So what was the reason?

Seriously. What was the reason for the Billy nerf? Im a survivor main and he was perfectly fine. There is not one time where I hopped in a match and said, "I hate playing against Billy! Hes so OP!". I love playing against Him, I could always find a way to counterplay him. He wasn't broken he was perfectly fine. DBD nerfing and buffing all the wrong killers. Like who was asking for a Billy change? Lmao. Im sorry Billy mains. The devs don't know what they're doing.
You can still change something even its not broken or OP. That's how Balance works.
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This wasn't a "Balance." This was a nerf.
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You heard it here, folks! Balance = fixing something that doesn't need fixing.
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So you cant comprehend what balance is?
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And you think the new Billy changes are a balance? Changing a character that didn't need to be changed. LOL.
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i like to know the reason too.
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LMAO. Ive played killer like 3x? And even I agree that Billy most definitely didn't need a nerf. Take your head out of your a@@.
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Billy was already balanced, that's the problem here. All this update did was prevent Billy's from mindgaming more efficiently. It also incredibly nerfed his addons. I mean, who wants an iridescent speed limiter??
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Tell me why right now why a killer with a chainsaw that can cross the entire map in a few seconds and down someone instantly should not need a cool down? Oni can instantly down someone with his power as well but he can’t whip it out whenever he wants to he actually has to collect blood orbs to use his power. It seems like all of these killer/billy mains are upset because they can’t just whip out the chainsaw and spam it whenever they want to now.
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Off-topic but have you ever felt that an afk wraith was tunnelling you?
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What's wrong with a killer having map pressure to stop gens from being done so quickly? What's wrong with a killer using their power to help mindgame in a chase? Answer these and you'll have the answer to your question!
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Due to the fact that all you seem to be able to do on this thread is argue with one another and throw insults around, I'm closing this right here. Either discuss something civilly - or not at all!