As a person who plays both sides, I want old Ruin back.

Games now on both sides go way too quickly (I'm talking average of around 8 minute matches), and it feels like when playing survivor if you're not getting chased there is literally nothing else to do but do gens. With the old ruin most survivors didn't do gens off the start of the match and it gave them something else to do by looking for the totem.
Playing killer with old ruin was so much more enjoyable because the chase is the best part of the game, and with old ruin gone now, it feels you can't commit to a chase for over a minute without immediately giving up 2 gens.
The most enjoyable games for me are the one's that go 10+ minutes and it's an actual fight between both sides with push and pull.
Just my thoughts.
I agree 100% and I also play both sides
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Early Game Change is coming at some point so we can't have old Ruin back as the combined slowdown would probably be too much.
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tell that to entitled survivors that always moan when they die or get outplayed,the worst part of this game is entitled survivors by far,this is why old ruin was gone in the first place,because devs are cu ks to survivors
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Most survivors just pushed through old ruin, just new players were completely ######### up. Dont know why people still think games took significantly longer.
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As a different person who plays both sides, I’m glad old Ruin is gone. It was a ######### RNG perk.
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Ruin was unhealthy for new players and was too unreliable for the killer. We need a different way to balance early games.
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People still seem to remember ruin having a much stronger effect than it actualy did. In the higher ranks at least, ruin hardly would prolong the game as survivors could either destroy it right away or push through it. In the event that it is destroyed early, you would have gained much more value and game slowdown by using pop or corrupt intervension.
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Both versions of ruin are good, I'd say the new one is possibly even better.
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I prefer new ruin. On killers like Doctor and Legion it can be extremely strong and gives purpose to a perk like surveillance.
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As a survivor new Ruin is more boring if you’re playing solo.
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I keep hearing this, what is this early game change and when is it coming? When the clown rework is coming? lol
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But perks like DS, BT, Adrenaline, and Dead Hard define the survivor meta and has for the past couple years and nothing has been changed about them. They got rid of old ruin because they asked the question "why is it so frustrating to new survivors" instead of asking "why did so many killers feel the need to run it?"
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Every hex perk is a RNG perk, that's the risk of running them
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The devs haven't revealed any information about it yet but I suppose it's coming with the next chapter or the midchapter after the next chapter otherwise they wouldn't have mentioned it I think. I wish we knew more about it. I'm really curious what they're planning for the early game.
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we all want ruin back, but bhvr team wont be able to reach red rank with old ruin so they had to nerf it lol. they wont revert it back, they dont listen to the good of us, they listen to rank 15 babies.
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Terrible conclusion to make. You must be new here.
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Sure thing.
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Actually, an 8 mins match it's good. The longest the match, the more the balance incline to the killer side. Also, a +10 mins match it's very boring. The 2 mins matchs are also boring as well.
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I disagree wholeheartedly, as did the devs.
Pressure is the focal point of the game, you get chased to alleviate pressure from your team. As a killer you chase to push pressure, and you play around chases strategically
Sounds like to me you aren't applying any pressure as i've been in games where killers apply extreme pressure, and its fun and it wasnt in the days of old ruin.
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New Ruin should have been a separate, new, perk. That way killers could choose which one they prefer.
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Ah yes, the classic "just apply pressure 4head", yes I'm aware that pressure is what wins games as killer as I have been playing killer for the past 2 years, but at the start of the match when you spend the first 20-30 seconds trying to find somebody, then spend around 30 seconds to a minute chasing them and downing them, guess what, you just lost two gens because three other people were doing them.
Should I just apply more pressure, or is this a game mechanic issue, you tell me.
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New ruin can be just as strong tbh. As long as your applying enough pressure, you get arguably more use out of new ruin.
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and also the devs disagreeing with the community does not mean that they are right, they just have the power.
Look at the changes to Billy and Nurse, were they right to nerf those killers base kits instead of just their add ons?
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It wouldn't fix anything.
Would killers still complain about gen rush? Yes
Would killers still complain about the random skill checks? Yes
Would killers complain about ruin being destroyed so quick? Yes
I was one of those killers who felt that they needed ruin and pop every single game and panicked when it was changed. Turns out if you play well you never needed the old ruin. The new one is also more rewarding.
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It goes both ways dude, survivors complain just as much if not more than killers.
For me it's the fact that the devs said that Ruin was "overused" in red ranks, but perks like DS, Adrenaline, DH, and BT aren't in every single red rank game? It's the hypocrisy that makes me upset.
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That's why they looked at it but not why they changed it. They did explain their reasons why it was changed in a stream I believe.