured I play fair enough, but if it's really toxic, perhaps I should stick to Survivor? I have all David's teachable perks now so I can at least keep getting Dead Hard.
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I just did something ACTUALLY toxic, but the survs were good sports and said it was funny.
I pretended to farm as Tombstone Tuft Myers. It went about as well for them as you'd expect.
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Game looked fine to me, maybe widen the patrol around the hooks but its a big map that one so not walking to the other side of the map to look at gens isn't that bad of an idea, but better survivors will punish you for not pressuring gens over returning to the hook to soon.
The hook for hook exchange is a big part of getting a killer snowball started so you make the call.
You made the right choice with the second hook in the basement. The unhooker got to a pallet and away, the guy who was unhooked ran into a dead corner making him an instant down. Now the polite/foolish thing to do would be to leave him slugged and find someone else... the prudent and intelligent thing to do is put him back on the hook. That wasn't tunneling that was punishing a big survivor mistake.
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The game was fine. You do not need to change any aspect of your play, other than anything you feel you can do better. It doesn't matter if survivors reckon you didn't play fair because it's just their perspective. You'll never be able to change it, so don't try and don't take their comments to heart. You could play the "fairest" game imagineable and can still get salt.