Huntress Tips Needed Please

So recently my friend has been playing huntress alot lately as huntress really suits her style of killer. However my friend has been running into the constant issue of genrushing and doesnt know how to counter it as the old ruin used to work extremely well with her. Shes said her aim is another problem but as we know that will get better with time. Lastly she doesnt know when to give up on a chase as I've seen her over commit to chases to much.
Her current build for huntress is:
Bbq, Pop, curropt and nurses calling
Do you guys have possibly any tips on how she can help stop gens popping left, right and centre, or even a better build to help stop her with these hindrances?
I've tried to tell her to not over commit to chases but that just ends up with her getting little to no hooks. I have tried to help more but I can only give out so much advice as I myself are a Billy main (RIP Billy 2016-2020)
(Btw I will be sending her the screenshots of the replies to this thread)
I run huntress with infectious fright, surge, I'm all ears, and nurses. Swapping out nurses for mad grit or discordance isn't a bad choice either.
The infectious fright and surge is a good combo for gen and slugging pressure. I'm all ears helps to anticipate hatchet throws A LOT. Nurses calling is just good meta.
Discordance is a good perk to carry off and in as it helps you build an intuition for where the survivors will be at the start of the trial
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Thanks I will pass it on
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Learn another killer. Huntress is probably going to receive some "minor changes" since she's in a pretty good place right now.
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Come on @SpaceCoconut
I run: Sloppy, Corrupt, BBQ, and Whispers
I also like the cooldown reducing addons (but with changes on the horizon don't use addons... get the timing of her wind up and cooldown)
I don't have any "no one else knows" tips but don't force a hatchet hit use your basic attack...
Relaod after a down not after a hook (survivors will be waiting for you to reload to save)
Sometimes throwing a hatchet at a pallet or window can slow the survivors just enough to get a hit
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lol ok ok
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@EpicBigBrain Would it help to have gameplay to look at?
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hey i'm his friend who's trying to bet better at huntress, i'd love to see gameplay if u have any <3
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Monitor puts her TR to 12, not 16
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It's all gameplay... But there's a weird skip (Xbox recording)
So if you have a question let me know... Good Luck
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thank you 🙏💖
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I couldn't make it a commentary so you'll hear everything I did...
You're welcome
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Well put.
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Just curious, did you manage to get the rift challenge done where you needed 15 hatchet hits?
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nope... not even going to try @LordGlint
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This is a pretty strong build for huntress in general. Corrupt Intervention turns away a lot of low rank and new players cause they think, "well it only lasts so long and then its gone." which is true, but during that time it forces the survivors to move towards you if they want to work on gens.
Whispers is good for a strong start to snowball off of, and BBQ is great overall to see where to go next. If your friend is great at aiming BBQ can get them some really dope across the map axe throws.
You can swap out Sloppy or whispers for something else if you wanted. But overall that is a good set-up.
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There are a ton of great Huntress players to watch. Ralph, CoconutRTS, Zubat's and Scott's old videos, Tofu is decent, Umbra etc. Don't need to watch them for their aim, but watch what they do in terms of how they get map pressure and when they break off a chase and try to emulate that in your games. You have to play killer a lot more to get a feel of knowing when you should commit to a chase, where you should be going, learning map layouts etc.
Also if you aren't elitist to the idea, use a crosshair. It can be such a minor thing but it can help people to varying degrees in being comfortable with Huntress. I've used one on her before and it felt great. And if you do decide to, don't let anyone discourage you for using it. You wanna play that way and it's not bannable so who cares?
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@ImRank20 DId you watch the video?
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Huntress isn't reliant on perks, there is no specific perk that is godlike on her and needed. Because of your large terror radius, survivors might hop off of gens early, so ruin and surveillance always work well to find out which gens survivors are on, and regress them. Infectious is great because of her snowball potential. Last perk can be anything, but pop and corrupt always work well on any killer.
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Her TR is only 20m her lullaby is 40m
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When I say terror radius I mean her lullaby.
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Got ya