Why no Harry Mason?

Wolfven Member Posts: 71

Great that its silent hill but Harry should have been another survivor added like the stranger things DLC.


  • Ihatelife
    Ihatelife Member Posts: 5,069

    Cheryl Mason (Heather) is the reincarnated Alyssa Gilespie known from Silent Hill 1. She created Silent Hill, that's why she is the survivor I believe

  • ZombieFluent
    ZombieFluent Member Posts: 2

    They should definitely try adding him some how though, Maybe not as his own survivor, But maybe as a Legendary skin, Because he's Heather's dad, He plays a fairly big role in her life and the silent hill games, Just a suggestion though. It would definitely make the DLC 10x better

  • malatruse
    malatruse Member Posts: 784

    It might not be possible due to licensing issues; judging by the price of the Lisa Garland legendary, certain characters might come at a higher cost to BHVR.

  • Tactless_Ninja
    Tactless_Ninja Member Posts: 1,791

    Even the SH movie forgot poor Harry.

  • ZombieFluent
    ZombieFluent Member Posts: 2

    I dont know, If they cant afford it now, they should definitely come back to it eventually. But If I could at least get a reason why he isn't in the game or better yet some re-assuring Info from devs or something, That'd be great