Huntress Tips Needed Please

EpicBigBrain Member Posts: 177
edited July 2020 in General Discussions

So recently my friend has been playing huntress alot lately as huntress really suits her style of killer. However my friend has been running into the constant issue of genrushing and doesnt know how to counter it as the old ruin used to work extremely well with her. Shes said her aim is another problem but as we know that will get better with time. Lastly she doesnt know when to give up on a chase as I've seen her over commit to chases to much.

Her current build for huntress is:

Bbq, Pop, curropt and nurses calling

Do you guys have possibly any tips on how she can help stop gens popping left, right and centre, or even a better build to help stop her with these hindrances?

I've tried to tell her to not over commit to chases but that just ends up with her getting little to no hooks. I have tried to help more but I can only give out so much advice as I myself are a Billy main (RIP Billy 2016-2020)

(Btw I will be sending her the screenshots of the replies to this thread)
