Bring back the Visceral Cankers

Dipper Member Posts: 155
edited July 2020 in General Discussions

On Halloween 2018, we had the Hallowed Blight Event, that spawned 2 or more Visceral Cankers (VC) and 2 or more cankerous hooks (CH) over the map.

As the CHs reappeared in 2019, and unlike the VCs are mainly Decoration, I want to talk about the VCs.

You were able to harvest these parasites and get serum out of them. Last year (2019) you got the serum out of the new archives, but I still miss those small, fleshy parasites and wish they could come back every Halloween. You don't even need to get serum out of them, I think blood points would be enough.

But on Halloween 2018, I had the best Halloween-Feeling ever since playing this game and I hope, the Visceral Cankers could reappear
