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hag 'tunneling' accusations

Aquitus Member Posts: 50

i know that tunneling is a very sommon accusation but its really jarring to be accused of this when a majority of my hits are from teleport-smacking. i rarly commit to chasing because my traps may need placing or the survivor might be leading me away from my web. how can a survivor even think that tunneling is a thing on her? i dont ignore some traps because they dont lead to the 'preferred target' and im not sure that is even doable most of the time


  • PigMainClaudette
    PigMainClaudette Member Posts: 3,842

    I don't know if there is a delay between Hag's teleport and attack, or if it can be near instant but generally unless you hit attack as you're teleporting or don't care about which survivor you're attacking, then you should be able to tell within half a second.

    It's also generally not trap tunnelling for me, as that's more of a Pig issue. It's trap camping for Hag, and by that it's when you place one AT MY FEET or spend half my hook state covering every area.

  • Aquitus
    Aquitus Member Posts: 50

    i dont spam traps around somone hooked unless im desperate(exit gate is open and i want at least 1k). but trapping somone on hook just makes sense considering how many ways to counter a trap there are you need to take every advantage you can and its not like you cant counter a trap at hook either.

    thats not even what the survivors were complaining about, there was this one guy who kept running off when he was unhooked and strait into a trap i put at a pallet or stairs so he got killed at 4 gens. i even tried to ignore him once after downing him but when he was picked up he immediately ran into a trap again

    and another game there were 2 people who were farmed by the other survivors by not taking a hit for the person they unhooked so when they died a third person rage-quit and lectured me in the end game chat.

  • anarchy753
    anarchy753 Member Posts: 4,212

    I'm a big believer in placing a trap near the hook. It forces the unhooker to take longer to unhook and then both of them waste like 10 seconds crouching that could otherwise be spent on gens.

    That said, unless that trap goes off, or there's nobody else alive/unhooked to find, I don't go back to the hook.

    The unfortunate truth of Hag is that most players will place traps near the hook, then sprint back regardless as soon as someone is unhooked because you either run and set off the trap or crouch away and she has time to get to you.

  • DraconDirnc
    DraconDirnc Member Posts: 121

    Don't listen to the survivors they have rules for everything. Stop abiding by the way they want it to go. If you tunnel so what they have ds for a reason.

  • Aquitus
    Aquitus Member Posts: 50

    the trap can be killed with a microsecond of flashlight, if the hag goes back to the hook then she isnt focused on gens and isnt setting more traps. running back to the hook only makes sense if the survivors arent running amok in your traps so they are all set and no gen in her web has been pressured enough that its a bigger consern. if the hag running back cant be punished then thats a failure on the survivors part which the hag would be right to capitalize on.

  • Aquitus
    Aquitus Member Posts: 50

    i understand that i just wanted to know how they even can think that a hag tele-slapping is tunneling. once i understand that yeah im happy to 'tunnel' whether they like it or not

  • PigMainClaudette
    PigMainClaudette Member Posts: 3,842

    There's a difference between "rules" and calling out toxic behaviour. Play more than a single game of survivor, and you'd know how horrible it is to be on the receiving end of it all. Some people don't mind it, but most people hate it.

  • DraconDirnc
    DraconDirnc Member Posts: 121

    I play both and I still see tunneling as valid. Sorry you think I don't play survivor. I am sick of clicky clicky teabagging at window toxic survivors. We will just have to agree to disagree is all.

  • PigMainClaudette
    PigMainClaudette Member Posts: 3,842

    Every time someone bags out the SuRvIvOr RuLe BoOk, it's some entitled killer who doesn't like it when you call them out on it.

    I also hate those survivors, and against THEM go for it. If they wanna be toxic, respond in kind.

    There is also the rampant double-standard amongst other killers to run DS to counter tunnelling, yet immediately after saying they'll target anyone who uses it and called it a toxic perk.

  • DraconDirnc
    DraconDirnc Member Posts: 121

    Me I embrace ds I eat it and remember who has it and who doesn't. I typically go for the unhooker unless I get a BT running back at me. DS does need a better change maybe to something not abuseable by lockers and gens. I hope you understand I am just stating my opinion on this.

  • MadLordJack
    MadLordJack Member Posts: 8,814

    Look, if a survivor triggers the trap, hit them. It's not tunelling. Tunelling is consciously and deliberately focusing on one survivor. It isn't NOT deliberately letting a survivor go despite everything. It's the same with farms: if someone pulls their teammate off the hook in front of you, feel free to whack them. It's your damn job to punish those sorts of mistakes.

    I miss the old days, when people didn't call everything "tunelling" or "camping". Remember when the whole "you-camped-me-because-you-didnt-run-to-the-opposite-corner" thing was actually a joke and not a serious accusation that people used? They were good times. Well, they were awfull, survivor-ruled hellscapes of trials, but... Yeah. Something.

  • Aquitus
    Aquitus Member Posts: 50

    personally i think the only rules that killer should have is "dont camp hook" like what people came to expect from bubba just revving his chainsaw infront of the hook staring at the person on it and a rule for pig/ghost which is 'dont taunt crouch' the latter of which is just for not being rude

    i dont think killers should tunnel for strategic reasons not avoiding survivors being mad. i hold similar rules for survivor: dont be rude. things like DS is annoying but fine since it makes strategic sense spam crouching while clicking a flashlight is just unneeded